I’m a long-time raider, 220 MM Hunter with an up-and-coming 215 Balance Druid secondary main looking for a Mythic/CE guild.
Guild I’m currently in petered out on Hyjal before we could set foot into Mythic CN. Will consider moving to another high-pop Horde server if promising prospects available.
Preferred times between 8:30PM EST and 2:00AM EST.
Logs available, too.
BNet: Eurydemus#1874
Discord: Grimmantle#6632
Will add you on disc very interested!
I’m from Innovation on Zul’jin Horde. We are currently 3/10M raiding on Tues & Wed 8:30-11:30 est with a large M+ on off nights.
We have an immediate dps spot available in the mythic core.
Hi Eaglemane, Beyond Reasonable Clout is a brand new guild looking to make its mark on the world! Created by former high-end mythic raiders migrating from Alliance for Shadowlands (I know, real original). Our mission is to create a strong stable guild that has a reasonable work/life balance. Our philosophy is success through sound decision making, and not brute force or waiting till we out gear everything. For the first tier Shadowlands our goal is to get heroic cleared quickly and build a core squad to push into mythic.
BRC is looking for all players that have the ambition to learn, grow, and succeed as a guild! We strive for greatness but overall we just want to enjoy the hardest content in the game. To help prevent drama we have opted for a 3 officer council system instead of a top-down structure with a GM having last say.
Raid Schedule:
Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday: 12:00am - 3:00am EST (9:00pm - 12:00am PST)
Current Prog: 2/10M
BRC is actively recruiting all members but specifically for the raid team our needs are:
- Dps: Warlock, DK, Mage, Shadow priest, Hunter, and Moonkin
- Exceptional applicants of any type
Barlar - Bnet: Barlar#1928 Discord: barlar#7769
Hi Eaglemane! I think we’d be a great fit. Take a look and let us know. Happy to chat more!
GAINS 9/10H(Sire @5% and half the team already AOTC) is a newly formed mythic raid/high m+ team based on Tichondrius! The goal is to recruit players that are competent enough to push for CE and competitive m+ keys each season.
Who is Jonpocalypse??
I will be your Raid Lead and GM of the guild! I’ve been playing WoW for 7years and have experience in min/maxing dps/tank roles. I’ve mostly been playing a dk(all 3 specs) with a focus on blood dk for the past 2.5years. I hold myself to a high standard and strive to lead by example. I’ll always put in the work to improve, take criticism, and push my character to the best it can be and I’ll be expecting the same from everyone else on the team.
Who are YOU?
You should be someone that can also strive to be the best on their main character and be committed to sticking out your main character through progression fights until the end of the tier. Someone who can stay positive and knows that progression means PROGRESSION, aka someone who doesn’t explode after 5 wipes on a progression boss. This is NOT going to be a casual team so there WILL be requirements during/outside raid nights. If you are not ok with/able to commit to playing more than the raid nights, DO NOT join the team. There will be a spot for you in the guild where you can hangout, just not a spot in the team.
Recruitment Needs:
DPS- ANY! We don’t have a Lock or DH btw
Healers- Resto Shaman and Disc Priest
Tank- Any non-BDK tank
Do not hesitate to apply as long as you can commit to the requirements below!
LOGS ARE HIGHLY RECOMMENDED TO JOIN. If you do not have them then you’ll be under review heavily as a trial.
Raid Times:
Wednesday and Thursday 7p-11p Pacific time
What are the requirements for Raid nights?
-Be on time! If you’re early, you’re on time. If you’re on time, you’re late. If you’re late(more than 3 times a month), you’re not part of the team.
-All slots gemmed and enchanted
-Come prepared with multiple health potions, battle potions, and personal food
-Come to raid knowing your role and mechanics of the fight
-Loot will be Personal with an emphasis to pass off loot if your main spec doesn’t need it.
If you’ve read this far and are intrigued to join please fill out this application and we’ll contact you if you’re a good fit:
Google Docs

You may also contact me:
Btag: sugarbearjon#1635
Discord: sugarbearjon#9375
Hello there,
I’m Syoki and I’m the recruitment officer for Good Game of Mal’Ganis Horde. We’re 5/10M (10/10H) and raid Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday 9:00PM-12:00AM CST (ST).
We, as a raid group, have been playing together since the end of Wrath and have always fully cleared progression with Cutting Edge. We’ve recently made the move to Mal’Ganis, horde, after over a decade of being Alliance (Kel’Thuzad and Stormrage).
We find the only thing that keeps us playing is those in which we’ve played with for a long time. We consider our guild a family. A large, dysfunctional, family. We are currently finalizing the right CE team to take on Shadowlands and would love to talk to you about joining our band of miscreants. 
Feel free to read through the spam below and add my Real ID or Discord if you have any questions.
Hope to hear from you! If not, best of luck in your guild search and in the Shadowlands!
Syoki the Insane
(BNet: Nyoki#11232, Discord: Nyoki#8886)
Thanks for all the responses, everybody. I really appreciate you guys taking the time to reply to my post. I’ll be in touch with as many of you as possible ASAP.
Creeping Doom US-HORDE | MAL’GANIS | 10/10H 2/10 M
Who we are:
Creeping Doom is a community of veteran raiders who, due to family and work commitments, have embraced a casual raiding schedule. Many of our members come from Top 50 US guilds and although our schedule is now casual, we still take on the hardest challenges the game has to offer with a hardcore mindset. If you are a talented player who would prefer to raid once a week, consider joining us.
Guild Focus:
- Achieve Cutting Edge while raiding 2 days a week.
- Build a competitive Mythic+ (1k+ IO), PvP (multi-hero lead RBGs), and social community.
- Facilitate optional Heroic raids for friends and alts.
Current Guild needs:
- Mythic Raid: Exceptional Tank, MDPS, RDPS, or healer
- Mythic+: All applicants that are focused on maintaining a mythic+ team.
- Other: Any members that would like to join our community.
- RBGs: Any applicants who want to push rating competitively.
Raid Schedule:
Mythic raid schedule:
- Thursday 8:00 pm - 12:00 am EST
- Sunday 8:00 pm - 12:00 am EST
Optional Heroic Raid Times:*
- Tuesday evening 8:00 pm EST
Contact Info: For applicants and/or any former members
- Discord URL: Discord.gg/YdjxfWU
- BNet: EZGoregutz#1890, Bigtree#11854, or Wufflegupp#1451
Hey Eagle!
Guild & Server: Predictive Gaming [H] Thrall US
Who are we?
Predictive Gaming is an organization based out of League of Legends and venturing into a competitive WoW Org. We are a mix of newer players and OG vets former top 100 US. Predictive Gaming was first formed to be a place where people could come together and have an inclusive environment to game and meet new friends. We Strive to maintain that inclusive, laid-back vibe, but at the same time focused on our ultimate goal; Pushing for CE content on a laid back schedule.
Main Raid days: [10/10H 4/10M]
Tuesday 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. EST
Friday 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. EST
2nd Raid team: [10/10N 1/10H]
Saturday 9 p.m. - 12 a.m. EST
Sunday 9 p.m. - 12 a.m. EST
RGB TEAM: Open Recruitment
CR 1600
Recruitment: [Main Team] We’re accepting all classes just high need for warlocks other than that don’t be afraid to chat!
Warlock: HIGH
Recruitment: [2nd Team]
Open recruitment currently accepting all exceptional players.
Contact: Swagner#7414 on disc, Swaggoner IG or you can email us at PredictiveGaming@outlook.com
[Objectively Perfect] - Area52
Raid Times: Tues/Thurs/Sun 9pm-12am EST
10/10H 2/10M We are currently recruiting a few mythic raiders to finalize our mythic roster. If you are one of the classes listed below feel free to reach out. We enjoy running keys and doing arenas/RBGs as well.
Needs/wants DPS:
Affliction Warlock
Ele Shaman
Resto Druid
Resto Shaman
Please contact me with any questions or concerns.
Btag: Joepa#11231
Discord: JoePa#3094
Heyyyy Eaglemane,
Think of how refreshing a fresh start on Mal’Ganis would be!
I’m looking to add a mm hunter to our roster.
Reunited is a two day Mythic raiding guild formed by a group of CE raiders who couldn’t bear the thought of not raiding together anymore when their guild (Reignited) disbanded after achieving Cutting Edge Ny’alotha (we just changed our name from Denovo to Reunited)
We’re currently 6/10M
Mythic Raid Schedule
Friday: 7:30PM CST - 11:00PM CST
Saturday: 7:30PM CST - 11:00PM CST
We have a super quick and easy application - our bots will autofill your logs/raider.io/wowprogress info for you - you just tell us who you are, how to reach you, and anything you think we should know - https://forms.gle/aDhpBcgCKxZh6fjK9
We also do a ton outside of raid!
- Weekly Heroic Alt Runs
- Key pushing
- Key Sales
- Heroic Raid Sales
- Rated Battlegrounds
- Meta Achievement groups
- There are always people online willing to jump into a pug, run keys, do arenas, go on an achievement run, answer silly questions
Any questions? Need more info? Please message me on Discord at kat#3105
Want to apply? https://forms.gle/aDhpBcgCKxZh6fjK9
Hey friend! We would like to see that boomie potentially!
Tilted Halos is a 10/10H 3/10M guild on Mal’Ganis! We are a former US 150 that has returned to the raiding scene! We are looking for stable, consistent team players to add to our MYTHIC raiding team!
High Needs:
Holy Paladin
Wind Walk Monk
Ranged DPS classes
We are always seeking exceptional players regardless of class and spec!
Apply at : h.ttps://discord.gg/YPAGwTR9t9 (remove the “.” in https)
You can search us on youtube to hear us during progression, just look up Tilted Halos, and our mythic kills will be up there, the first time we downed them with discord open. You can also follow me on twitch at www.twitch.tv/celheals to check in and watch us live in action on wow, or other games that we play within our community!
Here is our spam! I look forward to chatting! We believe in keeping a great raiding atmosphere while maintaining a respectful progression pace. Does this sound like something that interests you? Don’t be shy to message me for more details!
Recruiting Officer Sutts :
Discord- Sutts#5190
Bnet- Sutts#11615
Guild Leader:
Discord- Celheals#3547
Bnet- Celheals#1352
We are female friendly and are supporters of the LGBTTQ+ community. We prefer our raiders to be at least 18 years of age, and come to raids ready for progression!
Our raid days are Tuesday and Thursday from 8:00pm-11:00pm server (the server is a Central Standard Time). ~Personal Loot is the loot system.
Do not hesitate to contact me if you are interested. We look forward to hearing from any and all prospective players. On behalf of the entire ~Tilted Halos~ raid team, we thank you for your time and interest.
Faction: Horde
Realm: Hyjal
Raid Times: Wed/Thur 7:30 - 10:00pm PT
Hello Eagle! I am the recruitment officer for Take on Me, a two day mythic progression guild located on Hyjal (Horde).
If you are interested in learning more about us and want to be a part of a guild with a proven history and a future of pushing CE on a short schedule feel free to stop by our forum post and use the following contact method below so that we can schedule a time to talk over discord to see if our guild is the right fit for you.
Discord: Wowdrew#5138
We look forward to hearing from you!
Repose is a Semi-hardcore raiding guild on Area-52, formed to push cutting edge with a professional attitude and casual atmosphere. We enjoy raiding with each other and joke and have fun along the way. When its pull time its go time we focus on the task at hand.
T- 8-11PM EST
W- 8-11 PM EST
Th- 8-11PM EST
3/10M (Sun-King Dies soon)
What We Expect
We are looking for raiders that are willing to put in the time into their character. IE doing research into their class, fights and come prepare to the fight every single time. We are looking for people that can accept and not get upset by criticism. It is what makes us better, and no one is perfect.
All Exceptional Players are encouraged to apply even if your class is not listed.
- Ranged
- Shadow Priest - W/ OS Heals
- Warlock
- Mage
- Boomkin
- Hunter
- Melee
- Enhance Shaman
- Monk
- Warrior
- Heals
- Disc Priest w/ OS Holy
- Hpali
- Tanks
To Apply: https ://www.repose-guild.com/contact-us/ (remove the space)
- Bnet
- Ezkeal#1824 , Dripz#1507, Birch#1969
- Discord
- Ezkeal#2121, Dripz#9117, Birch(Storlock)#4293
Thanks again for all the responses, everybody, and apologies to those I wasn’t able to speak with personally. There were quite a few messages to respond to!
I’ve found a home and just want to wish all of you good luck with the current tier.
Area 52 is a high pop server and full of people pushing keys/RBGS. Come join us! We have a need for both of you!
< Revoke Sanity > - We have been clearing content together for over 7 years (Started in Siege of Orgrimmar). Looking for people for our raid team; however, accepting all people to run keys or casually hang with us! Offers:
Active community
M+ Push groups
Optional alt/heroic nite Tuesday’s
Our raiding philosophy: Enjoy playing the game with cool people and kill bosses. We consider ourselves a semi-hardcore guild without the elitist attitudes that seems come with Mythic Raiding.
Our expectations are simple. Pull your weight, do what you need to be successful to raid mythic. This includes participating in discord discussion for strata and staying on top of your class changes for fights.
Looking to finish filling our team with some dedicated raiders to come progress with us and enjoy what Shadowlands has to offer.
Last Tier we progressed: 12/12 H & 8/12 M
Current Progression: 10/10H & 2/10M, Hungering (50%)
Raid Times: Wednesday & Thursday 10 PM - 1 AM EST.
Current needs
LF any talented healers especially resto shammy, disc priest, holy paladin
Application so we can get to better know you
Contact Grarami at Grarami#1396 or Bobandii at Tibbets#1405
Hello Eaglemane! My guild Coo Coo Kachoo is 4/10M and looking for a couple more strong DPS to fill out our roster.
I added you on Bnet and Discord and hope to talk with you soon!
Coo Coo Kachoo formed at the end of BfA. We push to get CE at a good pace but we are a very chill raid team. We have fun while raiding but we expect our raiders to perform at a high level.
What we are looking for:
Our ideal candidate enjoys playing the game at a high level and striving to better themselves and their character. Someone who strives for greatness but overall just want to enjoy the hardest content in the game.
We use loot council for tradable loot. At the beginning of teirs BoEs are sold to fund the guild bank unless it is BiS or an essential piece for continued progression.
Raid Schedule:
Monday/Tuesday/Thursday: 9pm - 12:00am EST (6:00pm - 9:00pm PST)
We are always looking for exceptional players but our current needs are as follows:
Healers: Resto Sham
DPS: Warrior, Boomkin, Hunter, SPriest
Exceptional applicants of any type
To apply fill out our guild application form:
(Take out the space) h ttps://forms.gle/Tw64kBSqMvSHFN8P9
Rakitin - Bnet: Rakitin#1573, Discord: Rakitin#5193
Drokor - Bnet Drokor#1150, Discord Weregamer#2024
TILTED-Area 52, is a newly formed guild at the end of BFA of mostly multiple CE raiders and leadership. We are still working on putting together a roster to push top 150 US ranks by the end of the expac.
What we are looking for:
-Drama free
-Prepared for raid (consumables, fight research, etc) and understands the importance of M+
-Team player in an inclusive raid environment
-Trolls, racist language, bigotry are not welcome here
-Strong performance (this doesn’t mean orange parses)- we want people who can show strong output, but also take on tasks in raid and not complain about how it impacts their DPS
Current Progress: 10/10N, 10/10H, 5/10M
Current boss: Artificer prog.
Raid times: Tues/Wed/Thurs 9pm PST to 12 am PST (11p CST to 2am CST, 12am EST to 3am EST)
Invites go out 15 minutes prior to our start and you are expected to be online and ready to go then!
We raid on Monday’s for the first 3 weeks of a new tier
What we provide
- A stable raid environment
- We provide some consumables (enchants, flasks/cauldrons, gems, food and some pots)
- Active guild that always has people looking for M+
Recruitment status as of 2/25/21:
Roster: We are not looking to over recruit and have a massive bench- our spots are competitive.
Tanks: 1 Non-DH Tank, must have prior CE and recent logs.
Ranged DPS: Open
Melee DPS: Open
Healers: Open
[Application:] https : // apply. wowaudit. com/us/area-52/tilted/main
-remove the spaces in the address above.
Even if your class isn’t listed here but feel you meet or exceed the items listed above, please contact me in game after applying!
Hey Eagle I think were the perfect fit!!
Guild & Server: Predictive Gaming [H] Thrall US
Who are we?
Predictive Gaming is an organization based out of League of Legends and venturing into a competitive WoW Org. We are a mix of newer players and OG vets former top 100 US. Predictive Gaming was first formed to be a place where people could come together and have an inclusive environment to game and meet new friends. We Strive to maintain that inclusive, laid-back vibe, but at the same time focused on our ultimate goal; Pushing for CE content on a laid back schedule.
Main Raid days: [10/10H 4/10M]
Tuesday 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. EST
Friday 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. EST
2nd Raid team: [10/10N 1/10H]
Saturday 9 p.m. - 12 a.m. EST
Sunday 9 p.m. - 12 a.m. EST
RGB TEAM: Open Recruitment
CR 1600
Recruitment: [Main Team] We’re accepting all classes just high need for warlocks other than that don’t be afraid to chat!
Warlock: HIGH
Recruitment: [2nd Team]
Open recruitment currently accepting all exceptional players.
Contact: Swagner#7414 on disc, Swaggoner IG or you can email us at PredictiveGaming@outlook.com