217 Disc Priest LF Guild

217 Disc Priest LF Guild


Hey! We’re looking for a disc for our core roster. Check out our post and hit me up on discord if you’re interested – Slime#6677

Hello :slight_smile:

[Emergency Tactics] is a new CE Focused Late night guild dedicated to pushing Mythic with the overall goal of CE most tiers. We are looking for all players with the mindset and dedication it takes to achieve CE as a team. Check out our details below and contact me for further details!

Progress: 10/10N 9/10H 1/10M
Raid Times: 11pm-2am Est M/T/W
Discord: Brewdicke#9828

Hello Wakethelight,

My guild is looking for a new healer for our progression team, 9/10 Heroic. I’ll drop down our info below.
[The Order] looking for a priest (holy), monk or paladin healer for heroic and mythic content for our progression team. You must be of appropriate ilvl, knowledgeable of Castle Nathria fights, and ready to go! Also, have some logs ready to show.

RAID TIMES: Tuesday & Thursday (Sunday opened) from 9-11est/server time.

We are a very active guild and run three successful raiding teams. We finished third in mythic progress on our server for BFA, & have a great community with strong leadership.

Message here or Bnet:
Igasho (GM): Andromeda#1994

Big Red Button - Area 52 10/10H

Raid days: Sun/Mon 8-11pm EST

Looking for a good Disc Priest with logs for a core spot on mythic progression roster.

Disc: Manetheren#9370

We are definitely in the market for a main raid Disc priest for our roster. We are on Stormrage Alliance. 1/10M and raiding 830-1130est tues/thurs. We do RBGS and M+ outside of raiding as a guild on the non-raid nights. If this interests you contact me on Bnet - Burnsey#1181

Hello Wakethelight!

My guild is looking for a reliable healer and would love to give you a shot and see if we fit what you’re looking for in a guild. We are currently [10/10N, 9/10H, and 1/10M] and the top Horde Guild on our server looking to secure that spot despite the competition!

We have two separate Raid Teams, Progression and JV, who each run two nights a week.
Progression runs Tues & Thurs @ 8pm - 12am EST
JV runs Tues & Wed @ 8pm - 11:00pm EST
Progression Raiders are welcome to bring their mains or alts to JV nights as well!

We also have RBGs on Sundays and Guild Games/Events on Saturdays

General Requirements/Expectations:

Be respectful of others, while we have many high skill leveled players, we also have many who are still learning or not as experienced.
Communicate if you need any help or have any questions.
Come to raid prepared (gems, enchants, pots, flasks, food, knowledge, etc)
Consistent Attendance, letting us know via our discord attendance channel if you will be missing or late

I am happy to speak with you vocally over Discord. We like to speak with all potential recruits before they join, and would also love to run some keys with you and some of our guildies so you can get a good feel for our culture before making a commitment.

Hope to hear from you!

Chief, The Deadmen Guild Master
Discord: TheGantaGun#3912
BTag: TheGantaGun#1518
Just add me as a friend and message me!

Hey Wakethelight! Coo Coo Kachoo is currently 10/10H 2/10M we raid M/T/TH 9pm-12am EST. We are looking for another strong healer to help round out our roster.

If you are interested feel free to contact me on Bnet: Rakitin#1573 or Discord: Rakitin#5193.

Coo Coo Kachoo formed at the end of BfA. We are currently 2/10M and are pushing to get CE within 3-4 months of the release of a tier. We are a very chill raid team that has fun while raiding but we expect our raiders to perform at a high level.

What we are looking for:
Our ideal candidate enjoys playing the game at a high level and striving to better themselves and their character. Someone who strives for greatness but overall just want to enjoy the hardest content in the game.

We use loot council for tradable loot. At the beginning of teirs BoEs are sold to fund the guild bank unless it is BiS or an essential piece for continued progression.

Raid Schedule:
Monday/Tuesday/Thursday: 9pm - 12:00am EST (6:00pm - 9:00am PST)

We are always looking for exceptional players but our current needs are as follows:

  • Healers: Disc Priest, Holy Paladin
  • Dps: Shadow priest, Hunter, Warlock, Boomkin, Ele Sham, WW monk, Warrior
  • Exceptional applicants of any type

Rakitin - Bnet: Rakitin#1573, Discord: Rakitin#5193
Drokor - Bnet Drokor#1150, Discord Weregamer#2024

Hey Wakethelight,

We’re looking for a healer to round out our roster. Here’s our info:

Proficient (formerly known as Proficient in Wagons) is a horde guild on Zul’jin-US that formed during ABT and has stayed active throughout the end of Legion and BFA. We are 10/10 H in Castle Nathria and just getting ready to start mythic progression this week. We were also 10/12 M Ny’alotha. Our Raid Nights are Tuesday/Wednesday 9:00pm to 12:00am EST. We usually do alt/optional runs on Saturday based on interest. We are not a hardcore guild aiming for CE, however we do like to make progress in Mythic where we can, which means raiders should come with knowledge of the fights before raid time. Currently, we are doing farm content on Tuesdays and progression content on Wednesdays.

Pushing M+ keys has been a growing priority in the guild as more people are looking for challenging content outside of raids. Our active members are currently getting their high keys done every week and like to challenge each other to push as much as possible. We had multiple guild members with .io 3k+ in BFA and are already climbing to high .io score at the start of Shadowlands. Future members are welcome to join push teams if they are interested and able. We also have a fairly high interest in guild PvP and have started to do some weekend RBG groups.

Our main objective and priority is to keep up an active and enjoyable community throughout Shadowlands and into the future.

We have an active discord at night and highly encourage its use outside of events for greater enjoyment of the game. Discord is required for events (raids).

We are looking for a few dps and a healer to round out our roster. Mythic spots will be set by performance and/or comp for progression, and then we try to rotate people in for re-kills.

If interested, feel free to reach our GM through a PM, or in game yaomingdave#1615, or in discord yaomingdave#4312.

Thank you for your time and hope to hear from you soon!

Hey, still looking for a guild? I’m with Revengeance on Bleeding Hollow, we’re 9/10 H CN. Our times are set at Tuesday and Thursday 8-11pm est. If that works for you, you can message Numenex in game or add

Battletag : Adam#14502
Discord: Adam#7838

Hey Numenex,

If you are still looking you can check our Guild out, 2/10M and AOTC raiding T-W and Heroic Mondays at 10pm-1am EST.

More info here: Delete please
or Btag Matthew#1470

Lets have a chat.

The Hub is a group of friends who raided together in 8.3 and got CE together. We are located on Thrall. We are looking to push Mythic castle Nathria and currently sit at 2/10 Mythic. We currently need Ranged DPS and a healer, but Exceptional raiders are always encouraged to apply.

We have a discord server where you can get information and the tools you need we also run mythic+ and pvp for fun but we are more focused on raid.
We want to have fun here but ultimately our goal is CE so have that mindset coming in.

Our raid times will be Tuesday and Thursday from 9-12pm EST

If you are interested you can contact BIGRIG#2216 on discord I’d be happy to give you more info.

[A] Stormrage, Newly Created (Transferred), 1/10M, 10/10H core LFM

Looking for a new beginning? Outrage-Stormrage, is a newly formed guild of a core group of players with strong performance and drive to progress. With a newly formed guild, we are looking to fill out our Mythic raid team!

What we are looking for:

-Light hearted but still focused

-Prepared for raid (consumables, fight research, etc)

-Team player inside and outside of raid

-Strong performance and personal responsibility inside and outside of raid

Core Team Current Progress: 10/10N, 10/10H, 1/10M

Raid times: Tues/Wed/Sat 8-11pm ST

Invites go out 15 minutes prior. Absences should be communicated to officer team. Tuesday and Wednesday are progression nights with Saturday being a flexible raid depending on raider availability. In the instance a strong Mythic group isn’t available for Saturday, it will be a heroic re-clear

What we provide

• A core group of fun, yet focused progression raiders

• Strong performances with highly dedicated players

• We will provide some consumables as the guild begins to expand

• M+ push groups

• Leadership willing to individually assist and analyze

Recruitment status:

Roster: Currently at a small core group of 8 players. Looking for more like-minded and like-performing players to fill out the remaining spots. All spots will be filled with what we feel are the best possible players while reviewing all parts of your gameplay.

Tanks: High- Need 2 tanks for Mythic team! Also an opportunity to join M+ teams with strong pre-existing synergy. All tanks are welcome for all M+ difficulties.

Ranged DPS: High- All applications welcome

Melee DPS: High- All applications welcome

Healers: High- All applications welcome (prefer holy paladin, disc priest)

Officer Logs:

Spotzdruid (GM) - https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/us/dawnbringer/spotzdruid#difficulty=4

Camshaman (Officer) - https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/us/stormrage/camshaman#difficulty=4

ZaCarm (Officer) - Still loading from transfer…will update as soon as it posts

If you’re interested in finding out more…add me on discord: ZaCarm#8301

[H] Autonomy - Spinebreaker
Raid times -
(Main Raid)Tues/Wed 730pm pst - 930pm pst(4hrs)
Progression -1/10M 10/10H
Nyloth 10/12M

We are a friendly casual guild on a very quiet server(Spinebreaker). we bring a stress/drama free environment. No loot qqers/big egos or favoritism here.
All of our raiders have the same vision in progression we get work done within our 2 hour raid window.

We run keys/alt runs through out the week!
We enjoy pvp as well.
We Have 4 raid groups.
We Run rbgs as a team.

Team Rellum
Recruiting for Tues/Wed 730pm pst - 930pm pst For Mythic PROG
Unholy DK
Boomkin/Resto Flex
Shadow Priest/ Disc Flex
MM Hunter

Team Genesis - Heroic Prog Tues/Wed 6pm-8pm pst

Jerk Squad -Heroic Prog Saturday 1pm pst

Team Karma - Thursday 730pm pst - 930pm pst
bnet thiz#11864

[A] Stormrage, Newly Created (Transferred), 1/10M, 10/10H core LFM

Looking for a new beginning? Outrage-Stormrage, is a newly formed guild of a core group of players with strong performance and drive to progress. With a newly formed guild, we are looking to fill out our Mythic raid team!

What we are looking for:

-Light hearted but still focused

-Prepared for raid (consumables, fight research, etc)

-Team player inside and outside of raid

-Strong performance and personal responsibility inside and outside of raid

Core Team Current Progress: 10/10N, 10/10H, 1/10M

Raid times: Tues/Wed/Sat 8-11pm ST

Invites go out 15 minutes prior. Absences should be communicated to officer team. Tuesday and Wednesday are progression nights with Saturday being a flexible raid depending on raider availability. In the instance a strong Mythic group isn’t available for Saturday, it will be a heroic re-clear

What we provide

• A core group of fun, yet focused progression raiders

• Strong performances with highly dedicated players

• We will provide some consumables as the guild begins to expand

• M+ push groups

• Leadership willing to individually assist and analyze

Recruitment status:

Roster: Currently at a small core group of 8 players. Looking for more like-minded and like-performing players to fill out the remaining spots. All spots will be filled with what we feel are the best possible players while reviewing all parts of your gameplay.

Tanks: High- Need 2 tanks for Mythic team! Also an opportunity to join M+ teams with strong pre-existing synergy. All tanks are welcome for all M+ difficulties.

Ranged DPS: High- All applications welcome

Melee DPS: High- All applications welcome

Healers: High- All applications welcome (prefer holy paladin, disc priest)

Officer Logs:

Spotzdruid (GM) - https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/us/dawnbringer/spotzdruid#difficulty=4

Camshaman (Officer) - https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/us/stormrage/camshaman#difficulty=4

ZaCarm (Officer) - Still loading from transfer…will update as soon as it posts!

If you’re interested in finding out more…add me on discord: ZaCarm#8301

[H] Illidan - 3/10M "Play Off Me"

Ex-Top 50 US raiders that recently reformed in the beginning of SL with numerous CE achievements throughout the past expansions. Send a friend request to me if you’d like to chat. We are looking to rebuild and are looking to fill 5 or so more core raid spots.

We raid Tues/Wed/Thurs 8:30 PM EST to 11:30 PM EST. No overtime.

BNet: LQW#1550
Discord: LQWonderful#4197

Always looking for healers!

Our Alliance guild on Emerald Dream 10/10H 2/10M is recruiting for CN, and they have AOTC and CE experience in Nya. Right now we are looking for a healer and ranged DPS to fill out our roster. Please see the link below for recruitment spam as well as always updated needs, and please let me know if you have any questions!


Discord- VeloursNoir#3455 Bnet- VeloursNoir#1259

Hey there!

Empire is a brand spanking newly reformed guild for 2021 and we’re looking for dedicated players to join us in Shadowlands for Mythic+ pushing and Cutting Edge. We are a community of Mythic-seasoned players spanning multiple expansions that have come together with the desire and drive to clear mythic raid content in a timely manner and support a roster capable of competitive Mythic+ pushing. We are looking to fill the remainder of our roster with competitive, competent and friendly players who we feel are deeply knowledgeable about their class and are driven to constantly push themselves with each success or failure. We expect that recruits will demonstrate these qualities primarily through interacting and trialing with us. While logs, current IO scores and so forth provide a strong signal, we encourage returning players and other applicants in situations where these might not be available to apply.

Raid Schedule

Wednesday/Thursday/Sunday - 8:00 to 11:00 PM CST (9:00 to 12:00 PM Server Time)

We are 9/10H and 1/10M in our first week!

Raid Availability and Needs

Listed below are current needs for our raid group, but if you’re a good player/person we’d love to have you.

Mage: High
Death Knight: High
Balance Druid: High
Rogue: High

Paladin: High
Disc Priest: High

Contact Information

Dizz (Healing Officer)

Dizz#11776 (Bnet)
Dizz#1190 (Discord)

Gagorn (Officer)

Gish#11857 (BattleNet)

Gnomaniac (Officer)

FrogIce#1872 (BattleNet)
FrogIce#4926 (Discord)

Void (Guild Master)

Kraze#1468 (BattleNet)
Kratos#7145 (Discord)

overraided - tichondrius 9/10H CN 1/10M CN 11/12 M NY
8:15-11:30 est

APPLY HERE: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdeMSCkCj97115cCspO1DKL_VcB0SHGtOs-Zuoa2n4Zpa8gxA/viewform

bnet: braeya#1291 discord: Braeya#5807