225 DK 9/10M Looking to Finish Tier/Get CE

I’m a 225 Unholy DK with over 150 pulls on Sire, recently missed my guild’s kill and we have since ended all raiding for the tier. I can come in and help with Sire progression and fill in for kicks and anything else. Won’t need to be taught the fight at all in any phase.

I should be able to play most days and nights for the remainder of the tier unless it’s super late PST.
Contact me on Discord @ Raiiin#9368 if you need a DK and want to kill Sire!

would like to talk to you about your dk and if you are either looking for a guild or looking to just get CE

Hey! My guild is currently looking for a DK to finish our Sire Prog and potentially keep someone on for 9.1 if they are interested. Would love to talk to you if you’re still looking for a guild since we are hoping to bring someone in this Thursday for what we feel like will be a kill night for denathrius.
I wasn’t able to get your discord contact to work but mine is chime#9291 if you’d like to touch base!