My wife and I are currently looking for a mythic raiding guild. We are currently 4/10M. I know that Fury Warriors are not the best right now but I believe that one day we shall rule all melee again (please Blizzard). We are looking for a comfortable raid environment that is capable of downing bosses. I’ve done my time raiding in top US guilds and am more focused on finding a good group of people that we can enjoy raiding with. Hopefully one that is active outside of raid with mythic+ and other things. Feel free to leave any information here and I will add you if you seem like a good fit. Forewarning my computer is down until likely this coming week because the CPU died (RIP) and I am waiting on it’s replacement. West coast servers would be ideal, and our off days are Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday which would be ideal raid nights.
Thank you in advance and we look forward to speaking with you. If you have any questions I will do my best to reach out but I am doing all of this from my phone so it may take a while. Sadge
Hey there! My guild is looking for good people to make a push into mythic late this tier and be a decent push next tier. We raid Sunday’s 6-10 PM EST
add me on discord: Neil#4199
We’re always looking for quality people to build our core team
Faction: Horde
Realm: Hyjal
Raid Times: Wed/Thur 7:30 - 10:00pm PT
Hello Tharon! I am the GM / Raid Lead for Take on Me, a two day mythic progression guild located on Hyjal (Horde).
If you are interested in learning more about us and want to be a part of a guild with a proven history and a future of pushing CE on a short schedule feel free to stop by our forum post and use the following contact method below so that we can schedule a time to talk over discord to see if our guild is the right fit for you.
Discord: Wowdrew#5138
We look forward to hearing from you!
Late Night Shenanigans 6/10M US-Thrall is looking for recruits. We raid Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday 11PM-1AM PST (W/Th/F 2AM-4AM EST) with an optional Saturday farm night 11PM-1AM PST (2AM-4AM EST).
Hey Tharon,
Sacred Destiny has been around since Vanilla and our players range from casual/social to mythic raiders. We are an adult only guild and our discord chatter is not always appropriate (R-rated chatter, cursing, etc). We have recently shifted our focus from being an AOTC guild (all AOTC since Legion) to a more Mythic progression based team. We currently have a strong mythic raid team but need a few key players to round out the roster for current content and into Shadowlands.
We raid Mythic on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 5:30 - 8:30pm PST (8:30 - 11:30pm EST) . Currently have AoTC and 2/10 Mythic. Also 9/12 Mythic Nyalotha last Tier.
We are actively recruiting core members for our mythic progression team. We currently have openings for:
- Ranged DPS (mage/lock/boomkin)
- Melee DPS (Fury/pally/DK/demon hunter)
- Healers (Shaman/Druid)
- Offspec healer (must be able to play both DPS and Heals efficiently and be willing to swap as needed)
Guild repairs, cauldrons and potions are supplied for all raiders after recruits have completed a one month trial.
Raid members are expected to be on discord and be willing to speak as needed during boss fights.
If interested contact:
Whisperos-Doomhammer (Raid Leader/Recruiter)
Battletag: senator23#1289
Discord: Whisperos#1650
Dubious-Doomhammer (Alternate Contact)
Battletag: dubious#1532
Discord: Dubious#4170
Thank you all for the info. I will reach out soon. Keep posting!
Hey there! We could offer a spot for both! Shoot us an app or contact us in game!
< Revoke Sanity > - We have been clearing content together for over 7 years (Started in Siege of Orgrimmar). Looking for people for our raid team; however, accepting all people to run keys or casually hang with us! Offers:
Active community
M+ KSM groups
Optional alt/heroic nite Tuesday’s
Our raiding philosophy: Enjoy playing the game with cool people and kill bosses. We consider ourselves a semi-hardcore guild without the elitist attitudes that seems come with Mythic Raiding.
Our expectations are simple. Pull your weight, do what you need to be successful to raid mythic. This includes participating in discord discussion for strata and staying on top of your class changes for fights.
Looking to finish filling our team with some dedicated raiders to come progress with us and enjoy what Shadowlands has to offer.
Last Tier we progressed: 12/12 H & 8/12 M
Current Progression: 10/10H & 2/10M, Hungering (50%)
Raid Times: Wednesday & Thursday 10 PM - 1 AM EST.
Current needs
LF any talented healers especially resto shammy, disc priest, holy paladin
Application so we can get to better know you
Contact Grarami at Grarami#1396 or Bobandii at Tibbets#1405
Hey, if you guys are still looking for a guild. We’re on Illidan central time zone server . Our guild ad---- >
< Digital Dummies > is currently recruiting for mythic progression. We’re looking for raiders eager to progress. Mythic experience is not required (but helpful) to apply. As long as you’re willing to learn and reliable we’re willing to help you!
Tuesday 8-11PM EST
Thursday 8-11PM EST
Class Recruitment:
1 Fury Warrior
1 Fire Mage
1 Resto Shaman
- Logs
- ilvl 210+
- Mic (don’t need to talk but call outs are important)
- Active Attendance
Raine - jonftl#1379
Blarry - CallMeDaddy#11807
Hey! Would love to talk to you both about joining our guild. We could use the both of you for our mythic prog.
We raid wed/thurs/sat(optional) 9-12 EST
Horde - Bleeding Hollow
Very strong core of players - lots of experience and talent. Multiple Ksm’s, many keys away. As well as 2k+ rating pushing.
Add me on discord to talk more. Br33ze420#9584
Hey there Tharon! We are 7/10H fresh formed currently looking for more people to join the team! Check out Our Post
Good evening. Still looking!
Good morning. Still searching for a guild.
Good morning Tharon, my pst team might work for you. We are currently 2/10m with a focus on semi casual, as described in my link below. If that interests you I’d love to chat, take care 
[H][Thrall] Anxiety (2/10 M) LFM for core raid spots. Need a vengeance DH, resto shaman, hunters, and or a shadow priest with disc OS, BUT we are also accepting any exceptional applicants. We raid 10 PM - 12:30 AM EST on Wednesdays and Thursdays with alt runs on Sundays.
Discord: Blutide#9696
Btag: aediah#1355
Hope to hear from you soon!!!
Thank you guys. I’ll reach out after work today. Keep leaving info!
He’s a good boy, be nice to him!
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