211 Vengeance DH LF CE Focused Guild


I am currently playing an item level 211 vengeance DH and am looking for a CE focused guild. I am also working on gearing a blood DK that I hope to have raid-ready in the near future.

Availability: Any day of the week from 7pm PST onwards.

Shadowlands Raid Experience: I have been primarily raiding as a discipline priest this expansion and have cleared 10/10H and 2/10M on that character. I have also cleared 8/10H on havoc DH.
I wanted to main a tank at the beginning of the expansion, but was unable to due to my guild at the time not having any tank spots open. I decided to focus on tanking after I left that guild.

Prior Raid Experience: I have participated in high level raiding since WotLK. I cleared most of the heroic raids from Ulduar through SoO in MoP, when mythic raiding was introduced, on my blood DK. I cleared most of mythic BRF in WoD before taking a break from the game due to real life schedule conflicts. I returned in Legion and cleared mythic EN on my prot pally and most of mythic NH on DH before my guild at the time disbanded. I finished Legion filling in for friends’ mythic groups whenever they needed it. I cleared most of mythic Uldir in BfA before taking a break from the game since I did not enjoy the expansion.
I have plenty of raid tanking experience dating back to Wrath of the Lich King, and it is the role I feel most comfortable and confident playing.

Logs: I am able to supply logs/raider.io pages upon request.

Contact: If you are interested or have any questions, please leave a reply here or message me on Bnet (FruitSnacks#1658) or Discord (FruitSnacks#6599).

Thank you!

I don’t see any solid days, times, or factions you are looking for, but we have a spot open on our core roster for a tank/dps with strong preference to a DH. Our start time is after your noted time and we have been around for 12 years clearing the content. I’ll leave our spam for you:

< Ouroboros > (12 years old)
Proudmoore - Alliance
Current Progression:
2/10M, 9/10H, 10/10N Castle Nathria

Previous Progression:
Ny’alotha 12/12M, 12/12H, 12/12N Cutting Edge
Eternal Palace: 7/8M, 8/8H, 8/8N
Battle of Dazar’alor: 9/9M, 9/9H, 9/9N Cutting Edge
Uldir 8/8M, 8/8 H, 8/8 N Cutting Edge

Our Raid Schedule:
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday:
8pm-11pm PST, 9pm-12am MST, 10pm-1am CST, 11pm-2am EST

Contact information:
Please feel free to apply via the instructions on our discord: discord.gg/NfV8jwF For more personal information, feel free to contact any of our officers or recruiters via Discord or in game.

Killimanjaro: Kilimanjaro1024 #9179
Lerich: Lerich/maps3y88#4653

Narumata: Discord: Narumata#8139
Nivels Discord: Nivels#5892

Thanks for reading, hope to hear from you!

Bumping to the top.

Hello! Officer Chat is a new guild that wants to push as far as we can into Mythic this tier. A bunch of our raiders went 10/12 on Nyalotha but wanted a more friendly atmosphere and broke off to form this new guild. We’re currently 9/10 heroic and just need a solid tank and about 2 more dps to start right in on Mythic.

We are Horde on Zul’jin and raid Tuesday/Wednesday from 8pm-11pm Pacific time. We also do heroic on Fridays, optionally.

We’re a friendly little family looking to push as far as we can and also do stuff throughout the week like keys and RBG’s and Arenas. We’re also LGBTQ+ friendly. If any of this sounds interesting to you hit me up on Discord at Lilith#0372

Good luck in your search :wave:

if times change ~
