Work second shift and looking for a guild that has good hours for me. Many tiers of mythic progression as a tank. Solid parses. 1500io
Discord: Bearr#1998
BNet: Buzzaxebill#1867
Work second shift and looking for a guild that has good hours for me. Many tiers of mythic progression as a tank. Solid parses. 1500io
Discord: Bearr#1998
BNet: Buzzaxebill#1867
Hello there, we are recruiting for Shadowlands:
How Long On Brez | Horde | Mal’Ganis
We raid Friday and Saturday, 11:00pm-1:30am PST
kvncnh#1922 [ Discord preferred: kvncnh#9847 ]
ALL ABOARD!!! “ Choo Choo Train Brigade ” is a Semi-Hardcore weekend raid team on Thrall that is 9/10H Castle Nathria (we took 2 weeks off because of the holidays) we are looking for a few more excellent raiders to start our push into mythic.
We are made up of dedicated, hard working, consistent players that have played together for a few years and like to have a good time. 18+ is preferred due to adult language and humor. We are looking for players that are very aware of their surroundings, have a good knowledge of their class and role to round out our team, and move towards a greater goal. We have many raiders with experience ranging from 12/12H to 12/12M Ny’alotha. We are looking for team players with a positive attitude that are able to take criticism and improve off of it. Many of our members enjoy running M+ keys, gearing up alts and running alt runs during non raid times. We also take friends and family of raiders and casuals.
Fri: 12AM - 3AM EST
Sat: 12AM - 3AM EST
We are currently recruiting players for mythic raiding. All spots on the team will be competitive (earn your spot). Previous raid experience is not necessary but is an asset.
To apply contact:
Bnet: Djinnx#11332
Discord: Djinxx#3895