I am a hunter currently looking for guild due to my current guild schedule, I will learn and try my best to progress on current and future content
I have 8/10H experience and 873M+IO.
I am willing to transfer from realm but not from faction.
I can raid from 20:00 to 24:00 CST time
Hello there,
I’m Syoki and I’m the recruitment officer for Good Game of Mal’Ganis Horde. We’re 2/10M (10/10H) and raid Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday 9:00PM-12:00AM CST (ST).
We, as a raid group, have been playing together since the end of Wrath and have always fully cleared progression with Cutting Edge. We’ve recently made the move to Mal’Ganis, horde, after over a decade of being Alliance (Kel’Thuzad and Stormrage).
We find the only thing that keeps us playing is those in which we’ve played with for a long time. We consider our guild a family. A large, dysfunctional, family. We are currently finalizing the right CE team to take on Shadowlands and would love to talk to you about joining our band of miscreants. 
Feel free to read through the spam below and add my Real ID or Discord if you have any questions.
Hope to hear from you! If not, best of luck in your guild search and in the Shadowlands!
Syoki the Insane
(BNet: Nyoki#11232, Discord: Nyoki#8886)
Times: Tues/Wed 8:00pm-11:00am Server (EST)
About us: Eternal Eclipse was formed at the end of 2020 by a group of friends with the overall mind set to progression mythic raids. Our goal is to form a fun and enjoyable raid group that is capable of pushing Mythic content. Our guild is very active in all aspects of the game both PvE and PvP. We are one big family here but we understand that the game is not the only thing players have in life. We understand that real life comes first and sometimes you need to focus on things at home before you can get back to the game and that is okay we are all human!
Requirements: 18+ years old. 205 ilvl soft requirement, we are willing to help gear exceptional players through our trial period. Come prepared for raid with all consumables (food, flask, combat & healing potions, oils/sharpening stones) and proper enchants and gems. You are expected to come in with at least basic knowledge of the fights, we are willing to teach you our specific methods but we won’t hold your hand the whole run. Be prepared to exist in a mature environment where we joke around and poke fun, however toxic behavior is not tolerated.
Current Needs:
Healers: Disc Priest/Resto Shaman
Ranged DPS: MM Hunter/Balance Druid/Affliction Warlock/Shadow Priest
Melee DPS: WW Monk/Outlaw Rogue/Feral Druid/Unholy DK
Tanks: Currently not looking for any tank mains but having a tank off-spec is always appreciated to allow our main tanks to take a break every now and then.
Please note if your class/spec is not listed do not let that discourage you. We are always willing to accept exceptional applicants of all classes and specs.
If you are interested in chatting with us please contact us directly through Discord:
GM/Raid Lead: Sayung#7721
Recruiting Officers: Slug#1281; Torrix#4598; Beothegreat#4390; ASLYGII#1013
We look forward to meeting you!
Waddup Drackirick. You might be a good fit for us: Royalz.
Raid times: Tues/Thurs 8:15-11pm EST.
If you want some more deets for what we’re about, here’s a thread
Currently 7/10H DPS Priority Needs (But will consider all good apps)
Fire Mage
Aff Lock
WW Monk
Arms War
In the Shadowlands, Anthem is looking to expand our progression raid roster and push into Mythic raiding. With new leadership and new members, we’ve managed to form a small progression core with a passion for completing hardcore raid content. Now, we want to expand that group to push through Heroic Castle Nathria and move into Mythic progression as soon as possible. With a fresh officer group and a raid team excited to grow and push forward, we’re hoping to find excellent raiders to join the community and press on with us!
Anthem has existed on Turalyon for many years. Built by IRL friends and joined by those made in-game, most of us have a long history together. Anthem has historically been a very casual raiding guild, and we want to continue to embody the supportive, friendly, fun atmosphere we’ve always had. While we are building our new progression raiding team, we also welcome casual members looking for a social atmosphere and casual content as well.
Raid Schedule:
Saturday 8:00PM - 11:30PM
Monday 8:00PM - 11:30PM
We expect 80%-90% attendance for progression raiders, but understand that life happens. We are looking for matches in attitude and aptitude, and value a desire to improve, a willingness to give and receive feedback, and an understanding of what to expect in progression raiding. We are currently building our roster and want applicants to understand that means a small team and some growing pains as we go, but an opportunity to get an early foothold in a group we expect to be tight-knit and very successful.
If we feel your application is a good fit, we will reach out to schedule an interview and trial if the interview goes well.
To apply:
Complete our application here: https://forms.gle/6JSsdUYTAWDVxhtx5
Officer contacts:
Synchrony-Turalyon [Synchrony#1108]
Luramar-Turalyon [DawnMarie#1432]
SnĂŻped-Turalyon [Khadorin#1628][Discord-Sniped1414#6831]
Raid Days/Times: Friday 8-11/Saturday 7-10 EST.
Progress: 10/10N, 9/10H, 1/10M
About Us:
We formed our guild towards the end of last tier and achieved 9/12 mythic. Our main goal is to have fun, and achieve CE every tier.
We are looking to achieve AOTC this week (1% on sire) and push into mythic prog. next week.
If you’re into keys, we have an active group of players who are always pushing something!
There are also a handful of players who run arenas throughout the week.
For our raiders we provide flasks, daily repairs, and Vantus.
Raider Standards:
-Attend 95% of raids.
-Be prepared with knowledge of your specific class and role in a given fight.
-Keep your character up to date outside of raid by doing keys and Torgast.
Current Needs:
Ranged DPS (Warlock, Mage, Boomkin, S-priest, Elemental shaman)
Melee DPS (Enhance Shaman)
Healers: Priest(holy)/Shaman
Tank: Prot. Warrior
If you play a class that is not currently needed but you feel you know and play your class well feel free to add me and send me some logs.
would love to have a chat with you add my btag fleet#1643
Hey add me on bnet to talk - Br33zE#1594
Yo, hey brother. Reformed on Stormrage is 2/10m needing some more ranged. Hit me up if you’re interested. Tues-Thurs 10-1est 9-12cst
We need range =(
Nocturnal on Zuljin
We have been together since BC and raiding since ULD.
Raid times;
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
10:30p-1:30a (PST)
Progression as of today 9/10H
(On 3rd phase of Sire)
Thank you,
Real ID add
Hey Drak!
Guild & Server: Predictive Gaming [H] Thrall US
Who are we?
Predictive Gaming is an organization based out of League of Legends and venturing into a competitive WoW Org. We are a mix of newer players and OG vets former top 100 US. Predictive Gaming was first formed to be a place where people could come together and have an inclusive environment to game and meet new friends. We Strive to maintain that inclusive, laid-back vibe, but at the same time focused on our ultimate goal; Pushing for CE content on a laid back schedule.
Main Raid days: [10/10H 2/10M]
Tuesday 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. EST
Friday 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. EST
2nd Raid team: [10/10N 1/10H]
Saturday 9 p.m. - 12 a.m. EST
Sunday 9 p.m. - 12 a.m. EST
Recruitment: [Main Team]
1 Unholy DK
1 Warlock
1 Resto Shaman
1 Hunter
Recruitment: [2nd Team]
Open recruitment currently accepting all exceptional players.
Contact: Swagner#7414 on disc, Swaggoner IG or you can email us at PredictiveGaming@outlook.com
We would love to speak with you about joining our team. Below is our spam. Please feel free to add Patticakes (info below) to discuss further. Thank you and have a great day!
Raid Times/Days: Tues&Wed 9-Midnight EST (8-11pm CST)
Current Progression: 12/12CE in BFA. 3/10M 10/10H Multiple Sub 5% wipes on Sun King
Wowprogress (including rules and guild application): ttps://www.wowprogress.com/guild/us/area-52/Vibe+Raider (please add an “h” at the front, cant post links on wow forums).
Requirements: Good logs, history of CE is a plus, knowing multiple specs of a class is a plus. Maintaining at least one geared alt is recommended but not required.
Recruiter Contact: Btag: Patticakes#1742 Discord: Patticakes#4610
Hey Drackirck! Mediocre - Bleeding Hollow [H] – 10/10H – 2/10M - is currently looking for a talented Hunter for our Mythic roster. I see that our raid schedule fits into when you can play so maybe we’d be a good fit. We are a newly reformed guild with many members that have been playing together for 5+ years. We currently are looking to fill some remaining raid slots for our Mythic progression team.
Below you can find a few more details about us.
Mediocre is a new guild composed of Mythic raiders who have been playing together for over 5 years. We currently have 2/10M completed and are looking to fill remaining slots for our Mythic progression roster. We are a semi-hardcore raiding guild; which means we like to have fun but also take raiding seriously. Currently we raid 2 days a week (Wed/Thur).
Ideal Players:
Active and competitive
Have an understanding of Mythic raiding
Eager to learn and continuously work to improve their play
Understanding of logs and how to analyze their performance
Can show up on time for raids 2 days a week
Our current raid schedule is:
Wednesday (9-12 ST or EST)(8-11 CST)(6-9 PST)
Thursday (9-12 ST or EST)(8-11 CST)(6-9 PST)
Our roster IS COMPETITIVE and we will be taking the best 20 players into Mythic.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Please send an officer a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible!
Scymas#1375 (Recruitment)
KixxiGaming#1211 (Recruitment / Guild Master)
Jinxed#1459 (Raid Lead / Guild Master)
Hey Drackirk! I’m a recruiting officer for </Ninja Kittenz/> on Area-52. Our progress so far has is 8/10H. I’d love to talk further and see if we’d be a fit!
About Us:
We’re a semi-hardcore guild that focuses on environment above everything else. Each tier we strive to kill as many bosses as we can at the hardest difficulty we can, but not at the cost of our raid environment. On top of raids we’re also trying to build our M+ community both within guild and our Discord server. So, if you’re a PVE focused player who values ideals like improvement over replacement, positive atmosphere, and success with people you actually enjoy playing with check us out!
Our schedule is Tues/Thurs from 8-11 EST
Message me on Discord if you’re interested: Squishers#9172
Hey there,
[Men in Sacks] is a relatively new guild founded by 12/12M leads. Our core group has a wealth of CE-experience and we’re looking to expand our roster for Mythic progression.
What we expect from you:
We’re not sticklers for “meta” comps or specs. If you research your class, play it well, and know how to deal with mechanics, we’ll be happy to have you.
Raid Time:
7:30 - 10:30 PM PST on Fridays and Saturdays
Current Progression:
10/10 H, 1/10 M. We’ve been stalled for the last 2 weeks because we haven’t been able to form a stable 20-man roster, but we’ll be good to go once we fill the last 2 RDPS slots.
You can find our logs at:
ht tps://www.warcraftlogs.com/guild/us/tichondrius/men%20in%20sacks
Please contact mireknyun#2989 on Discord if you’re interested. Thanks!
Hello Drackirck
Nocturnal on Zuljin
We have been together since BC and raiding since ULD.
Raid times;
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
10:30p-1:30a (PST)
Progression as of today 9/10H
(On 3rd phase of Sire)
Thank you,
Real ID add
We have a trial night set for Tuesday at raid time
(Artifex) is a multifaceted “midcore” raiding guild and social community. We prefer to recruit quality over quantity. Artifex’s founding members are comprised of a GM and officers that have experience in Vanilla raiding (Original and new Classic) and extensive experience in top 100 US retail mythic raiding. Our leadership team endeavors to operate our guild through fairness, effective communication, preparation and organization.
Our players are mature, driven, competitive, and always looking to improve themselves and their fellow raiders. We strive to communicate our goals with each other in a collaborative and professional atmosphere. Our players are also open to criticism, both received and given, and you must be able to do both.
Past Mythic Achievements of Note:
- Cutting Edge Mythic Emerald Nightmare
- Cutting Edge Mythic Helya
- AotC Nighthold (All but Gul’dan for Mythic)
- AotC ToS (3/4 Mythic Down)
Raid Times are Tuesday and Thursday 9:30 EST to 12:30 EST. Currently 10/10H and 2/10M. Add me if you’re interested in talking! Btag: Madcuzbad#1933