2/10M 10/10H Unholy DK + Havoc DH LF AOTC Guild

My friend and I are looking to join a 2 night AOTC focused guild. Ideal raid times are T/W/Th (some combination of those three) and would run between 9:00pm-1:00am EST. Our raid experience dates back to BC days with our most recent progress from CN being 2/10M.

Unholy DK - 217
Havoc DH - 213

We also are looking to push mythic plus keys and are on daily running mythic dungeon content. We’re looking for a guild to form a consistent mythic plus team while also assisting in pushing AOTC. We both also have several well geared alts and are always willing to assist our guildies.

BNet: Twysted#1973


I’m sending a btag request, but im easier to reach on discord if you want to add me there, Letholas#9581! Talk soon!

Hey there!

<Mythic Scrubs> is a small AOTC focused guild that could use some more folks to bolster our numbers! We also have plenty of people that run keys on non-raid nights that would love to have people to push with. Here’s a link to our full guild recruitment for more info. [US][H][Area-52][AotC]<Mythic Scrubs> AotC Guild LFM

Feel free to add me on discord (Bul#3797) if you’re interested in giving us a try! Looking forward to hearing from you!