220 Frost Mage AoTC & KSM LF Guild

As the title says - I am looking for a new guild! As it happens, the multi team guild I was just in imploded, and now myself (and if the times are right, a few others) are looking for a new guild.

I am looking for an active and long-standing guild and community that raids and pursues mythic plus outside of raids.

I would prefer to keep raids to 2 nights a week, and would like to keep raids ending at or around 10p est

I have logs avail if interested.


Looking forward to hearing from you

Well doesn’t look like many fit your thing. However we run Tue/Thur 9pm- midnight, may be too late for you but figured id toss it out for you since no one has replied. We are 5/10 M and really in need of some mages can also get me on btag AaronC#11555 if your interested

Para Mortem on Thrall is looking for strong raiders and M+ players to join our raid team. 5/10M looking to push with your help.

We Raid Tuesday and Thursday from 7:30-10:30 EST

Additional Alt/Heroic Clear Sunday 7:30-10:30 EST

We consider all applicants/class/roles so please feel free to apply.

Feel free to reach out to me here or,

Bnet: Theonecake#1277, Discord: theonecake#4449

Hello Corckcicle. My guild Inverse Logic is looking for a good mage. We are currently 3/10 mythic. We are very active in game and on discord. Raid nights are Tues/Thurs 8p-11p EST. We do a lot of m+ together as well as RBG. Send me a message either through bnet or discord and we can talk more if you’re interested.

Btag - Blyss#1722)
Discord - Blyss#9841

Hey currently trying to fill our core raid team, we’ve been working hard at making a community of players both in and outside of the guild that love playing together. If youre interested/can make our raid times check us out. Raids are 6-9 EST, Weds/Thursdays Our goals/focus is mainly Aotc and M+, can check out our post below
