226 Ele LF Mythic Guild 6/10

My circumstances have changed at my work, thank you covid :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: , so I can’t raid 3 weekdays till 11 pm at night anymore.
Former CE raider, consider myself a solid player and teammate. I can provide logs .

I have been offered a trial to begin week of 5/11, but anything can happen in a week , so I’m posting this .

Love the guild I’m in and the people in it but I can’t do the schedule anymore due to work.

Looking for a guild that raids two weekdays starting at 630/7 pm PST and ends 930/10max pm PST . I will consider a 3rd raid night if that 3rd night is on the weekend for the rt guild.

I have a resto set but it’s not amazing but usable, although i haven’t healed in a few tiers regularly, I will spot heal in a pinch.
Faction doesn’t matter to me .

Feel free to add on discord kinetik#6285