231 Holy Priest, 230 Destruction Warlock, and 233 Protection Pally LFG


Your post is so thorough and thoughtful! I love it!
I’ll post our recruitment information below but a bit more about us:

We are an AOTC focused Horde guild located on Thrall. But don’t let that scare you! We are pretty laid-back and having fun is our number one priority. We want to get things done in raid, but not at the expense of having fun. We’re all adults and just want to be able to play and enjoy. Most of our members have rotating work shifts and that’s completely fine. Some of those are even raiders. They may not be able to make every raid, or stay for the whole raid, but we try to get everyone who wants to raid in. No pressure, though.

We do not believe in telling people what to play. It’s important that everyone plays what they enjoy! We do not care about your raider IO, or your progression. This is a guild for all types of players and play styles to learn and grow together. Some of our members enjoy pushing high mythic +, others like to do smaller keys.

Our numbers are smaller, but we’re all pretty close. And we goof around a lot in game and in our Discord.

Honestly, you seem to have the perfect mindset that most of us have for this guild. Please feel free to message me on Discord if you have any questions.