221 disc priest looking for PVE guild

I’m looking for m+ and raid content.

Check my armory/rio/wlogs.

I haven’t raided much this expac so far, I want to raid more in 9.1 so I’m getting back into it.

Hi Pixiela,

What level of raiding are you looking to do?

Ebon Flow is looking for a healer for heroic raiding. We’re 10/10 currently, farming happily. We have a small crew looking to push higher Mythic+, and it looks like you have some solid experience.

We would love to have another priest on board for raids and dungeons. We raid Wednesday and Thursday, 7:30 PM EST - 10 PM EST. We have an optional alt raid on Sunday Mornings at 9 EST. We have M+ groups going basically every night.

Let me know if you’re interested. You can reach me:



Hey! Not sure your raid times or how high you want to go in raiding, but we’re looking for a disc priest to join our roster. We raid Fri 6-9pm/Sun 1-4pm PST and are an AOTC-focused guild who dabbles in mythic when the opportunity arises (currently AOTC + 3/10M). I’ll put a link below to the rest of the guild ad if you’re interested :slight_smile: