Hi there,
Looking for a guild that raids ~2 nights a week. I’m available 8 eastern to 11 eastern Mondays through Thursdays. I also have a holy paladin that I am gearing for next tier and can swap between. I have AOTC and some mythic experience on my hunter; 7/10M.
Please post below, or contact me on discord at Myth#5627. Thank you for reading!
Well we raid 7-11 EST on Tues/Wed.
Is that too early of a start for you?
If not, I’d love to chat.
We have immediate need for a healer.
We have been raiding together since mid-wrath (over 12 years) and are especially looking for players who are interested in being a part of the guild, not just the raid team.
Ideally, you would be looking for a long-term home you can be a part of regularly and make friendships that would extend past the content.
If this is interesting, let me know!
Add me on Discord (Metrolol #1206)
Aw man, that sounds awesome but 7 is too early for me… Thanks anyway, though!
Sounds great, I will! Thanks!
Hey Mercix! We could use another Priest 
Optimal Baddies is a guild founded by long time gamers who enjoy playing the game with friends while also pushing content at a reasonable pace. A lot of the members of Optimal Baddies are players who have pushed cutting edge content and are now looking for a slightly more relaxed environment where we can put our feet up and kill bosses.
Server - Area 52
Faction - Horde
Raid Times/Days: 8:00 - 10:00 PM EST Tuesday/Thursday Mythic Prog,
8:00-10:00 Saturday Heroic/Normal clear
Current Progression: 3/10M 10/10H
Recruitment Contacts:
Discord - Goldfish#7851, ninjaXpope#0788,LazyTurtle#1791,Rhonyn#6182
Battle.net - Goldfish#1198, Ninjaspace#1577, LazyTurtle#17918, Rhonyn#1281
What will be required of players looking to progress with Optimal Baddies?
Research on both the fights and your class and keep up with all out of raid stuff to maintain relevancy.
Deadly Boss Mods (DBM) or Bigwigs
Exorsus Raid Tools (ERT)
Preferably AOTC Experience but will consider all applicants
A good Attitude
A great Sense of Humor
The ability to take constructive criticism
And of course just like any organized group a solid attendance!
[H][US] [Lethon] 8/10 CN Mythic
We raid Thursday and Monday 9PM - 12PM EST. We provide Combat pots, flasks and feasts throughout raid time. We will pay for sever transfers. Looking for healers and range dps.
PM Discord Zeroes#8856 or in game Zeroes#1791
Hey mercix,
Sent a discord request. Hope to chat soon! Below is our info
Inverse Logic (4/10M, 10/10H) is currently recruiting to continue pushing mythic prog.
We are focused on AOTC each tier and then pushing Mythic. Raids are Tues/Thurs 8-11p Eastern. Guild RBGs Saturday and Sundays, M+ as a guild on Mondays for last minute keys for anyone that missed them.
Btag - Doctersauce#1397 - GM (me), Blyss#1722 (Recruitment Officer)
Discord - Doctersauce#4910 - GM (me), Blyss#9841 (Recruitment Officer)
About Us:
< TILTED > is a returning guild of mythic players with various Cutting Edges throughout their experience. We are currently seeking a few more players to round out a mythic roster for the rest of the tier and moving forward! Our goal is to accomplish CE every tier within a timely manner, but we are not willing to sacrifice our raid environment in order to accomplish these goals. Targeted harassment will never be tolerated!
Tues: 6:30-9:30pm PST (9:30-12:30am EST)
Weds: 6:30-9:30pm PST (9:30-12:30am EST)
Thurs: 6:30-9:30pm PST (9:30-12:30am EST)
Current Roster Needs:
*DPS: *
-Disc Priest
We are always open to any and all strong candidates so please don’t shy away from applying if you feel we would be a good fit.
Every raider is expected to carry themselves positively. This means don’t attack your fellow raider
Come prepared! While the guild will provide various consumables, you should still show up ready with what you need.
Know the fight: take advantage of external sources such as YouTube videos/guides for each fight before we pull. We will also keep our Discord up to date with the latest guides/information.
Know your class: just like above, take advantage of external sources to know how to play your class to its maximum potential.
Where to Apply:
https ://forms.gle/xMStKUWaEj1byZDv7
How to get in touch:
Dax#12441 (Bnet)
BlackMamba#1909 (Bnet)
Chugs#11757 (Bnet)/ChugsBleach#8587 (Discord)
Draz#11875 (Bnet)