Currently 1/10m 10/10h resto/ele shaman looking for mythic raiding guild. Happy to play either spec or alternate for particular bosses just looking for an established group preferably with earlier raid times. Leaving my old guild due to raid times only, my logs below as Ele is also without trinkets which I now have 
Also have a 60 Holy Paladin which I would be equally happy to play however would require some gearing.
Logs -
Raider IO -
Feel free to add me on bnet for further information - fenicks#11479
Thank you 
Hey! i hope I’m not too late in trying for recruitment but we are a 2/10M guild (link below) looking for a resto shaman to continue our mythic prog. Our raid times are mon/wed and optional sundays at 2330hrs SVT to 0230hrs SVT. DO please take a look at our post and consider us if you can. I am contactable via details on our post and will be looking forward to hear from you! thanks
Thank you for consideration but ultimately looking for earlier raid times 
Hey mate i think we actually spoke before and might have each other on battlenet already! Our circumstances have changed and we find ourselves in need of a healer again. I’ve attached our recruitment post below. We aren’t as established as other guilds out there. Only having a few weeks under our belts. We do have 10/10H and 1/10M down. However we need 4 spots filled before we can continue with mythic prog. [A] Frostmourne <Siren> Wed/Sund 7:30pm-10:30pm - 10/10H 3/10M LFM - #8 by Seleçt-frostmourne
Let me know your thoughts 
Hey mate,
We are currently looking for a resto shamman, i have sent you a friend request on Bnet. See our guild thread below. Look forward to having a chat.
hey there! my name is Nance and i’ve sent you a friend request on battle.net.
Hypothesis raid Thurs @ 21:00 & Sun @ 20:00, until 00:00 ST both nights.
hope to hear from you if those times work for you 
Thank you anyways but looking for earlier raid times, specifically finishing before 10:30 at the latest