221 BM hunter

Strictly a BM hunter, looking for a guild that is in mythic but isnt at a bleeding heart for CE, if they get it great but don’t make wow a job for their guild. At the point of burnout and just want an opportunity to rekindle the flame of wow, sort of a last chance or opportunity before I just put the title down for good. Any interest is much appreciated. Take care and stay healthy!

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Hey there Madflashz!

We’re looking for some competent DPS to come do mythic with us! We’re still progressing until 9.1, so perfect opportunity to come trial with us xserver before the new tier.


< Battle Hardened > is looking for progression raiders to push high-end content in Shadowlands. Our raiders thrive in a friendly raid environment, with the expectation that each of our raiders will pull their weight and know their class/mechanics without the extra negative criticism.

< Battle Hardened > Schedule:

Tues 6-9pm Server (PST) - Mythic Raid *
Wed 6-9pm Server (PST) - Mythic Raid *
Thurs 6-9pm Server (PST) - Optional Guild PVP (RBGs)
Fri 6-9pm Server (PST) - Optional Heroic Raid

*Denotes mandatory raid nights for mythic raiders

Current Progression:
Mythic Weekday Team
10/10 Normal Castle Nathria
10/10 Heroic Castle Nathria
6/10 Mythic Castle Nathria

How to Apply

Fill out the quick application at tinyurl. com/bh-application

OR reach out to Shalathe via btag or discord.

Shadowlands Recruitment Needs:

Mythic Raid:

  • Holy Pally
  • Disc Priest
  • Motivated players looking to push mythic content. We will seriously consider any class/spec as long as you perform well.

Contact Us:

Guild Master: Shalathe (In-Game)

  • BattleTag: Shalathe#1841
  • Discord: Shalathe#9581

*Officers: (In-Game)

Still on the hunt, no pun intended!

Hey Madflashz,

I think we may have a home for you!

Hey Madflashz!

I’d love to chat with you! If a faction swap is something you’d consider, add me on discord, Letholas#9581!

{A Decent Guild} on Mal’ganis-Horde is looking for a few more solid players to solidify our roster. We raid Sunday and Monday 8:00P.M.-11:00P.M. CST and are currently 4/10M with the 5th boss almost dead.
If interested and would like more information feel free to contact me.

Btag: Shammazing#11740
Discord: Shammazing#6371

Still looking thanks!

My guild Yiff Paw All Stars is on Zul’jin and is looking for DPS who are interested in raiding in 9.1
We are currently 9/10M with the expectation of downing Denathrius this week. This is our first tier raiding together as a group so we’re pretty happy with the progress we’ve made in terms of server rank for just starting out all together.
We raid 9:30pm to 12:30am EST Tuesdays and Thursday.

If we sound like we could potentially be a good fit for you feel free to reach out to me on discord chime#9291

TY still on the hunts

Hey everyone, we are Do Not Release on the Horde side of Winterhoof.

We are a AOTC and KSM focused guild, with casual Mythic progression. We aim to clear about 4+ Mythic bosses a tier, with emphasis on the casual part.

We are 3/10 Mythic and have AOTC on farm, our raid days are:

Tuesday and Wednesday 8:30pm – 11:30 pm EST.

A few things about our officers: Our GM and Raid leader Huntandprey is a former CE raider that fell in love with our group of raiders and never looked back. Our Heal lead Smallsu/Smallsy is one of the most solid healers you will be blessed to play with. Our banker Phantora is a bit on the young side but is one of the guilds top DPS and makes sure the bank is always stocked with anything a raider might need for progression or dungeons. Tal is one of our healers and DPS that is usually around to help with keys or what ever else is needed and is responsible for passing out loot in raids.

We are recruiting for active raid spots. We are looking for people who will be around and will contribute and help each other out. We have a highly active guild and discord for anyone looking to join us.

We are specifically looking for a: Shadow Priest, Resto Shaman, and any other strong DPS and Healers that would like to regularly clear Heroic and casually progress into Mythic.

You can reach our officers on discord at:


Battlenet at:


^^ looking still ^^

Hey Madflashz! I’d love to chat with you about the Horde guild I am in on Mal’Ganis server. We are a weekend raiding group that are active on discord and in game daily. Please add me on bnet to chat :slight_smile: Belle#1386 bnet or Discord if you prefer Belle#6807

the search continues ty for all the responses so far