211 Equipped, 99% BIS Morb Unholy DK LF 25man Raiding Guild

Discord: Necrotic#3387

About The Character
Currently playing Unholy with plans to main the spec the entire expansion. I am not interested in Tanking or playing Frost. I am only looking to be your Unholy DK.

Item Level
210 item level (4111 GS everyone insists on using that crap)


209 Affliction Lock (Will be learning Demonology as I play, to swap between the two as needed)

I am looking for a guild who is open to setting their Unholy DK up with one :smiley:. Swipe right if that’s you. Not looking for a handout here. I will earn this through attendance and solid performance. I know that is a ways down the line. But I’m looking for a home for the entire expac. Not to loot and leave. This is important for me as I never got it during my first play in Wrath original, but not a deal breaker. I will definitely favor a spot that gets me on the list though.

About The Player
Sunday - All day until 11 EST
Monday - 8-11 EST
Tuesday - 8-11EST
Wednesday - 8-11 EST
Thursday: 8-11 EST
Friday - Unavailable
Saturday - Unavailable

Current Wrath Classic Experience
Naxx10, EOE10, OS10
Naxx25, EOE25, OS 3 DRAKE 25

Overall Raiding Experience
Been playing since late Original Wrath of the Lich King. Raiding since ICC.
Experience includes years of raiding, some Cutting Edges. All played at highest difficulty raiding levels. Familiar with raiding systems and environments at a semi competitive level. Nothing too crazy, I didn’t raid top 100, but I know the drill.

The Dude Himself
37 years old. Class clown type for the most part. Looking for non-rural, non-toxic types to raid with. I love a smack talking atmosphere with some clowning, but terribly toxic environments can swipe left. Thanks. I enjoy a chill, 420 friendly level of comradery with the guildmates. I might not be your RL friend but I’d like to talk smack about your mom like I was. Swipe right if you like that sort of thing.

Taking temperatures

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Looking for a home