Hello all!
I am currently on Dunemaul in a guild with friends/family that have recessed from the game and consequently, I have been pugging along.
I am hoping to find a guild who pushes mythic keys regularly and also pushing mythic raid content.
The down side is I have a 48 on 96 off work schedule with a second day job and cannot make every single raid every day (once a week definitely). If a guild out there is looking for a stand in or an a fifth man for a mythic key group Id be interested in talking.
Mementô Is a freshly formed Heroic and Mythic raiding guild with the intention of raiding Semi-Hardcore mythic content. We are formed by previous mythic and cutting edge raiders, with the knowledge and what it takes to progress in mythic content.
What we expect from our raiders:
- Punctuality
- Ability to perform to the best of your ability in your class and spec
- Willingness to socialize with other members and put yourself out there
Our times are:
- Friday - 7:30-10pm EST
- Saturday - 7:30-10pm EST
Contact Information:
Guild Master:
- Battletag - Pixel#12533
- Discord Handle: Siddyy#4918
Hey there <Mr. Facemelter>. We are 7/10H fresh formed currently looking for more people to join the team! Check out Our Post
Check us out
Reavers Had One Job is a semi-hardcore progression raiding guild on US-Ysera/Durotan Alliance that is centered around fully clearing content while it is current.
We want intelligent and active players who are eager to progress through the new content as soon as it’s available. We want players who are able to be a part of the team; that involves:
Attending virtually all the raids
Having stable computers and internet connections
Bringing consumables
Making sure you are up to date on all your classes’ developments, as well as the game’s developments and upcoming changes
Current Progression in Shadowlands:
3/10M & 10/10H
Raid Times:
8:00PM – 11:00PM EST Tuesday and Wednesday
Exceptional players
We’re a very active guild, even outside of raids. Guild Members constantly organizing Alt runs, Mythic+ groups, PvP/Arena, etc.
We are all friends, and we keep a respectful atmosphere when we play with each other. If you believe all of this applies to you, and you would like to be a part of our team, feel free to
If you would like to apply, please click the link below. All applications are private.
Contact Information:
Taroxz (Discord: Tarox#0729)
Hey Facemelter!
Fired up is a 2/10M guild that has a once a week heroic team 10/10 that raids together. We are on Illidan (and are Horde, realize your Alliance) but are a fun group of people. We push keys and would be able to have you swap into our mythic prog when available as part of our heroic team. If interested please message me on disc: David-B#6548
Evening Facemelter,
Obvious Immortalis Plug are a newly formed guild on Stormrage looking for more DPS to add to our Fri/Sat 9pm eastern raid team.
We were formed by a core of players switching from Horde after we got our AOTC, the goal is to put a team of folk together who enjoy playing the game with each other and get our AOTC every tier.
We also enjoy doing keys and have people doing them at all levels so always easy to find a group to run with 
If you’re interested give me a shout on disc, yabigchoob#1967
Hi Facemelter! I think we’d be a great fit. Take a look and let us know. Happy to chat more!
Hi Facemelter
Well Howdy there partner
< Soup or Guild > is a new Horde Guild on Area-52 recruiting for CE. We have just started mythic progression this week and are 2/10. We have a goal of pushing as far as we can, and hopefully obtaining CE.
Several of the guild leadership achieved CE in Legion and BFA.
We are currently 2/10 mythic we have completed AOTC.
Looking for
1 Melee DPS - Prefer Warrior, Enhancement Shaman, or Rogue
1 Ranged DPS - Prefer Boomkin, Hunter, Mage, or Warlock
1 Healer - Prefer Priest or Paladin
We are looking for 2-3 well rounded DPS and 1 healer to complete our raid roster. If you are not geared don’t worry we are happy to help gear you as long as you can do mechanics.
Raid Times are Tuesday and Thursday 9-12 est.
This guild was created recently by a group of active players with mythic and cutting edge experience who enjoy all types of content. We already have almost a full 20 player roster for mythic, and are just looking to fill in a few more spots!
Ranged dps, and Warriors are highly preferred. However any skilled players would still be considered, and are welcome to come trial with us.
Anyone else is welcome to join for regular pvp and m+ content that will be run with the guild as well.
Become part of something great and grow with us!
Liger#11271 on Bnet
Liger#5309 on Discord
oxreborn#1287 on Bnet
oxreborn#5533 on Discord
or respond here for more info
Hey bud! Would love to add a solid lock to our roster. Info and application link below!
< Revoke Sanity > - We have been clearing content together for over 7 years (Started in Siege of Orgrimmar). Looking for people for our raid team; however, accepting all people to run keys or casually hang with us! Offers:
Active community
M+ KSM groups
Optional alt/heroic nite Tuesday’s
Our raiding philosophy: Enjoy playing the game with cool people and kill bosses. We consider ourselves a semi-hardcore guild without the elitist attitudes that seems come with Mythic Raiding.
Our expectations are simple. Pull your weight, do what you need to be successful to raid mythic. This includes participating in discord discussion for strata and staying on top of your class changes for fights.
Looking to finish filling our team with some dedicated raiders to come progress with us and enjoy what Shadowlands has to offer.
Last Tier we progressed: 12/12 H & 8/12 M
Current Progression: 10/10H & 2/10M, Hungering (50%)
Raid Times: Wednesday & Thursday 10 PM - 1 AM EST.
Current needs
LF any talented healers especially resto shammy, disc priest, holy paladin
Application so we can get to better know you
Contact Grarami at Grarami#1396 or Bobandii at Tibbets#1405
We still need a few more for a full raid roster. We raid 9-11 PM PST on W/Th on Proudmoore (Alliance).
What you get from us:
A decent number of keys and some casual pvp.
A community of people who are commonly online from 9PM to 11:30PM PST.
Help from your team with mechanics, gear and talent.
Wed/Thurs 9-11PM PST raids, keeping your tuesdays and weekends clear for funsies, online OR offline!
A cauldron for every progression run.
What we want from you:
A promise not to chug white claw while progressing.
Reasonable adult conduct.
Helping your guildmates when convenient.
You can reach me at grimthane#3215 on discord, or VeryGrim#1543 on Battle.net.
Name: Alpha AF
Realm: Thrall
Progression: 10/10H 3/10M
Schedule: Sunday/Monday 8-11PM EST
History: Former CE, Former US-100 Leads/Raiders
Goal: Build a casual Hour Cutting Edge Team
Perks: Off Night Raids, lots of KSMs, PvP, streamer support
WW Monk(High)
DPS DK(High)
Disc/Holy Priest(Medium)
Resto or Ele Shaman
Any Geared, mythic ready DPS.
To Join, provide logs/character link to me on Discord Awetosis#6997
Hey there, I’m with Dogecoin on Bleeding Hollow, we’re looking for stand in for our mythic group and have open spots for those who need their heroic kills weekly. We’re currently 2/10M 10/10. Our raid times are Tuesday and Thursday 8-11pm est. If that works for you or you’d like to discuss further, you can message me at:
Battletag - Adam#14502
Discord - Adam#7838
Hey there feel free to add Zilowa#1314 to discuss. We’d be happy to get you in even with your schedule. At the very least there’s often people running keys.
Bush Wookies on Illidan 9/10 H is an aotc guild building it’s core to push into mythic raiding.
[H][Thrall] Anxiety (2/10 M) LFM for core raid spots. Need a vengeance DH, resto shaman, hunters, and or a shadow priest with disc OS, BUT we are also accepting any exceptional applicants. We raid 10 PM - 12:30 AM EST on Wednesdays and Thursdays with alt runs on Sundays.
Discord: Blutide#9696
Btag: aediah#1355
Hope to hear from you soon!!!
Theory-mannoroth is currently 4/10m and looking for more active DPS.
Tue/Wed 7-11 CST.
Add my btag. Hoku#1141 We can talk more about details if you are interested. The sub role is fine.
Hey Face!
Guild & Server: Predictive Gaming [H] Thrall US
Who are we?
Predictive Gaming is an organization based out of League of Legends and venturing into a competitive WoW Org. We are a mix of newer players and OG vets former top 100 US. Predictive Gaming was first formed to be a place where people could come together and have an inclusive environment to game and meet new friends. We Strive to maintain that inclusive, laid-back vibe, but at the same time focused on our ultimate goal; Pushing for CE content on a laid back schedule.
Main Raid days: [10/10H 4/10M]
Tuesday 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. EST
Friday 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. EST
2nd Raid team: [10/10N 1/10H]
Saturday 9 p.m. - 12 a.m. EST
Sunday 9 p.m. - 12 a.m. EST
RGB TEAM: Open Recruitment
CR 1600
Recruitment: [Main Team] We’re accepting all classes just high need for warlocks other than that don’t be afraid to chat!
Warlock: HIGH
Recruitment: [2nd Team]
Open recruitment currently accepting all exceptional players.
Contact: Swagner#7414 on disc, Swaggoner IG or you can email us at PredictiveGaming@outlook.com
Hey Facemelter! Cupcakes & BDSM is now recruiting!
We are a fun guild on Thrall looking to further grow our roster for mythic content. We take in all players that are interested in raiding. Most of us are 2/10 mythic experience. We also have players that like to do mythic plus and pvp.
Raid schedules are Tuedsays heroic clear Wednesdays and Thursdays starting at 10:30PM and ends at 1AM server time (Eastern Time). This will be our main progression raid group.
Our Goals:
Our goal is to get cutting edge in Shadowlands and/or to progress through mythic raiding as far as we can. To reach this goal we expect everyone to have good attendance to our raid nights. We expect everyone to research their class and mechanics. We also expect everyone to reach out to us if in need of help as far as classes, specs, mechanics and gameplay.
About Us:
We as a guild are mainly active in the evening hours due to real life schedules but some are active during the day as well. We also like to do fun activities with our fellow guild mates such as scavenger hunts, transmog contests, xmogs and mount runs and achievement runs. We also welcome new players as well and we have many resources available upon request.
If you are interested or wish to know more details please feel free to reach out to one of our officers or myself by discord or in game.
Discord Info:
Hey there, hoping we’re a fit for you!
< Unions Only >
Zul’Jin - Horde
Time: Wednesday 7-10 EST
Current progression: 10/10N, 6/10H
We’re looking for some DPS! We’re 6/10H Castle Nathria and run Mythic+. Raid is Wednesday 7-10 EST (one day). M+ throughout the week. Very active and laid back group. We like to down bosses and have fun doing it. Our goal is to eventually progress through Heroic but we won’t be bashing our heads into it. We will never step foot into Mythic Raid.
Add my btag: ishkurr#1649 if you’d like to chat some more
Hey Facemelter!
I completely understand that busy lifestyle. I’d love to chat with ya and see if you want to come hang out with us in our discord and talk! Here is some info on our guild.
We are a fun guild on Thrall looking to further grow our roster for mythic content. We take in all players that are interested in raiding. We are 2/10 mythic experienced. We also have players that like to do mythic plus and pvp.
Raid schedules are Tuedsays (optional raid night) heroic clear Wednesdays and Thursdays starting at 9:30PM and ends at 12AM server time (Eastern Time). This will be our main progression raid group.
Our Goals:
Our goal is to get cutting edge in Shadowlands and/or to progress through mythic raiding as far as we can. To reach this goal we expect everyone to have good attendance to our raid nights. We expect everyone to research their class and mechanics. We also expect everyone to reach out to us if in need of help as far as classes, specs, mechanics and gameplay.
About Us:
We as a guild are mainly active in the evening hours due to real life schedules but some are active during the day as well. We also like to do fun activities with our fellow guild mates such as scavenger hunts, transmog contests, xmogs and mount runs and achievement runs. We also welcome new players as well and we have many resources available upon request.
If you are interested or wish to know more details please feel free to reach out to one of our officers or myself by discord or in game.
Discord Info: