235 Frost Mage LF Raiding/Mythic+ group

Hello everyone! The summer is winding down and so is my traveling. Looking to plug into a raiding/mythic+ guild and sling some icicles. LF a 2 night 4-6 hour group with optional clears for shards and active mythic+ groups. Server transfer is an option, but I’m staying horde. HMU on here or add me on BTag: RisenFenix#11943

Hey, Malarcarnus Let’s get you some icicle targets! We’re looking to fill a rDPS mage spot, losing a player to other life commitments! We’re extremely active for M+ and overall outside of raid. Let’s talk more, below I’ve posted our basic guild info along with my contact info. When I’m on later, I’ll reach out on Bnet.

Guild & Server
Brigadier of Hell [H] Kil’jaeden

Current Progression
9/10H & 1/10M SOD

Raid Times/Days
Wed/Thursday 6-9pm PST
We run an optional raid on Tuesday 6-8pm PST (ALT / Farming bosses for specific gear)

Ranged: Boomkin, Mage (All Spec), Lock

DK (DPS and/or Tank)
Warr (DPS and/or Tank)
Sham (Ele / Enchance)
Pally (Tank)


We’re a casual approach to Mythic as we all really enjoy playing together in and out of raid, we utilize organization and clear raid leading to maximize our two day raid schedule.
We Do M15+ Daily plus Weekly Organized Keys directly after raid too to optimize Vault for the guild at a player level.
Non-Toxic and inclusive nature. When we mean Non-Toxic we activity work to foster a guild community in and out of raid.

Looking for players that want a “Home” for Raid, M+, Achievement Runs, Dailies, Alt Action, all the while able to focus up when it’s boss killing time!

If you any questions please reach out on Bnet or discord!
Recruitment Contact
Bnet: TreeBierd#1123
In-Game: Ororue
Discord: Oro#6621

Hey there, sent you a request on bnet so we could chat. I’ll drop our recruitment blurb below!

Hey there Malarcanus! Hope you had fun traveling this summer. I think you would be a good fit for our guild.

Wasted Potential is a guild on Thrall (US) Horde. We’re a guild of adult raiders who like to raid twice a week. We have a positive environment where members help each other and are willing to accept constructive criticism. Personal responsibility for understanding/following mechanics and continuous improvement are expected.

Our philosophy on raiding is to progress in a fun environment where everyone can enjoy each other’s company. We rarely may extend raid times for 30mins if we’re close to progress. We will not add extra days or EXPECT raiders to maintain multiple geared alts.

We’re looking for skilled recruits who have the same goals and mindset that we do. If you are a player who raids strictly for personal progression and gear this is not the guild for you. If you are looking to evaluate your gameplay, constantly strive to improve, unafraid to ask questions, want to work as a team, and have a willingness to learn then this is the place for you.

Raid Schedule: Tuesday/Thursday 8pm-11pm Server (EST)

Progression: 10/10H SoD, 2/10M SoD, 8/10M CN, CE Nya


High need RDPS/Flex heals.
All exceptional players. We will evaluate all applications, CE experience and applicants with provided logs will be given preference.

Massias(GM) - Bnet: xdhtf#1400, Discord:Massias#6547

Moogrimm - Bnet: Shecter#1336, Discord: Grimm#3590

Heedlessone - Bnet: Sunofnothing#1873, Discord: Sunofnothing#3454

Hey! Not sure if you’re willing to raid weekends but we’re looking for DPS to join us for heroic. We’re 9/10H and raid Friday 9pm-12am EST/Sundays 4-7pm EST as our main days. On Saturdays we normally have normal alt raids 8-11pm (also EST). We have people who do keys throughout the week as well. If you want to read more you can find the whole guild spiel below, and you can add me on Discord (cloe.nd#2073) if you would like to reach out.

Hello! If you are willing to sling icicles on Fri/Sat evenings 9:30 PM Eastern - 12 AM eastern, I would love to have a chat with you! My contact information as well as our recruitment post is below.

Discord: Airwavve#1111
Bnet: Airwavve#11808

Here is our info:

Hey, Malarcanus

Mage is exactly what we are looking for to strenghten our raid core and keep progressing into Mythic SoD. We are currently tied for server second, and the goal is to keep progressing through SoD at a fast/faster pace. We are a mature guild that wants to have fun progressing and slaying bosses, and our pace so far has been restricted mainly by summer vacations more than group skill.

If you are interested, I’ve added you on Bnet, and you can view our Recruitement page below.

Sup, if youre still looking hit me up on discord sny#0322. Would love to chat

Hi Malarcanus,

I’ll throw a link to our forums post but we are looking for 3 DPS for our mythic raid team. Times are Tues/Thurs 9pm-12am EST. Optional Heroic Runs happen Sunday evenings 8-10/10:30pm EST.

Hi Malarcanus,

I have added you on bnet.

Hey! I see you are looking for a guild, let me know if your interested.

[H] Divine - Tichondrius
1/10M - 9/10H - Wednesday / Friday 10:30pm - 1:30am EST

We are an active adult guild of very close players that have been raiding together for the last few years. We are seeking players that are eager to get into mythic raiding with the intention of pushing CE content this tier. We have consistent progression from week to week. We are a mainly evening/night time guild as many of our members have jobs and kids how ever you may find a few people online through out the day. We require atleast 90% attendance for our raid team.

What you can expect from us: We are a dedicated group of players that sets time aside to ensure we raid every week consistently and are competitive in nature but each of us are able to take criticism to improve our game play and guild as a whole. We provide raid consumables and gems/enchants every week and have an an active friendly community that is willing to push mythic keystones outside of raid.

Recruitment Needs:
-1 Brewmaster Tank (Prefered)
-1 Strong Hpally or Holy Priest (dps offspec prefered)
-1 Warlock (any spec)
-1 mage (any spec)
-1 Havoc DH
-1 Warrior

Will consider other classes, this is just our highest priority list.

Boss Lasers is a semi-hardcore progression raiding guild on US-Zul’jin Horde that is centered around fully clearing content while it is current.

We want intelligent and active players who are eager to progress through the new content as soon as it’s available. We want players who are able to be a part of the team; that involves:

  • Attending virtually all the raids

  • Having stable computers and internet connections

  • Min/maxing

  • Bringing consumables

  • Making sure you are up to date on all your classes’ developments, as well as the game’s developments and upcoming changes

We’re a very active guild, even outside of raids. Guild Members are constantly organizing alt runs, mythic+ groups, PvP/Arena, etc.

We are all friends, and we keep a respectful atmosphere when we play with each other. If you believe all of this applies to you, and you would like to be a part of our team, feel free to apply.

Current Progression in SoD:

3/10M, 10/10H

Raid Times:

8:00PM – 11:00PM EST Tuesday and Wednesday, optional Thursday raid


Exceptional players

Learn More About Us




If you would like to apply, please copy the link below. All applications are private.


Contact Information:

Tarox (Discord: Tarox#0729)

Good Evening

Nocturnal Is a late HORDE night guild that has been raiding since Ulduar, is currently recruiting experienced and perspective raiders to help rebuild and fill out our roster.

Type: Semi-hardcore progression

SL Progression
1/10 M 9/10 H 10/10 N SoD (phase 3 Sylvanas)
4/10M 10/10 H CN

BFA Progression: 4/8M Uid
3/9M 9/9H 9/9N BoD
2/2N 2/2H CoS
8/8 H 4/8 M Eternal Palace
10/12 M Ny’alotha

Faction: Horde
Raid Times:Times:
10:30Pm-1:30Am (PST)
11:30Pm-2:30Am (MTN)
12:30Pm- 3:30Am (CNT)
1:30Am -4:30Am (EST)

Please contact coltongrundy#1258- DPS officer
Caryn#1711 - GM
Hamster#11648 - Recruitment Officer
LadyTaisho#1762 - Healing Officer

Hi there! If you haven’t already found a guild with all of these fine people posting I’d love to chat to see if our group could potentially be a fit! We are Onlyfams on Illidan a chill group of adults coming together for Shadowlands to clear content in a laid back atmosphere. We raid Tuesday and Thursday 7:30 PM - 10:30 PM EST and are currently 9/10H. Feel free to reach out to me if you’re interested!

Discord: Sploott#6921

Hey Malarcanus, I’ll message you on bnet!

Feel free to add me. retrowave#11236

Hey there! If you’re still on the hunt, we may have a spot for you! We’re a 6 hr a week AotC focused group who does plenty of other stuff on the side. Check out a bit more about us below.

/.,/.,/.,/.,/ {H} <Dojo> (Hyjal) 5/10M SOD (AOTC) T/W 9P-12A PST

Hey bud we are 4/10M and LF more. HMU. Quick spam.

Quick Bio
We are Inconceivable, a newly formed guild on Area 52. We have been clearing content together since 2015 and have recently created a new guild under new ownership! We have a fun, friendly, relaxed environment both in raid and outside of raid with the goal of pushing for CE each tier.

Attendance: Each and every raiders is expected to have 90% attendance. Players who cannot maintain 90% attendance will be sat on the bench and will remain in that spot until they can prove otherwise.
Consumables: each raider is expected to have full consumables. That means, food, flask, pots (enough for pre and post pulls) vantus runes, augment runes, oils, and armor kits. As we supply flask, food, and usually vantus runes, we still expect them to be in your bags.
Knowledge of class: Nobody is the forefront expert on their class. We expect all raiders to understand their class, and keep putting in the effort to be better.
Knowledge of fights: An understanding of all fights that the guild may be progressing on and farming.
Attitude: Always have a good attitude. Many of us come to raid because it is our escape from the real world. If you cannot come and wipe on a progression boss all night while keeping a good, positive, fun attitude, you may not want to inquire.

Raid Times
Wednesday/Thursday 10pm-1am EASTERN
Optional Night: Tuesday 10pm-1am est.

What we need
Healer - ANY

Discord: Vergina#7454
Battle.net: Hombre#11109

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means…!