223 Disc Priest 6/10M LF Raiding Guild


Looking for a new guild to call home. My old guild disbanded due to leadership issues. Currently Horde but willing to xfer. Logs avail to those I feel are a good fit. Any raid days/times work. Leave btags/Disc down below if interested. Thank you.

We aren’t quite as progressed as you but if you’re looking for a strong long term guild feel free to contact me. We are in need of a solid disc priest and I really feel once hungering goes down our progression will move quickly.

Constant Karma 6/10M is recruiting to bolster our roster for Castle Nathria and future tiers.
We are a laid back tight knit group, with a chill raid atmosphere. Our goal is to raid efficiently on a 7 hour per week schedule to achieve a competitive Cutting Edge each tier.

We are currently looking for any and all dps roles as well as exceptional healers.

High priority:
•Fire Mage
•Elemental Shaman
•Disc Priest capable of flexing Holy

Interested players must:
•Have a strong drive to perform well in raid.
•Learn quickly and adapt in a competitive environment.
•Perform at an above average level.
•Be prepared with knowledge of your class & spec as well as the fights we will be working on.
•Be able to take constructive criticism, and strive to improve.

Solid logs are required to be considered for a trial.

Raid times are Tuesday/Wednesday 8:30pm-12am est.
Additional Thursday night added for the first month of a tier.

Message an officer in game or add Enigma#11219, TayTay#11468, or Russell#1544 on btag for more info.

Sargaras-[A] 3/10 M LF Disc Priest, Mage, & Resto Shaman/ H Pally-
Tuesday/Wednesday 9pm-12am EST
Mondays are Cleanup/Alt runs- Using as extra day if we can.
Many M+ Keys done daily- We have groups that do 15s

LF Shadow Priest, Mage, & Resto Shaman/H Pally- Other Exceptional players welcome.


Hey, we’re 4/10M with sub 10% pulls on innerva. We do Mon-Thu 10pm-12am EST. Guild’s been going strong for years. Here’s our recruitment spam

Amor#1426 to get in touch on btag

Hey add me to bnet - Br33zE#1594
we raid Wed/Thurs/Sat(optional) 9-12 est - Bleeding Hollow - Horde

6/10M 2-day guild that might be interested: https://www.wowprogress.com/guild/us/sargeras/Tribe

Halosis#1645 on Bnet and Discord

Formerly [A] on Lightbringer, we are now on [H] on the Illidan server 4/10M. TC was founded in May 2005 and has been a top guild from inception, obtaining most cutting edges. We are getting most of the core guild members back so you can expect a guild with seasoned leadership, a relaxed and fun raid environment full of skillful individuals.

We are currently raiding Tuesday & Wednesday at 9:30-12:30 am EST. We have an optional run on Sundays at the same time, which is reserved for Sales, Achievements, or Norm/Heroic Clears during Mythic progression.

Even if we are not looking for your class, we always accept any exceptional applicants. Feel free to review our logs and see if you can compete.

Healer- Priest, Shaman, Druid, Monk

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to anyone in leadership:
GM - Xellos BTag Xellos#1969 Discord Xellos#3150
Officer - Ghostyy BTag Ghosty#1481 Discord Ghosty#0330
Officer - Llunai Btag Lunana#1345 Discord Luna#8650

Fill out an application here: forms.gle/o5QPELxet1d1GQWR6

-Nobility-, an Alliance late-night raiding guild on Kel’Thuzad server, whose core has been raiding together since Wrath times, is recruiting a few more players to get CE with. We raid Tue/Wed/Thu from 11pm to 2am server time (which is 10pm - 1am PST or 1am - 4am EST).

We’re hoping to add 1-2 players to our roster!
Current needs:

  • 1 Mage
  • 1 Hunter
  • 1 Balance Druid
  • 1 Warrior (preferably with alt)
  • 1 Unholy DK
  • 1 Windwalker Monk
  • Disc priest/Rsham/Healer with solid OS (We have a spot for a competitive healer, or off-spec healer)
  • Anyone of exceptional ability and solid attitude - We’re always looking for good long term fits regardless of class or spec!

Current progression is:

*Castle Nathria: 5/10M 10/10H

  • Ny’alotha: 12/12M 12/12H


  1. We raid late night.
  2. We’re semi-hardcore: we value progression but also balance it with RL.
  3. Our raid leader won’t try to pretend he’s a frat boy on a power trip; but we also enforce performance, politely but effectively.
  4. We don’t recruit for the bench. Spots are always competitive. It is your performance and attendance alone that will determine your spot - not how much officers like you.
  5. We’re quite stable, having been raiding together, non-stop, since the start of WoD.
  6. Check out our WoW Progress if you’d like even more information.

Looking for more details? We have them!

What can we offer?

  • We’re a semi-hardcore progression guild. We’re not striving for server-first, and understand that RL is more important than the game, but are serious about progression, and aim to kill every Mythic boss during the relevant tier.
  • We offer an active, social guild. While we do not require anyone to log in at non-raid times, many of us do, and we enjoy plentiful and successful Mythic+ runs, old raid transmog clears, and Discord chatter at night. Neither the guild chat, nor our voice channels are lonely often. And yes, if you’re only interested in M+ but not in raiding, we do also recruit for that.
  • Our style of raid leading sets us apart from many guilds. When someone messes up in a fight causing a wipe, or performs below the expected level, some raid leaders will openly mock them, calling them names more suitable for a frat party. Others will not notice, and will continue pulling in what people like to describe as bashing their heads against the wall. We do neither of these - we won’t mock or swear, but we will instead let the person know they need to improve, and if such improvement doesn’t happen, we will (politely) replace them. In this way, we maintain progression without causing drama or hurting feelings.
  • We play to have fun, and have a low tolerance toward rude or pretentious people, but at the same time do enforce performance standards in raids, particularly for the progression fights, and our raid spots are competitive.
  • We like to joke around in guild chat and on Discord; profanity is allowed and encouraged, but intentionally abusing others isn’t.

How to contact us?
Choose one of the following:

  • Contact Card#4137 or Charodey#5945 on Discord.
  • Visit discord.gg/pzwdmc5 and fill out a short app.
  • Add RandMcNally#1738 or Volshebnik#1818 on Bnet.
  • Post here, leaving your battletag.
  • Contact Cardeah, Charodey, Gragonath, Vexmk or Dejavou on Kel’Thuzad in-game.
  • Write one of us an in-game mail.