219 arcane mage LF raiding guild

as the title says, im looking for a raiding guild. I would prefer a weekend guild or wed/friday or something of that sort. tuesday/thurs is booked for me right now but im thinking it would be fun to be able to raid on off nights too! will consider most offers, if you would like to know about my previous raiding exp and m+ score or things like that just leave your discord and i can get back to you.


Hi there!

I’m the GM of Ibyish Clan! We’re a long-standing casual guild on the Garona/Icecrown/Malygos server, and we’re currently looking for a few more reliable dps to fill out our roster for 9.1. We’re pretty laid back, and like to have fun (but also like to get things done in-game). We raid Wed/Sun from 8:30-10:30 EST, and do mythic+ on our off nights. We aim for AOTC each tier.

If this sounds like the guild for you, I’d love to chat! My bnet is Riv#1381, or, if you prefer, discord is Shumai#2078. Thanks, and I hope to hear from you soon!

Hey Desune!

If you’re open to Alliance MGB (10/10 SoD, 1/10 H SoD) sounds like it could be a good fit for you. Even if you’re not on the server you could join the guild on a fresh alt to see if you mesh with the general vibe. We have a large social community and the more the merrier. We also have a smaller group that is more focused on pushing M+/PvP/Raids as well. In 9.0 I was 7/10M (https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/us/tanaris/darenas), KSM, and 2100+ PvP and am happy to help anyone improve if they are interested.

We are bolstering our progression raiding team and welcoming new trials. Our raiding goals are to grow our team, get AoTC as soon as possible, and take down all the Mythic bosses we can. Happy to discuss more.

Discord: Deadlift#4338
BTag: Deadlift#1353

Raid Schedule: (6 hours/week)

Wed & Fri - 8:30-11:30 PM Eastern (5:30-8:30 PM Pacific)

Prerequisites to join:

  1. Be respectful of your fellow raiders
  2. Show up on time and let us know if you are unable to make a raid night
  3. Play your class to the best of your ability

Also note that if you can play your class well enough to meet our minimum requirements you are more than welcome to play an off-meta spec or select an off-meta covenant.

Hey there Desune -

Callie from Envelop on Illidan here - leading a new raid team named Spite. We steamrolled Normal our first week raiding and are moving to Heroic next reset. We raid Wed/Fri at 8pm CST and are in need of more ranged dps.

Most of us are experienced mythic raiders, experienced Mythic + runners and almost half our team has KSM already this tier. We are intent on building a raid team that works based on team cohesion and less about meta classes and perfect compositions.

If you’re interested catch me on discord at Calimari#1492 or check us out at envelop.gg/teams/spite

Allo Desune o/

Dusk Eternal is looking for a Mage to round out our DPS roster for SoD. We are an AotC focused guild that will push naturally into mythic once we get our AotC.
We are a laid back and we have a decent time raiding all while getting bosses down to 0%!

If youre interested, reach out to me via discord bluu#7164 , ill leave our recruitment thread below as well.

still looking

Hi Desune,

We are a weekend raiding guild on Alliance that is looking for a mage for our raid team. We are currently 1/10M and 7/10H. If you are interested in maybe swapping to alliance, our guild recruitment post is below.

Hey! We raid on the weekend (Fri 9pm-midnight, Sun 4-7pm EST), and are looking for some strong ranged players to add to our roster. If these times work for you (and the little blurb below interests you), you can add me on Discord at cloe.nd#2073. Current progression is 10/10N 3/10H.