Guild just died on Sire prog, mostly to the roster boss. Looking for a guild to finish the tier and go into 9.1 with.
I’ve played since Vanilla, and have raided most tiers since Black Temple. I have double digit CE achievements. I also have top 40 US experience, which was mostly in Legion. Also have experience being an officer and raid leading.
Was playing in a more casual environment with friends this tier, but would like to get back into much more competitive raiding. Looking for 2-3 days a week, fairly flexible on raid times, although I’d prefer not to raid Friday or Saturday.
Logs this tier here (delete the spaces after the first h):
h ttps://
Logs from my main for most of my raiding career here, going back to SoO:
h ttps://
I have 1500+ IO on 3 characters (I think 1700 plus on this guy) but I don’t really push keys, I just try to get IO high enough so that I can pug for vault.
I also have a 223 Warrior and a 223 Rogue. Can discuss needs of various guilds, but I am open to (and probably prefer) main swapping to either Warrior or Rogue in 9.1 due to chronic tuning issues for Enhancement. But open to discussion based on what people need. I do only play DPS really, but I can move around a bit depending on what is needed.
I don’t like moving around and have rarely done it; I would like to find a long-term home. As a raider, I research my class and encounters thoroughly, I’m always on time and will never miss a raid without notice, and I can play multiple classes and specs at a high level.
If you think I might be a good fit for what you need, please add me on discord and we can discuss: sathrovarr#2506. Thanks for reading my wall of text.