2/10m exp p3 slyv heroic exp have current logs looking for a mythic core weekdays
Hey Fraxxure, I’m Razarel with . We’re a late night raiding gulid that’s 9/10H and 1/10M that’s seen Sylvanas drop to 54%. If you’re interested in raiding with us, you can message Razariel#0870 on Discord.
need something not late night
Hi there We might be a good fit for you
[H] Bonesaw is currently looking for an exceptional healer, and a ranged DPS to round out our mythic progression team!
Raid Days/Times: Wed/Thurs 8pm-11pm EST
Current Progression: 1/10M SoD 10/10H SoD
We are a fun group of like-minded individuals that enjoy each other’s company while raiding together. We are all committed to downing the hardest content Blizzard releases while maintaining an enjoyable atmosphere. On off-nights, the guild is still active in game and also enjoy playing other gam…