Thanks for looking at my post!
I’m looking for a serious but chill raiding environment to push with in Shadowlands. Preferably one that has a consistent track-record and is not recently formed.
An active community that pushes keys, pvps and does other random fun things is always excellent!
My goal every tier is CE and to see all the available content. If you need a prepared player to join your community, hit me up!
1 Like
I see you VAEB . I know my guild is looking for a lock we have a website you can apply at.
Hey I’m with SDS - Team Gluttony on Stormrage (Alliance), we are current 9/10H and 2/10M looking for locks specifically. We raid Wed/Thurs at 9-12Est. Hmu @ Vebaolum#7571 if you have any questions or interest.
Zero Accountability is a new Area 52 guild recruiting for CE progression. With core players that have been in guilds from previous expansions such as Dread, Club Camel, Gentlemen’s Club, Revive, and others ranging between US20 and 60.
We are aiming to be US100 or lower the following tier and expect to finish this tier around US150.
We are open to package deals as long as all players in the package expect that their performance will be graded individually.
Raid times are:
T/W/TH with Monday added for boss @ lower % pulls.
7-10 PST / 9-12 CST / 10-1 EST
You are expected to:
Play your class to a high ability with drive to improve.
Communicate and work with the raid time.
Come to raid prepared.
Maintain attendance. Life happens, but we also expect you to communicate if something comes up.
Be an adult and be able to be not interrupted during raid constantly.
Trial period is 3 weeks. We encourage all trials to ask for feedback and review their own logs, as well as our raiders. You never know everything.
Recruitment is currently open for:
1 Core tank. This role requires you to be vocal more constantly than others, do NOT apply for a tanking position if you do not ask for your tank CDs. Pref VDH / Blood DK.
High Priority
Resto Shaman
Disc Priest
Enhancement Shaman
Raid spots are competitive, we encourage any exceptional players to reach out and apply.
If you have any questions or would like to apply please contact us below via discord/battlenet.
Battlenet: ABSOLUTIONXI#1660 / nerve#6446
Battlenet: Magik#11429 / Eureka#3010
One Heal is a Horde CE Guild on Area-52. Formed up late during BFA. Led by a core of experience raiders we achieved 12/12M on a short timeframe and will continue to achieve CE each tier as we start to push our rankings with the end expansion goal of US 150.
Currently Recruiting:
- Exceptional DPS
- Resto Shaman
Applicants should have experience with mythic raiding and CE from Legion/BFA and are expected to have knowledge of their class and respective roles. All exceptional applicants should feel free to apply.
Raid Times:
- Tuesday: 9pm-12PM EST
- Wednesday: 9pm-12PM EST
- Thursday: 9pm-12PM EST
- Friday: 9pm-12PM EST (First 2 weeks of progression/Optional Heroic)
Raider Expectations:
- All players are expected to maintain high raid attendance. While real life happens and is completely understandable we need to be able to progress and depend on our raiders to show up consistently.
- All raiders are expected to show up with consumables(food, pots, tomes, etc) for raid.
- Players are expected to maintain their gear to stay competitive and know boss fights and mechanics going into fights.
- Maintain composure and accept constructive feedback as we all improve.
Current Prog:
Our goal is to continually improve and get better each tier while maintaining a raid atmosphere that allows us to enjoy raiding. The expectation is for our raiders to identify their own mistakes so they can correct them and move on. We are all raiding because we enjoy the game and have fun but falling behind in gear/mechanics or having a bad attitude in raid all take the fun away and is unacceptable.
Outside of raid we have a few big PvPers in the guild as well as M+ pushers who are on at all hours of the day. Once raid tiers are cleared there are also a variety of different games that are played.
BNet: Raynor#3457, Yenchmeister#1217, Putiputi#1305, Clerkie#1247
Discord: Raynor#3457, Yenchmeister#8407, Putiputi#4524, Clerkie#9999
Feel free to ask us any questions or fill out an application.
One Heal Application
Hi Leide,
is currently 1/10 M 9/10 heroic on a strict 6 hour a week schedule and looking for a strong warlock! Like you, we are all about CE. I’ll drop the copy pasta below, feel free to app and reach out!
Its Mine I Licked It (US-Stormrage - Alliance) is recruiting for 2-day-a-week raiding in Shadowlands!
Its Mine I Licked It was founded prior to the launch of Shadowlands by a group of friends with significant hardcore raiding experience. All of the founding members have played WoW since The Burning Crusade or earlier, and have raided since Wrath of the Lich King or before. More to the point, each of the founding members have at minimum US Top 50 experience, and we have all held leadership positions in competitive raiding guilds.
However, life goes on and people get older, and we all stopped raiding or even playing the game all together in either Legion or Battle for Azeroth for individual reasons. However, we also love this game and have come back over the last few months (or for some of us, never left at all). For all of us, raiding is an integral part of this game, and that’s what we plan to do. Still, we don’t want to break our backs pushing the true bleeding edge of end game content like we all did for so many years.
In Shadowlands, we will clear all Mythic Raid content as well as provide an environment conducive for Mythic + dungeon runs. However, we are all at the point in our lives where pushing late hours or extra nights to clear a Mythic Raid is not what we are looking for. Instead, we want to focus on a less grindy experience while still pushing ourselves and playing efficiently.
The raid schedule is TUESDAYS and THURSDAYS from 8 PM EST – 11 PM EST. We will only be raiding 6 hours a week, so we will be pulling at 8. In other words, the ability to be on by 7:45 or so is important/necessary.
Our primary needs are:
Ranged DPS
Melee DPS
However, we will always consider exceptional players who are the right fit – we have several members who are flexible in their roles. If we can accommodate you, we will!
If you are interested in raiding with us, please fill out the following form:
https:// forms. gle/Yx4MuJ2M24xcS7gt6 (remove spaces)
If you have any questions, please feel free to add Abberation on (Moophisto#11601).
Would love to speak with you! a group of former top 100 raiders (ex midwinter, smitus and friends, and limited liabilty) just reformed and we’re very interested in you! add me?
Very excited to speak with you.
Hey Leide,
Style on Sargeras is looking for solid ranged dps as we push further into mythic CN, and would love another lock. We raid Tuesdays and Thursdays, 8-11 EST and are currently 2/10 M.
Full spiel below:
Our goal in Shadowlands is to get Cutting Edge at a timely manner within the small raid days and time with no overtime raiding.
Raid Schedule
Tues/Wed 7-10 CST (Server Time) with invites going out 15 mins before raid.
Optional alt raid on Thursday same time.
Previous Raid Progression
Tomb of Sargeras- 8/9M
Antorus the Burning Throne- 10/11M
Uldir- 8/8M
Battle of Dazar’alor- 8/9M
Current Raid Progression
Castle Nathria- 10/10 N, 8/10 H, 2/10M
What we are looking for
- Melee & Range DPS (No Hunters)
- DPS with healer offspec
- Competent DPS applications are always welcome to apply
Our Expectaions
We expect our raiders to be on point with keeping up with their class and specs to be able to play at the maximum level possible
We also expect our raiders to have 90% attendance given our raid days and times
We expect our raiders to be prepared by at least knowing how the boss fights works either by reading or watching a video on the boss to have some understanding
Be able to do mechanics when asked to
Push yourself to be your best
Keep up with current content
Addon Requirements
- Bigwigs or DBM
- Exorsus Raid Tools
- Weakauras
- RC LootCouncil
If you are interested in applying
https:// is a space after the //)
Please have logs
If you have any other questions please contact and of our officers on Bnet:
Yaj#11571 (GM/RL)
Renegade#1467 (Officer
<< Demise >> US - Sargeras
Tuesday and Thursday
Demise is currently recruiting for Shadowlands! We are a top tier mythic guild on Sargeras that has been raiding together for several expansions now. Our core group of veteran players have Cutting Edge experience in previous tiers.
Our core raiders are expected to always be prepared:
- Have knowledge of boss encounters heading into first week’s pulls, etc.
- Be prepared with flasks, pots, and feasts at all times. (We often provide them anyways but good habit to have)
- Show up several minutes early to raid nights and be prepared to clear trash and start right on the dot.
- Be open to feedback and improving your performance when necessary (bad nights happen, we understand!)
We just want to give a very clear expectation of what we expect from our team and our wow friends in the guild. We’re raiders with a common goal. Kill bosses and have fun doing it ![:slight_smile: :slight_smile:](
Our current needs are:
Meele dps - Warrior/Demon Hunter!!
Ranged dps - Anything outside of hunter xD
Healer - DISC PRIEST!!! Possibly Holy Pally ![:slight_smile: :slight_smile:](
Open to skilled players on ALL other classes/specs.
Spots will be competitive and everyone has a fair chance to earn their raid spot.
If you are interested in our guild and would like more information or to join then contact us (info listed below).
I am always around and willing to talk and answer any and all questions.
Hoping to give many of you the best guild/home you’ve ever been a part of! ![:slight_smile: :slight_smile:](
Discord: blitz steve#3655
Bnet- Blitzsteve#1703
IGN- Galiyon
I hope your having a good new years day, We are looking to add exceptional ranged dps to our roster, and could use more dots to push through heroic castle nathria and beyond. If we are a good fit for you please reach out to myself or the recruitment officer and have a great day!
Who Are We
[Supremum] is a group of returning World of Warcraft veterans who have completed Cutting Edge, Ahead of the Curve and multiple Keystone Master achievements. We are longtime players of the game for almost a decade or more looking to build a fresh team for the Shadowlands expansion. Our Discord chat is lively with various topics from theorycrafting to topics appropriate for our name. We have pushed progression throughout various expansions and are looking to add more solid and committed raiders and high mythic key runners to our roster to build a community of like-minded players for the castle nathria raid tier and beyond.
** Progression**
We are currently 7/10 Heroic Castle Nathria, and 10/10 Normal Castle Nathria
Raid Times
Raid times will be on Tuesday and Wednesday from 9pm to 12am EST. We run M+ keys outside of raid time.
Applicant Requirements
A minimum of 90% attendance is required to stay on the active raid roster.
Logs of your previous raid experience or raider[dot]io, preferably from the most current Tier.
Completion of a weekly Mythic+ of the current gear cap (+10/+15) for maximum gearing opportunities.
A functioning headset with mic.
Guild Recruitment Needs
Role |
Spec |
Offspec. |
Need |
Death Knight |
Unholy |
Blood |
High |
Hunter |
Marksmanship |
- |
High |
Mage |
Fire |
- |
High |
Warlock |
Affliction |
- |
High |
Druid |
Balance |
Restoration |
Medium |
Shaman |
Elemental |
Restoration |
Medium |
Priest |
Discipline |
Holy |
Medium |
Priest |
Shadow |
- |
Low |
We are looking for Exceptional Applicants in the selected roles shown above. Even if you are not listed above but still feel you are an Exceptional Applicant that would be a good fit for the guild please do not hesitate to contact us to fill out an application for a trial raiding position. For questions, please message any of the following officers/recruiters :
Triadge: Triadge#1814 ( (Discord) - GM
Shavoni: Myirium#1405 ( / Myirium#0898 (Discord) – Recruitment
Gagorn: Gish#11857 ( (Discord)
We are Pillars would be interested with speaking with you as an exceptional lock is one of the last missing pieces we need for our CE focused group.
Pillars is a nascent squad of like-minded long time progression raiders. Forged among the early shuffling grind to clear Castle Nathria. Together we embody progression, personal accountability, exceptional preparedness, and the will to succeed in the hunt for CE progression.
We are a CE minded progression raiding team looking for exceptional applicants who are looking to clear content, have fun, and be the very best raiders we can be for the best team we can be. We are accepting of all races / religions / sexual orientations / and genders. The only color of people we see here are purple.
Our Raid Schedule: Tue/Wed/Thur 8-11 pm EST w/ optional Monday clean-up runs.
Current Progression 10/10 N 9/10 H
Currently Recruiting:
Tanks: Accepting exceptional applicants
Melee DPS: Arms Warrior
Ranged DPS: Boomkin Druid, Mage, Warlock
Healers: Holy Paladin, Resto Sham, Disc Priest
There is an old saying that if you are the smartest person in the room, you are in the wrong room. It is our stance that if you are the best raider in your under-preforming team, that you should speak with us today, so you can be in the right room.
Raid Team Contacts:
GM Festy / Btag- Festy#1136 Discord- Bakuga#1745
Recruiter Shankspec / Btag - Mynucka1788#1532 Discord Shankspec#8004
We’re recruiting for our Mythic roster for Castle Nathria. Check out our info below and if it fits what you are looking for, add our recruiter battletags (shadowbane#1864) or (slimey42#1203).
Dauntless, a three night a week Horde raiding guild on Tichondrius, is looking for a warlock to solidify our roster. We are a stable, consistent, progression focused guild. No surprises. Just a solid group of awesome people that have a great time killing internet dragons together.
We do have an over 20 policy in place for recruitment.
Raid Times:
7:00-10:00 PST, Tues/Weds/Thurs.
Castle Nathria Progression:
9/10 Heroic
Previous Progression:
Ny’alotha: 12/12 Mythic
EP: 7/8 Mythic
BOD: 9/9 Mythic, Cutting Edge
Uldir: 8/8 Mythic, Cutting Edge
ABT: 11/11 Mythic, Cutting Edge
Full recruitment thread:
If you’re interested in becoming part of the family, you can apply online at
How to contact us:
• Recruiter Battletag: shadowbaine#11318 or Discord: Shadowbaine#1071
• GM (Earrl): slimey42#1203
• Apply at
I know you’re looking for consistency and that’s fine – We’ve been around since Legion. We fell short of cutting edge in Nighthold after getting it on EN and Helya, and in the middle of ToS we all decided to just tune it back and relax the rest of the expansion and come back into BFA hard. The only reason we ended up halting mythic progression in BFA was because I had to completely relocate across the country for a new job and took quite some time settling with me and my family – No one else took the helm of raid leading. After that the expansion wasn’t looking too interesting to most of us, so a few of us continued to raid with who we could and the others just stuck to keystones or other games.
I tell you that to be up-front, even if you don’t like hearing it. What I wanna emphasize on: A huge portion of the guild members, ~14+ or so who actively raid now and well over 20 outside of raiding, have remained close and gamed in-and-out of WoW since the start of Legion.
If you wanna chat for whatever reason or have questions for us, you can ask me directly on discord or in my thread or just join our discord and go from there. I get we probably aren’t what you’re looking for, but you never know!
Lizard Wizards is a newly formed guild with the aim of creating a Mythic raid team composed of intelligent players. Our raid leader has achieved Cutting Edge multiple times and has had prior experience as a raid leader. We are currently only 7/10H due to lack of time and raiders. Raid times are Wed/Thurs with Friday’s being optional from 7-10pm EST. Our main goal is to create a versatile community with events where people can pvp, raid, and just hang out. Anyone is welcome to join!
If you’re interested in joining feel free to add our RL (Dethlaf#3558) on discord.
Formerly [A] on Lightbringer, we are now on [H] on the Illidan server 10/10h 1/10M. TC was founded in May 2005 and has been a top guild from inception, obtaining most cutting edges. We are getting most of the core guild members back so you can expect a guild with seasoned leadership, a relaxed and fun raid environment full of skillful individuals.
We are currently raiding Tuesday & Wednesday at 9:30-12:30 am EST. We have an optional run on Sundays at the same time, which is reserved for Sales, Achievements, or Norm/Heroic Clears during Mythic progression.
Even if we are not looking for your class, we always accept any exceptional applicants. Feel free to review our logs and see if you can compete.
Shadow Priest
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to anyone in leadership:
GM - Xellos BTag Xellos#1969 Discord Xellos#3150
Officer - Ghostyy BTag Ghosty#1481 Discord Ghosty#0330
Officer - Llunai Btag Lunana#1345 Discord Luna#8650
Fill out an application here:
Good luck out there!
Will be going through all of these tomorrow.
Hey there- we can use a strong DPS!
TILTED-Area 52, is a newly formed guild at the end of BFA of mostly multiple CE raiders and leadership. We are still working on putting together a roster to push top 150 US ranks by the end of the expac.
What we are looking for:
-Drama free
-Prepared for raid (consumables, fight research, etc) and understands the importance of M+
-Team player in an inclusive raid environment
-Trolls, racist language, bigotry are not welcome here
-Strong performance (this doesn’t mean orange parses)- we want people who can show strong output, but also take on tasks in raid and not complain about how it impacts their DPS
Current Progress: 10/10N, 9/10H, 1/10M
Raid times: Tues/Wed/Thurs 9pm PST to 12 am PST (11p CST to 2am CST, 12am EST to 3am EST)
Invites go out 15 minutes prior to our start and you are expected to be online and ready to go then!
We raid on Monday’s for the first 3 weeks of a new tier
What we provide
- A stable raid environment
- We provide some consumables (enchants, flasks/cauldrons, gems, food and some pots)
- Active guild that always has people looking for M+
Recruitment status:
Roster: Currently at 24 people (consistently 22). We are not looking to over recruit and have a massive bench- our spots are competitive.
Tanks: None for the raid team- m+ tanks in guild would be great.
Ranged DPS: Anything but boomkins
Melee DPS: Death Knight
Healers: Resto shaman/Priest
[Application:] https : // apply. wowaudit. com/us/area-52/tilted/main
-remove the spaces in the address above.
Even if your class isn’t listed here but feel you meet or exceed the items listed above, please contact me in game after applying!
Hi there, we’re Severity on Hyjal. We are currently a start up of just about 20 current and returning top 50 US raiders. Our interests stem from raiding, to mythic +, to pvp, and sale runs in our freetime. We are looking for like minded players to progress and grow with us into shadowlands and beyond. To keep up with all of the content that we enjoy in the game, we intend to raid on a lighter schedule of two nights a week; Wednesday/Thursday 7:30 - 11:30 pm PST with optional events outside the scheduled mandatory raid times.
currently looking for a couple more dps to round out our roster . would love to chat. if you’re interested or have any questions feel free to add me
btag: mke#11978