Mostly looking for Keys at the moment with the new raid coming out and Mythic CN not very fond of doing unless it’s farmed.
10/10 Heroic CN exp
Always open to Mythic Raiding but am a hands on kind of player so I learn on the fly during boss fights and open to criticism when needed
Hey man! Interesting in having a chat with you. Let me know if you’d like to talk. Just added you on BNet.
Hey Akunza!
My guild my be a good fit for you!
We’re trying to get m+ groups started AND we’re in need of raiders.
I’ll post my guild spam:
Relentless is a new guild on Mal’ganis with pvp and pve synchronized gameplay. Events are set up weekly on the calendar and Discord is used regularly by members.
Looking for Raiders!
Group 1:
Friday & Saturday
8pm-11pm realm time (Central)
-In need DPS, Tank, and Heals
Group 2:
Tuesday & Wednesday
7:30pm-10:30pm Server (Central)
In need of RDPS
Do you like pushing M+?
Looking for players for M+ groups
In need of everything!
Please add and whisper Angel#11564 if interested in joining
Please feel free to add me so we can chat!
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