226 7/10M moonkin LFG

Logs - warcraftlogs .com/character/us/tichondrius/snowsxd (remove space)
Raiderio - raider .io/characters/us/tichondrius/Snowsxd (remove space)

Current guild died due to roster boss so im looking for a guild to finish off this tier + prog next tier with. Willing to play mage/lock as well next tier.

1 Like

Hey Felspore, I think my guild on Tichondrius could be a good fit for you. We’re 7/10M. We raid Mon/Wed 630-930 pacific. I linked our post if you want more info(it says we’re just looking for a warlock but I’m also looking for a moonkin and haven’t updated it yet). If you are interested or have other questions, hit me up on discord at Igy#6557 or bnet at Igy#1769. Thanks

Blarg Squad is on Illidan and looking to enjoy mythic progression, with players who come prepared to execute and have a good time. Mechanics MATTER. Guild Leadership has raid experience from Vanilla through current, including past server firsts, with the goal to achieve CE in a timely manner.

Current progress: 8/10M, 10/10H

Raid Times: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 7-10 CST (8-11 EST)
Contacts: Divineblarg (Discord: Mint#3740 // btag: prizma#11192)
Draykke (Btag: Draykke#1523 // Discord: Draykke#6210)

Play the class you enjoy and the spec you enjoy. We expect you will put in the time to complete content, mythic plus, and weekly requirements for your SL Covenant. For raid, put in the effort to know the fights and mechanics and own up to your errors and work on them. It’s progression for a reason after all. Understand as well, our RL will put the best in for progression, period.

The guild provides cauldrons and feasts at raids, however, we expect you to bring health and mana pots, dps pots, oils, your extra flask if you are not alchemy, and armor kits.

Our group has been raiding together for a long time, some members as far back as BC. Others came along later and a few we met in classic. We have never had a clique atmosphere. Simply come hang out. We enjoy chatting, mythic plus, good humor, and during WOW downtimes, we play other games as a group. If you want a place to chill, we’re good for that too.

RaiderIO: https://raider.io/guilds/us/illidan/Blarg%20Squad
LOGS: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/guild/us/illidan/blarg%20Squad
Wowprogress: https://www.wowprogress.com/guild/us/illidan/Blarg+Squad

Hey Felspore. Currently looking for great attitude and dedicated players to their class. We are 10/10 mythic

Realm: [H] US-Zul’Jin
Guild Name: Delusions of Grandeur (DoG)
Realm Time-zone: EST

Raid Times: Tuesday and Thursday – 9:15pm-1215am Server Standard Time
Raid style: Hardcore on a casual schedule. What does that mean? We clear cutting edge content on short raid schedule. Showing up raid-ready, at the instance, and ready to kill bosses makes the time we have go smoothly. We take minimal breaks during the raid. Currently We are focused on Having a solid roster for CE in 9.1


About Us:
Fore score and Warlords of Draenor ago, Delusions of Grandeur killed Archimonde for its first Cutting Edge achievement as a group. Although some of DoG’s core have been pushing content since the Throne of Thunder days, HFC is where the guild made its splash as top guild on US-Runetotem.
Cutting Edge Achievements:
· Archimonde (Hellfire Citadel)
· Gul’dan (The Nighthold)
· Argus the Unmaker (Antorus)
Every season, we host a Rated Battleground group on Friday nights that is normally centered around winning and having a few cocktails/beers (if that is your thing). Our best season was BFA Season 1 when we reached the 2100 bracket.

What about the pluses? (Mythic Plus). Our core group has been pushing the M+ brackets since Legion (5k+ Raider IO Scores) with our most recent team reaching the 4500+ score this past BFA season. We fully intend on pushing high keys and are always looking for more to join our M+ ranks.

Discord Community and In-Game Activities:
Our Discord is used for all guild activities as well as a source of information with many of WoW’s community pages. We have bots set up for WoWheadNews and Raidbot sims. If you like spinning on the 1s and 2s, we also have a DJ set up for you to listen to with your group.
Raid Strategy, absence postings and plenty of memes are also located all across our Discord Community.

If it sounds like your interests align with DoG, please feel free to let our Talent Manager, Ripabrewski, know! He can be contacted in BNET using the tag Strictlyrip#1836 or his discord at Ripabrewski#8526 or you can contact me on discord at Kelsar#8406

Hi! I’m the recruitment officer for Part Time Pro, we’re a Horde Tich guild that raids Tues/Thurs 6:30pm-9:30pm PST. We’re currently 7/10M (3% pulls on sludge!) We’re looking for strong players to finish CE this tier and move into next tier with us.

I’ll keep it short because I know your time is valuable, so if you think you may be interested, or even have a few questions to ask, please contact me, my btag is Zexd#1244

Hello Felspore we are losing our boomy next tier due to IRL commitments and we could use a solid replacement. I will drop our guild info below. If you are interested in trialing with us, please reach out and I will happily answer questions you may have.

< Ethos > Is a new guild on Tichondrius created by former Mythic raiders aiming to achieve cutting edge throughout Shadowlands. Currently 10/10 heroic, and 9/10 Mythic, looking for exceptional players that want to push both raid and m+ content. We are a group of degenerates that all love to have a good time, and enjoy playful banter/memeing as much as the next guild, however, we strongly want to avoid overly toxic behavior (constant complaining, negative attitude, harassing other guild mates ect.)

Raid Times :

Tues/Thurs 5pm-8pm Server (8-11 est) - required mythic raids
sun 5-8 server (8-11 est) - optional alt/drunk/fun raids

If you have any questions please contact one of the officers listed below and we will be happy to help in any way we can.

In Game: Rohkk
Discord: Bob the tomato#0964
Bnet: Bobthetomato#1875
In Game: Zallek
In Game: Occidi, Morrathi
Discord: Occidi (Zeík)#8251

Hey Felspore, if at any point you have interest in alliance, let me know.

Beach Justice :palm_tree:
Server : Scilla, Andorhal, Eonar, Velen, Ursin, Zuluhed, Black Dragonflight, Gul’dan and Skullcrusher
Faction : Alliance

Recruiting for Mythic
Current Progression : CN: 7/10M
Raid Schedule : Tuesday/Thursday 9:00p-12:00 EST
Monday (9:00p-12:00 EST) – Alt Run Heroic
Saturday/Sunday (9:00p-12:00 EST) –RBGS Team/Arenas
Mythic+ Guild Groups run throughout the week

Why the Beach?
First and foremost, we’re not just a guild, we’re family. We’re a current content progression raiding guild focused primarily on clearing content (while having fun) and furthering our progression. We consider ourselves serious/casual as we’re a guild of friends/raiders who have come to terms with the fact that we actually have lives outside the game but an addiction to slaying pixels.

What we’re looking for:
Needs: Dependable Heals, Enh Shaman, Warlock, Boomkin, Ranged DPS, considering all competent/mature players
Requirements: Voice Chat: Discord; Addons: DBM, Angry Assignments

If interested contact: Syngent#1846 or Footos#1997

Hello we are a Alliance raiding guild Fearfulways currently 9/10M working on Denathrius on phase 2, was wondering if you’d be interested in joining us to finish this tier and continue on to tier 2.

We raid Tue/Wed/Thur 7-11pm est

Battle Tag- Fearmaky#1989 Discord- Fearmaky#9857

We are Inexorable Brutality[8/10M] Currently recruiting committed raiders to push back into CE, we achieved Cutting Edge in Nyalotha as a part of our former guild that we split from going into Shadowlands and are nearing Cutting Edge again this tier with goals of future also reaching CE in further tiers. We are seeking exceptional and dedicated raiders to commit to the team while also having fun together as a team. We are located on Emerald Dream[Alliance] and raid Wednesday/Friday 8-11 server/central. Discord:Merker#0172

Hello there Felspore, (Reelevated) is an Horde guild located on Illidan and is currently recruiting to fill up our last few slots on our Mythic Roster. We raid Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6-9 PST and are 10/10H and 7/10M in Castle Nathria. We are looking for solid raiders that can not only commit to our raid times, but show up to raids having watched progression content videos and showing up to raids with full consumables. We currently need an unholy DK, boomy, ret pal, multi spec lock, and an off tank pref dh/monk, but if you are exceptionally good at your class and have logs you can send me we will consider you as well. If you would like to be considered as an additional member to our raid team please contact me via BattleNet or Discord.

Battle Net: Arcaneqt#1640

Discord: Arcaneqt#0836

Hey Fel,

We’re a 9/10M Alliance guild that raids Tues/Wed/Thurs 7-11EST. We’re working on p2 Denathrius and would love a solid moonkin for our roster for Realm First CE. If interested, reach out to one of us below:

Battle Tag- Fearmaky#1989 Discord- Fearmaky#9857

Battle Tag- Omega#11231 Discord- Omega#1053

Battle Tag- Bigeze#1485

Battle Tag- Bevee#1903

Battle Tag- Shadow#12663

Hey Felspore! My guild is 9/10M and we are looking for another RDPS to fill out our roster. I am pasting my guild blurb below.

If you are interested feel free to add me on Bnet - Rakitin#1573 and/or Discord - Rakitin#5193

Coo Coo Kachoo formed at the end of BfA. We push to get CE at a good pace but we are a very chill raid team. We have fun while raiding but we expect our raiders to perform at a high level.

What we are looking for:
Our ideal candidate enjoys playing the game at a high level and striving to better themselves and their character. Someone who strives for greatness but overall just want to enjoy the hardest content in the game.

We use loot council for tradable loot. At the beginning of tiers BoEs are sold to fund the guild bank unless it is BiS or an essential piece for continued progression.

Raid Schedule:
Monday/Tuesday/Thursday: 9pm - 12:00am EST (6:00pm - 9:00pm PST)

Our current needs are the following:

Tank: N/A
DPS: All ranged DPS
Healers: Holy Paladin, Resto Shaman, Resto Druid, Disc Priest
Any exceptional players will always be considered even if your class/spec is not listed.

To apply fill out our guild application form:
(remove the space) h ttps://forms.gle/Tw64kBSqMvSHFN8P9

Rakitin - Bnet: Rakitin#1573, Discord: Rakitin#5193
Rhkh - Bnet: Raidss#1241, Discord: Rhkh#1698

Greetings, You look like a prime candidate to join my guild Mythic Exiles. We are a weekend raiding guild in need of ranged dps. I would like to speak more you can add me on discord Ellivlok#5663. Thank you for your time and Hope to hear from you soon.

Vice [H] Area-52 is looking for DPS.

Raid Times:
Friday and Saturday 9pm-12am EST.


Bnet contact:

Hey, if 2-day alliance works for you, put in an app or add me! We only have one balance druid as well.

<It’s Mine I Licked It> is 9/10M, on a 2 night, 6 hour a week schedule, and we want a few raiders to fill the roster and progress on Denathrius with us!

Our raid schedule is TUESDAYS and THURSDAYS from 8 PM EST – 11 PM EST. We will only be raiding 6 hours a week, so we will be pulling at 8. In other words, the ability to be on by 7:45 or so is important/necessary.

If you are interested in raiding with us, please fill out the following form:


If you have any questions, please feel free to add Raph on Battle.net (Raphael#1142).

More info ([A][Its Mine I Licked It]8-11 EST T/Th, Vet. Raiders LF DH/DK/RDPS/Heals for SoD CE (4/10M 10/10 H)):

It’s Mine I Licked It (US-Stormrage - Alliance) is recruiting for 2-day-a-week raiding in Shadowlands!
Its Mine I Licked It was founded prior to the launch of Shadowlands by a group of friends with significant hardcore raiding experience. All of the founding members played WoW since The Burning Crusade or earlier, and have raided since Wrath of the Lich King or before. More to the point, each of the founding members have at minimum US Top 50 experience, and all held leadership positions in competitive raiding guilds.
However, life goes on and people get older, and we all stopped raiding or even playing the game all together in either Legion or Battle for Azeroth for individual reasons. However, we also love this game and have come back over the last few months (or for some of us, never left at all). For all of us, raiding is an integral part of this game, and that’s what we plan to do. Still, we don’t want to break our backs pushing the true bleeding edge of end game content like we all did for so many years.
In Shadowlands, we will clear all Mythic Raid content as well as provide an environment conducive for Mythic + dungeon runs. However, we are all at the point in our lives where pushing late hours or extra nights to clear a Mythic Raid is not what we are looking for. Instead, we want to focus on a less grindy experience while still pushing ourselves and playing efficiently.

Hi Felspore, Beyond Reasonable Clout is a brand new guild looking to make its mark on the world! Created by former high-end mythic raiders migrating from Alliance for Shadowlands(I know, real original). Our mission is to create a strong stable guild that has a reasonable work/life balance. Our philosophy is success through sound decision making, and not brute force or waiting till we out gear everything.

For the first tier Shadowlands our goal is to get as far as we can in Mythic and to build a team capable of pushing CE next tier. Our long term goal is to get CE every tier, each faster than the previous.

BRC is looking for all players that have the ambition to learn, grow, and succeed as a guild! We strive for greatness but overall we just want to enjoy the hardest content in the game. To help prevent drama we have opted for a 3 officer council system instead of a top-down structure with a GM having last say.

Raid Schedule:
Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday: 12:00am - 3:00am EST (9:00pm - 12:00am PST)

Current Prog: 8/10M

BRC is actively recruiting all members but specifically for the raid team our needs are:

  • Dps: Any Dps, with preference for Moonkin, DK, Hunter, Monk and Warrior
  • Exceptional applicants of any type

Barlar - Bnet: Barlar#1928 Discord: barlar#7769
Monkaru: Bnet: Zwarg#1365 Discord: Zwarg#2530

[H] - The Graveyard Shift - Bleeding Hollow [9/10M-CN & CE-NYA] 2 Day Mythic Raiding Guild is now recruiting skilled players for our late-night raid team.

US - Bleeding Hollow/Horde

About TES:

  • The Early Shift is a raiding guild that was formed right before Legion. Our goal is to become one of the best 2day guilds in the US! The leadership of TES has been around since Vanilla, and has a vast amount of high end leadership experience.

What you can expect from us as a guild:

  • Strong/passionate/driven leadership that doesn’t give up.
  • A sense of community and direction.
  • Communication.

What we expect from our trials:

  • Prepared with relevant consumables, gear, addons, and knowledge for raid.
  • Effort to integrate yourself with guild’s community.
  • 100% attendance during 2 week trial.
  • The drive to improve personal play.

The Graveyard Shift - [9/10M-CN & CE-NYA]
6 hr/wk Raid Schedule:

  • Tuesday: 11:30PM-2:30AM EST
  • Sunday: 11:30PM-2:30AM EST

What we’re looking for:

We are ALWAYS looking for players with the drive and the passion to push themselves to be the best. With that being said, we have a few classes in HIGH demand:

  • Tank (Pref DH or DK)
  • Healer (Pref Resto Shaman)
  • Warlock
  • Warrior (DPS)
  • Mage
  • Balance Druid


  • Outside of scheduled raid times, the guild is very active in mythic + with several members that are pushing for higher IO scores. We also will set up occasional heroic/mythic runs to gear alts or run achievements.
  • For additional guild information, please join our guild discord and read through the guild info tab - https://discord.gg/GPwSGYn

How to apply:

  • If you’re interested in submitting an application, please use this link below. https://apply.wowaudit.com/us/bleeding-hollow/the-early-shift/the-early-shift
  • If you have any further inquiries/questions please reach out to me via BattleTag: Guild Master (Zhamy) - Zhamieqns#1261

We appreciate your time and interest. Best of luck with your search!

Hey how’s it going, I’m from a guild called Edgy Noun, currently 10/10M US 264 Horde Bleeding Hollow. We raid T/W/Th from 830-1130pm est. We are always looking for good ranged players and I think you would be a good fit. My discord is Whosdisguy#4212 and bnet Whosdisguy#11986 if you’re interested and want to talk more.

Hello! We are a guild on zul’jin progressing on mythic Castle Nathria. Blood Haze is a semi-hardcore 2-night a week (3 hours each) progression, guild. As such, our raiders and casuals will be held to a higher standard to maximize the playtime we have. We like to have a chill raid environment even during prog and aim to maintain keep it that way even if we wipe, we all like to enjoy the game at the end of the day.

[Raiding Schedule]

Our raid times are Tuesday & Wednesday 7:30pm to 10:30pm PST (3 hours).


We are looking for players with at least current Mythic raiding experience or past expansion Mythic raiders who are returning to the game. We have just started prog on mythic Sludgefist, trying to get Cutting Edge before 9.1. Currently our best pull on Sludgefist is 4%! We are mainly looking for quality players with specific specs however would consider exceptional applicants of any role/class.

Current Needs:

  • Warlock (High Prio)
  • Shadow Priest
  • Boomkin
  • Hunter

[Guild Requirements]

We strive to produce a positive and friendly environment during the raid and outside of the raid. We understand that people commit their time to the game and so we want to make it the most enjoyable for everyone in the guild. We have a ZERO tolerance policy for toxic behavior, hate speech, racism, or harassment. We are looking for players who are actively searching for ways to improve, learn and excel within their roles and classes. Never be afraid of trying new things and if you need help, please reach out to other members for a helping hand.


If you’re interested in applying or knowing more about our guild, please reach out to me on bnet Vivec#1658

Greetings from area 52! I’m from Adversary 7/10M. We’re currently recruiting to start sludgefist prog and continue further into the tier. We raid from 8-11pm eastern on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Any questions please reach out
bnet: nightstlkr#1495
Discord: nightstlkr#9320