23 consecutive losses as alliance; a study of humanity

Blizzard should add a hidden MMR and enable mixed-faction teams.


My friends and I kept count, it was a total of 28 straight losses before a win. I know itā€™s hard to believe, but that disbelief is what prevents actual change from happening. At lvl 120.

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Itā€™s been mostly losses for me on Alliance, for months now. However, in the last two to three weeks Iā€™ve been able to win only a single Epic BG (Iā€™m playing mostly other characters, not this guy).

Is there some addon that can track this? Perhaps one that can also track total team ilevel?

REFlex tracks all of your games with W/L, damage done etc, one of the first posts in the thread has someone linking their screenshots of it.

I level characters pretty often both sides, and generally donā€™t see a huge difference - sometimes I think Horde has more healers, until I get the opposite ratio in a Horde match and think they may be close in %. Playing a healer yourself will make a large difference (I leveled a Disc Priest Alli side a few months ago and had >80% WR), and at least in lowbie BGs, playing OP classes like MM and Arcane will give you lots of wins, but at 120 I think Randoms are pretty equal.

The only massive difference is in Epic BGs; personally I get my /afk ready the moment I see the Ashran/AV screen pop up, as the map is so heavily Horde favored that they have to make so many mistakes to make it even. When I queue either on a Horde character, I know Iā€™m in for a free win almost every game.


The EU, OCE Alliance are typically better geared than Horde so they can overcome map disadvantages . The situation is reversed in NA . This along with the map disadvantage in Ashran and AV give the impression of Ally always losing in NA epics.

I mean you can see that even in WG now when Horde is doing offense . Alliance are just getting blown away at SR in the first 40-40 team fight . Itā€™s not due to skill or anything , just pure gear advantage .

The only map where ally is winning the team fights is the hanger fight in IOC, that IMO is purely due to the terrain disadvantage horde face with Ally sitting on the high ground and breaking the Horde formations with knockbacks , slows and such.


Itā€™s just odd, I usually see Alliance winning a good amount while iā€™m playing Horde. Maybe Horde just had a premade night that lasted all night lol

For me its just bad players and gear tbh. We capped 2-0 today and suddenly everyone ignored the illitard running 100mph while he 3 capped us and won.

Repeatedly I have queued into teams where the enemy dps has 600-700k hp and pvp titles vs our team with an average of 300ish-k hp and we had a damn ret pally with 50k hpā€¦

Why are fresh 120ā€™s not templated in bgs? Several times a day we have players with sub 100k hp, sometimes multiples.


23 Consecutives Losses is nothing I ever experienced as an Alliance Main.

I would say that there is a slight discrepancy on the Horde side. This is due to the following reasons:

  • Horde are required to wait longer for queues. This means that players who have waited for longer may have an incentive to win more.
  • Horde are the faction that raiding groups have moved to. This means that there are more healers, more competitive players and that the people playing have easier access to gear.
  • Map. Some maps favor Alliance, some favor Horde.
  • Racials - Though I have not done a deep dive on this. It may have changed.

Alliance main.
Regular BGs are about 50/50 for me, with epics being the outlier where Iā€™ll agree Alliance is struggling, but not to the extent that people complain about it.

But thereā€™s an important factor.
What are you queing on? Did you actually put the time and effort into gearing, or are you expecting a carry? A large amount of players arenā€™t skilled enough to make their mostly fresh alts actually contribute to a BG in this expansion, so if youā€™re popping in on a low CC class and just trying to tunnel damageā€¦ well, you just screwed over your team multiple times over, and it explains everything.

Also, Dan up there is 100% right about everybody serious about PvE being Horde right now contributing. Youā€™ll just run into geared Horde players more often.
Swapped Horde for a couple weeks not long ago to try out some arenas, and did quite a few BGs while I was there. It felt mostly the same in regulars, but when it was a curbstomp, it was 100% because we had mythic raiders on our side. Something I donā€™t see often on Alliance because a large chunk of Alliance raiders are on OCE.

In my experience the win loss ratio is much closer

25 in a row? Thatā€™s insane

Iā€™ve had days in the recent past where Iā€™ve gone 0-6, 2-7, 1-5

Had a day where I was 6-2 and 8-3

As for racials, Alliance actually have better racials overall for random BGā€™s so I donā€™t think thatā€™s it

Sorry but if you lost 23 in a row thereā€™s definitely some self blaming that should be done.

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There are funky things that happen with the ques for sure, but yeah after so many the common denominator is ā€œyouā€.


Iā€™m willing to admit itā€™s me, tell me how a single player can force a loss 28 times in a row. And of course Iā€™m going to ask you to prove it, force a loss with horde 28 times in a row - sounds like a pretty impossible task doesnā€™t it.

Remember - you have to actually be trying to win by doing objectives. Let me know how you plan to go about it, Iā€™m VERY curious.


Thereā€™s always those players who lose way more than others. If I knew what you were doing wrong, Iā€™d tell you. No one even knows what class youā€™re playing as youā€™re on a 19.

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Bliss doesnā€™t take pvp seriously enough for unrated mmr.

Are you playing an undergeared healer ?

If so you found the answer.

If you do not take the effort to gear up then you cannot complain about losing . Because basically what you want is your team mates carrying you. This goes for all roles , of course an undergeared healer being the most difficult to carry.

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Number 5 :+1:t2: I donā€™t go looking for road fights, but if Iā€™m being approached, it makes sense to stand and fight. Getting caught on a mount isnā€™t that hard and youā€™re not going to do better with your back turned. Sometimes, pulling enemy in road isnā€™t always a bad thing. Honestly, if itā€™s two or more people chasing one, that lowers defense of team who sent more than one to fight one on the road.

i just did a bg (as horde) and we had the most garbage players ever. i am a 457 ilvl disc priest and i was literally 2nd on damage, lmfao. our team was so trash.

horde has lots of baddies too, man everyday i see the worst players on horde TBH.

weird how thereā€™s another thread saying the exact opposite.

Alliance lose more because they have near-instant queues, so they know the second the first major BG fight goes bad for them or see the other team outgears them, they can just AFK out and hop to a different character and get insta-queue again.

When they AFK, their team is then down an extra team member, putting them at a disadvantage. Often multiple people quit at the start on Alliance in BGs.

Also, Horde almost always queue with a full team because tons of them are waiting to get in, and sometimes BGs start with Alliance down several players.

I play both factions, and this is easily the main reason why it skews that way.