211 Resto Shaman 6/10H LF Horde Guild

Looking for a semi-hardcore raiding guild

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Hey Yuppyz! Mediocre - Bleeding Hollow [H] – 10/10H – 2/10M - is currently looking for a solid Resto Shaman for our Mythic roster. We currently need to fill out more slots before we get back into Mythic. We are a semi-hardcore guild that raids twice week. If this is something you’re interested in let me know.

Below you can find a few more details about us:

Mediocre is a new guild composed of Mythic raiders who have been playing together for over 5 years. We currently have 2/10M completed and are looking to fill remaining slots for our Mythic progression roster. We are a semi-hardcore raiding guild; which means we like to have fun but also take raiding seriously. Currently we raid 2 days a week (Wed/Thur).

Ideal Players:

  • Active and competitive

  • Have an understanding of Mythic raiding

  • Eager to learn and continuously work to improve their play

  • Understanding of logs and how to analyze their performance

  • Can show up on time for raids 2 days a week

Our current raid schedule is:

Wednesday (9PM -12AM EST)(8-11 CST)(6-9 PST)

Thursday (9PM -12AM EST)(8-11 CST)(6-9 PST)

Our roster IS COMPETITIVE and we will be taking the best 20 players into Mythic.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Please send an officer a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible!

KixxiGaming#1211 (Recruitment / Guild Master)
Scymas#1375 (Recruitment)
Jinxed#1459 (Raid Lead / Guild Master)

@Scyli i added the two recruitment officers to bnet. Looking foward to hearing back!

Hello Yuppyz! Progression - Akama, Dragonmaw, Mu’thol [H] 3/10H - Is recruiting. We are a dedicated core of long time players with varying levels of raid experience. Our guild is only 3 weeks old and is growing strong! We are in full recruitment right now and are trying to build up the raid team with the goal of achieving AoTC this tier. We have an active discord and community to enjoy and it really is an exciting time to be apart of all the commotion happening right now.

We would love to have you join our roster, You can contact me at MRK#11295 for more details, and I will be checking in on the forums now and then =D

Big Facts (Alliance - U.S. Proudmoore) is looking for progression minded players who want to receive AoTC and push into Mythic Raiding. The task and purpose of Big Facts is to foster a community of raiders who want to clear content on a light 2 raid night a week schedule while maintaining standards for skill and class knowledge.

Current Role Needs

  • All


  • Must be at least 18 years of age*
  • Have prior AoTC or Legacy Heroic raiding experience.
  • Have an understanding of your class and spec.
  • Have a PC and internet capable of consistently running World of Warcraft
  • Have the time and dedication to make raid nights consistently.
  • Have a 190+ ilvl
    ** = Those who are above the age of 16 but below the age of 18 can request to join and obtain a wavier from an Officer.*

Preferred (In addition to above)

  • Have prior Mythic raiding experience
  • Have parses for the current or previous raid tiers with your current class

Raid Schedule:
Tuesday and Friday 5:30 - 9:00 (w/ possible 30 min extension) PST (U.S. Los Angeles/Proudmoore Server Time)*

** Note that the guild may run optional Heroic splits or Alt runs in addition to this depending on raider availability and content requirements.*

Application Process:

  • Quick interview with guild officer
  • Trial period based on performance (maximum of 2 weeks), trial waivers available for those who can produce relevant logs and demonstrate class knowledge in the interview.

Contact for Application or Questions
Lockrael Recruitment Officer: Lock #12410
BigBoy Guild Master: OffSeeker#1965
Discord: dKVBCH7u (this is the last part after the /)

Good morning,

My guild is currently recruiting Ranged DPS and Healers to fill our core roster for Mythic Progression. Here is a link to our recruitment post If you’d like to see more information: [H] <Twisted Logic> Recruiting DPS as we progress into Mythic Vault of Incarnates

Feel free to reply here or message me on any of the platforms provided.

Thank you for taking the time.

Dirty Mike and the Boys(H) Malganis is looking for a few dps and healers. We raid Tuesday and Thursday 9-12 est. We slowly gained players and are 10/10 Normal and 4/10 Heroic. Laid back guild. Most players are 30+. We have an active group of players on non raid days for M+. If interested or have any questions please message me on Battlenet MtMan#1965 or Discord MtMan#2491


Thank you for taking the time to look at this. Undercover Elitists is a guild that has mythic progression as a mind set. We raid Tues/ Thurs / (sometimes mandatory saturday) 8pm-11pm CST. The idea is to easily push and farm herioc as we push into mythic content in each tier. A mature have fun no BS guild that wants to down bosses and have a good time. Raiders recruited are expected to adapt on the fly and be able to handle mechanics thrown at them, take responsibilities for mistakes and can handle constructive criticism well. If you are someone that loves to banter in chat have a good time and loot give us a look! Refilling off of a broken roster. Will continue to run normal to gear exceptional applicants

10/10N (on Farm) 4/10H

Currently Recruiting. 195+

Healers: 2
Pref: Rsham / Hpal
(Flex Open)

RDPS: 3 (off spec heals Flex)
1 MM Hunters
1 Balance druid
(Flex open)

1 Unholy DK
1 WW monk
(Flex Open) ( off spec tank)

If there is a flex spot and you think the guild is for you please feel free to apply.

All exceptional applicants considered. Please contact myself at
Discord: Dragen#4167
Bnet: DragenEireTV#1423

Discord is the best place to reach me.

Hey there! We at Creeping Doom (H) on Illidan would love to have you as an addition to the team! Currently 10/10H looking to push into mythic. Our raid times are Tues/Thur 7:30-11 Eastern. We have a very laid back and chill group that thrives on downing bosses and have fun together. Very active M+ groups running on weekends and some of our players are into RBGs if you’re a pvper. If any of this sounds like fun to you let me know!
KingofSweden#1728 have a good one!

Anima Gang is currently looking to bolster our ranks for Castle Nathria. If you are looking for an enjoyable guild that strives for success then we may be good for you.

We are currently accepting and in search of all well geared and skilled players to add to our raiding crew, however there are a few particular classes in higher demand which include:
Blood DK
Enh Shaman/Ele Shaman
Demon Hunter Dps
All classes are welcome to apply this list dose not mean we are not interested.

Raid Times

During progression you must be available 9 PM - Midnight EST, Monday - Tuesday.


You must understand your class well.
You must be prepared to use potions and flasks on every raid.
You must show good attitude toward members of the guild.

How to Apply

Contact in game:Kashdk/Kashp- Bodankey- Lunkdk- Fatalrush/Opulentt- Holytacò

Hey I think we’d be a great fit for you! Dm me let’s talk!

ScrubClub is a brand new progression raid guild that will be pushing for Cutting Edge in the Shadowlands. We are mostly in our late 20s and have real life responsibilities, but still want to push the most difficult content we possibly can. We are looking for active players of all specs for the raid team, but we also want people who enjoy playing the game outside of raid.

Raid teams progress faster when the players are having a good time. While progression is the priority, we also understand that games are supposed to be fun. We’re only toxic in the fun way, and no one’s gonna get screamed at in a raid. Our goal is to achieve cutting edge in each tier going forward.

Raid Times:

Wed: 7:30pm-11pm

Fri: 7:30pm-11pm

Server Time

We are actively looking to fill most slots, and all classes/specs will be considered. If you are interested in joining a brand new guild, please contact Arctic Camel#5900 or Legerity#6788 on discord.

Hey there,

Soop is a Horde raiding Guild on Bleeeding Hollow that is 9/10H and looking to round out our roster as we finish up AotC and head into Mythic. We are a very laid back guild that messes around on farm pulls and sits up straight for prog kills. We like to have fun but know when things need to get serious to kill a boss.

We do alot of M+ as a guild and try to help other guildies as needed.

We raid Tuesday/Friday 8:00 - 11:30 PM EST

If you are interested add me at:
Graves#1351 on Bnet
Graves#5073 on Discord


Hello Yuppyz!

Cant find a guild is a newly formed guild on Illidan focused on Mythic raiding and M+. We’re currently 9/10 H and are looking to expand our roster to step into Mythic. We also push M+ keys and consistently help our raiders clear keys to increase the number of vault choices.


Wednesday: Main Raid 6:00pm-9:00pm CST (7-10 EST)

Friday: Alt Raid (Optional) 6:00pm-9:00pm CST (7-10 EST)

Sunday: Main Raid 6:00pm-9:00pm CST (7-10 EST)

Our Raid Environment is focused on maintaining an atmosphere of constructive criticism. Our goal is to provide everybody with the information and feedback that they need to make necessary improvements on each fight as quickly as possible. We like to have fun and have a good time while raiding but our primary focus is on progression.

Contact Us

Recruitment Officer Norgala - Discord: Weeb#5495

GM Brubo - Discord: Dexxus#6969

RL Serg - BNET: Koliupy#1761 Discord: Koliupy#4041

Sunwell Hotel has multiple groups running out of it. Team Dirtflap is a new group for this expansion. We are looking for chill people that want tp push content and have fun. The group is run by a former GM and Raid leader of 8+ years experience.

We run many mythic+ groups & pushing into Mythic raiding.

Minimum ilvl of 210+, experience 8/10H. As well as providing their own food, flask and pots. For the time being.

Raid Days: Tuesday & Wednesday
Raid Times: 7:30-11 pm Server Time (CT)

10/10 N

Currently looking to fill some spots. will take any of these classes/or amazing player:

Contact me Jaebabe#1755

Hello! And thanks for visiting Perfect Loot

We are looking for DPS and Healers for our mythic raiding team!
Also looking to grow our gaming community, so all casual and game lovers are welcome!

We are currently looking for the following classes for Shadowlands!

Exceptional DPS!
Destro/Affliction Warlock
Shadow Priest
Ret Pally
Unholy DK
MM Hunter

Raid days are Tues, Wednesday, Thursday, hours are 8:30PM-11:30PM Eastern time

Contact Gentlepalm @ Gentle#11834 or Bazhunter @ bazhunter#1268

Thank you!

GAINS is a newly formed mythic raid/high m+ team based on Tichondrius! The goal is to recruit players that are competent enough to push for CE and competitive m+ keys each season.

Who is Jonpocalypse??
I will be your Raid Lead and GM of the guild! I’ve been playing WoW for 7years and have experience in min/maxing dps/tank roles. I’ve mostly been playing a dk(all 3 specs) with a focus on blood dk for the past 2.5years. I hold myself to a high standard and strive to lead by example. I’ll always put in the work to improve, take criticism, and push my character to the best it can be and I’ll be expecting the same from everyone else on the team.

Who are YOU?
You should be someone that can also strive to be the best on their main character and be committed to sticking out your main character through progression fights until the end of the tier. Someone who can stay positive and knows that progression means PROGRESSION, aka someone who doesn’t explode after 5 wipes on a progression boss. This is NOT going to be a casual team so there WILL be requirements during/outside raid nights. If you are not ok with/able to commit to playing more than the raid nights, DO NOT join the team. There will be a spot for you in the guild where you can hangout, just not a spot in the team.

Recruitment Needs:
NEED ALL DPS CURRENTLY. Tanks are looking locked in now. Healers are not 100% locked in yet.

Do not hesitate to apply as long as you can commit to the requirements below!

LOGS ARE HIGHLY RECOMMENDED TO JOIN. If you do not have them then you’ll be under review heavily as a trial.

Raid Times:
Wednesday and Thursday 7p-11p Pacific time

What are the requirements for Raid nights?
-Be on time! If you’re early, you’re on time. If you’re on time, you’re late. If you’re late(more than 3 times a month), you’re not part of the team.
-All slots gemmed and enchanted
-Come prepared with multiple health potions, battle potions, and personal food
-Come to raid knowing your role and mechanics of the fight
-Loot will be Personal with an emphasis to pass off loot if your main spec doesn’t need it

If you’ve read this far and are intrigued to join please fill out this application and we’ll contact you if you’re a good fit:

Google Docs

Gains: WoW Guild Application

You may also contact me:
Btag: sugarbearjon#1635
Discord: sugarbearjon#9375

Hey there! - Familia - Mal’Ganis [H] - 10/10N - 3/10H (Most guildies are 4+). We are a new raiding guild (Two weeks old) looking for healers & DPS to fill the raid roster. We are leaning on the semi-hardcore side, but looking to become more serious going into the next tier if we get the right group of people together.

Raid nights are Tuesdays from 8:30pm - 11pm CST & Thursdays from 7:30pm - 10:30pm CST. The guild pushes keys all week and torgy runs.

The guild is really aiming to gear up and tune the roster for next tier by helping others find the toons they want play and push keys/alt CN runs. We are all very active, social, and live in Discord. We fell victim of coming into the tier a little late and want to provide a place for others to come hang out and get loot.

Message Ulamogg#1717 - My name is Scotty. Reach out anytime!

Class needs:
MDPS: Closed
Healer: Holy Paladin
RDPS: Boomkin/Hunter(MM)/Warlock/Mage/SPriest
Tanks: Closed

Feel free to apply for any class that is full, all applicants will be considered based on needs and flexibility of the applicant. Applicants progression should be in line with the guilds.

Raid Schedule
Tuesday 8-11 PM EST
Wednesday 8-11 PM EST

Raid Details:
Progress 8/10H

We provide flasks/Armor Kits/Oils/Feasts to all raiders.

Everest is a newly formed guild at the start of Shadowlands. We strive for a fun progress based raid environment. Our goals this tier are to achieve AOTC and start on Mythic. Next tier we are looking to increase performance and move into mythic content.

Any exception applicants are invited to apply, please reach out if you have any questions.

Contacts for more info


Hi Yuppyz! is 9/10H on Malganis looking to push into mythic!

We raid T/Th 8-11 CST. Let me know if you’re interested!

BTAG: Ekye#11711