So ive been maining a Furry DK most expac and playing on alts, some more than others. I tank on not DK and DPS on all other classes, But dont Heal. CUrrently 6/10 H SoD. Looking for Evening or Afternoon Raid team preferably during the week T W TH I get on weekends too to finish up what ever plans are for the week. Active on discord and generally helpful to others in need. Enjoy M+ last season 2k this season working on same for upgrades.
Hey, We are looking for a UH DK! We are currently 9/10 H and 1/10M and about to start pushing mythic progression. We are an alliance guild that is transferring over to horde and this server this week. We raid Wed/Sunday 8pm-11pm EST. Would love to chat with you.
Battle Tags: Rawn#1947,Lazloth#1417
Awesome I will add you thank you for response
Heyo! We are in need of a lock and some other roles too :D. Pasting our guild post below, but you can reach me on discord at Rabbi#8509
Team Floor Inspectors is 7/10H and looking for either of your DPS toons!
We raid Wed/Thurs 9-12 Eastern on Area 52
Could we connect and see if our progression and goals match yours?
If you are still looking, < Drunk Tanks > (currently 9/10h, 1/10m) is looking for 1-2 more dps to round out our progression core. We are currently accepting DKs and Warlocks and raid Tue/Thur from 9:30pm to 12:30am EST. Shoot me a msg if youd be interested in chatting a bit.
Bnet: Vae#11186
Discord: Ivaedra#2899