Raid Schedule: W / Th 8:30pm - 11:30pm EST
Realm: Emerald Dream
Recruiting priority:
High: MM hunter, Fire mage
Medium: Disc priest with holy OS, shadow priest, unholy dk, RDPS
Low: any
all exceptional applicants will be looked at seriously, we are an equal opportunity guild
About Dishonored:
We are a multi expansion CE guild who just moved off of Kilrogg / Winterhoof to Emerald Dream. We have a big Mythic plus presence with multiple guildies already above 2k io. In addition we have a lot of active pvpers, we have multiple gladiators and guildies above 2.1k rating. Thatâs not all, we were able to expand so much this tier alone that we added 2 new raid teams. We currently have 4 raid teams, 3 of which are pushing for CE, and 1 is a heroic team!
Raider expectations:
- 100% Attendance
- High proficiency with your class and role. Know how to optimize your talents/rotation/spec on per encounter bases.
- Excellent situation awareness.
- Fast learner, intelligent, and able to think on your feet. Capable of adjusting to pull situations accordingly. Good listener.
- Progression focused mindset. Doesnât mind wiping on fights. Turn criticisms into actionable items and does not make the same mistakes twice.
- Team player. Doesnât mind sitting out occasionally for the guild to achieve optimal composition for a kill.
Potential candidates are expected to be appropriately geared for the content we are tackling.
Loot system:
Personal loot
Required apps and addons:
Discord, DBM, Exorsus Raid Tools, Angry Assignments
How to apply:
Message one of the officers below with up to date logs and experience and weâll get back to you!
Dev9635#11293 - Healing Officer / Raid strategist
Shmeeps#11824 - DPS officer / Raid strategist
Mags - Healing Officer / HR representativ
Dishonored#11140 - GM and RL