226 ww/224 uhdk alt LF guild 8/10M exp

WW 4/10M
UHDK 4/10M
Timezone: PST/MST/CST/EST all work for me (can raid early or very late into the evening - no preference)
I have been subbing this tier for an 8/10M guild who are currently 200+ pulls in on M Stone Legion - i’ve been a part of about 150 of those pulls as WW. Have seen 2nd intermission a few times and know mechanics well, they are about to kill I believe. Have experience on every fight excluding M Sire and Sludgefist. I know CoB up until P3 intermission.

I play around 30 hours per week. I can raid whenever. I would prefer a 3+ day guild. Willing to server transfer both characters. Don’t care about re-clear loot, just looking for a guild that may lean more towards HC but also has realistic expectations. Early to Mid-Tier CE is my goal in 9.1, but will play however long it takes to get CE in 9.1 even if it takes much longer than previously mentioned.


Hey Swimg,

Sent you a btag request, I think we’re almost just what you’re looking for!


Hello there Swimg, (Elevated) is an Alliance guild located on Darkspear and is currently recruiting to fill up our last few slots on our Mythic Roster. We raid Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6-9 PST and are 10/10H and 7/10M in Castle Nathria. We are looking for solid raiders that can not only commit to our raid times, but show up to raids having watched progression content videos and showing up to raids with full consumables. We currently need an unholy DK, boomy, ret pal, multi spec lock, and an off tank pref dh/monk, but if you are exceptionally good at your class and have logs you can send me we will consider you as well. If you would like to be considered as an additional member to our raid team please contact me via BattleNet or Discord. We could use either your monk or unholy dk atm whatever you prefer to play.

Battle Net: Arcaneqt#1640

Discord: Arcaneqt#0836

Hi Swimg! I think we’d be a great fit. Take a look and let us know. Happy to chat more!

 After Nerf 8/10M 

Currently looking for competitive players to push Cutting Edge with other like-minded individuals. We want to offer a low raid burnout environment, while still having a highly skilled, tight-knit group full of players that enjoy playing together outside of raid. We’re currently 8/10M, and want to fill out the last few slots with desirable DPS and/or exceptional healers. All things will be considered upon your original application. (Logs, raider io, previous raiding history, videos, etc) Feel free to be as detailed as you like.

All classes will be considered, especially if you’re exceptional in what you do. But our list of priorities include:

Looking for mainly DPS apps but healers and tanks may still apply.
Demon hunter
Shadow Priest
Death Knight


Our main raid times are on Tuesday and Thursday. 7PM-10PM EST. Monday is optional for progressing/alts/sales, also at 7PM-10PM.

Contact Us 

The best way to reach us is discord, but we regularly check the forum thread as well. Discords:

Claysthetics#9018 - Leader
Mattfleck#1933 - Officer
GodEmperorjong#0705 - Recruitment Officer

Hey Swimg,

I’d be interested to talk with you more if you’re open to alliance and think we’d be a good fit? Happy hunting and looking forward to hearing from you!

(A) < Proper Villains >[Proudmoore] 8/10M CN w/ many past CE’s is recruiting!

We aim to clear progression raiding, while having fun all in 9 hours a week.

Current Recruiting Needs: All exceptional applicants considered!

  • Tanks: Exceptional applicants only!
  • Melee: Open/ All Classes
  • Ranged: Open/ All Classes
  • Healers: Open/ All Classes

Raid Times: T/Th/Su 8-11 PST

  • Optional Alt Raid on Fridays 8-11 PST

What We Expect From Applicants:

  • Apt skill level with chosen spec (demonstrated in logs).
  • Prior raiding experience in Mythic.
  • Ability to attend at least 90% of raids.
  • A willingness and desire to spend some time outside of raid achieving reasonable character progression.
  • The ability to research current and upcoming raid encounters and to keep up-to-date with any changes to the game.
  • Friendly, humble personality (team player).
  • Ability to communicate on Discord.


If you have questions, please get in touch with our recruitment officers:

  • Stareana (Discord: Star#0833, BNet: Solidflash#1444)
  • Blast (Discord:Blast#4486)

If you’re interested, please check out more info or apply here:proper-villains.enjin.com/recruitment

gl searching :mag:

[H] 10/10M & 9/10M|LF HEAL/DPS 6&7PM CST START! - Recruitment / Guild Recruitment - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)