233 CE XP Boomy/Guardian/Resto LF full time CE pro raid spot

10/10 M CN, top 200 US raiding xp in all roles. Im an active and dedicated player looking for a full time raid spot in a competitive mythic progression guild. Im looking for an established guild that comfortably gets cutting edge every tier and has a full time raid spot open. I am not looking for a bench spot or to sub in for an unstable roster. I will gladly main either Boomy or Tank but do not mind flex healing when needed, just dont want to be a full time healer. If you would like to chat more or want links to my logs and raider io please feel free to hmu on Btag Fang#1770.

Hey friend, check us out!

Do you guys provide consumables to raiders and have sale runs?

We’re providing Cauldrons, Feasts, repairs & now Armor kits :slight_smile:

Still looking! not saved to mythic or last 3 bosses on heroic this week