2/10m ”mm hunter” lf mythic raiding guild

Hello there,

I’am MM hunter looking to push CE
I have some experience with other character in BFA CE ULDIR and BOD
I’ve been playing since Wotlk so i know how to raid i come prepared for anything so i hope to find a new home espacially looking for Morning or earlier Raiding time or late one’s 11PM — on PST that would be great

Wsp here or add me on batag Syrix#11160

Hi Syrix, I am from Grimfrost, a 10/10H guild on Emerald Dream. We’re looking for more DPS to flesh out our Mythic raid roster. Please message me if you’re interested in talking.

We raid Sun/Mon from 8-11 CST (9-12EST)

Tox#11259 (BNet) | Tox#8540 (Discord)