212 monk looking for weekend raiding guild sat night sun night. I’m a night shift worker 5 to 5 I haven’t raided since bfa where I was a heroic level healer I’ve tanked heroic never done windwalker but willing to try. I am alliance but can server transfer for a good group of folks. Currently tank spec no legendaries. Willing to work towards legendaries I can craft them just never put the time in torghast. I’m primarily a gold farmer so my contribution would be a cauldron or two and maybe some feasts I also have the bruto and can craft the tailoring and belt leather 262s. Also paid up for 5 years on sub so I wont leave until everyone else calls it quits. PM or reply
Hey there, I know you said weekend but if weekdays could be considered then we are actively looking for another core healer to add onto our raid roster! If our days/times work for you please consider reaching out.
Chaotic Neutral is an established semi-hardcore guild located on Alliance Turalyon, while we aren’t a hardcore CE push guild we do like to push as far as we can into mythic with a relaxed and chill raid environment, we raid Tues/Weds from 7:30-10:30 pm EST with an optional Saturday Normal/alt night in the same time frame. As of writing this we are 10/10N, 8/10H & 1/10M with a few attempts on Heroic Kel’Thuzad.
I’ll leave all our additional info below but if you’re interested then please put in an app on our guild site or add one of the btags to get in contact, hope to hear from you and if not then good luck on your search!
Guild Site: http://www.cnguild.org/
Wow Prog: https://www.wowprogress.com/guild/us/turalyon/Chaotic+Neutral
Forum Post: [A] <Chaotic Neutral> Recruiting for Shadowlands!
Btags: GM - Wandappy#1921 | Recruitment - GingerHeals#11438
We are mostly looking for healers at this point and we have 2 raid tanks, but I liked your comment about “I wont leave until everyone calls it quits”. We don’t have a Windwalker and would be willing to help get up to raid ready (or if you want to be a healer again). I am not sure if our raids are late enough for you though. We raid every Sunday from 4pm-8pm CST and every other Saturday. We are a long term (15 Years) guild who has consistently raided and are looking for long term players. Not 100 percent sure we would have a lot of activity during the hours you play during the week, but I will leave our spam below and if you would like to talk more please feel free to add me on battlenet or discord:
[A] Descendants of Lore is a semi-casual Alliance raiding guild on Khadgar/Alleria/Exodar/Medivh that has been around and consistently raiding since Vanilla (15 + Years). We are a small to medium sized, close-knit guild of friendly, mature players, with the majority being over the age of 30 with, jobs, families, and adult responsibilities. We are careful with recruiting so no one gets lost in the crowd and everyone has a raid spot.
We offer a laid back environment with dedicated players willing to put in the work to succeed but not at the expense of fun or sanity. We are currently:
1/10 H
5/10 N
We make a push for Heroic each expansion and sometime dip a toe into a Mythic boss or two when we have the roster.
We raid Sundays from 4pm-8pm CST. (2-6 pm Pacific) and every other Saturday with plenty of opportunities for Mythic + throughout the week.
We are looking for mature, friendly, active, and dedicated players to join us for Shadowlands and beyond.
If you wish to raid, we expect you to come prepared (food, flasks, enchants, gems, know your class and rotation) and on time, come with a good attitude and know how to wipe with dignity and work towards progress.
We will accept anyone who would be a good fit for our guild, and can currently accommodate almost any class, but are especially looking for 1-2 healers. Specifically non pally classes (we already have 2). Would also love to see a Windwalker Monk and Fury Warrior to round out our raid team.
If you have made it past the novella, please consider us if you are looking for a fun and friendly environment with an established, long term guild that doesn’t tolerate drama. Or if you are looking for a raid experience filled with silliness and dad jokes.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or wish to consider Descendants of Lore as your new home.
Battlenet: Daveta#1154
Discord: Daveta#5455
Work 5pm to 5am and alternate fridays I would be giving up sleep I cant do that
Dave I am on CST have no problems with the schedule its actually awesome I usually wake up at 1 to 2 pm on the weekends. I am a pretty good gold maker so what I am saying is I can possibly bring the mats for 2 or 3 cauldrons and would not care to bring those with me for every raid. I also wouldn’t care to try windwalker I’ll try anything. I’ll add your battle tag and we can talk this weekend that schedule is actually perfect. I’ve paid 5 years of wow on 2 accounts and burning out on gold making would love to get back into raiding again! I love healing and wouldn’t care to swap if needed.
I look forward to talking to you this weekend.
Moderator delete post joined descendants of lore today!