Quick Essences Rundown

Posting this in case it helps anybody get caught up on what this new system is and how it works. Cheers!


Thanks for posting this! Hopefully the video you shared explains better how essences work for our neck pieces for anyone who may have had any questions.


When a new system is so complicating you need its own tutorial video for it


When will we see the instanced pvp class balance change notes? Many people have seen the stats change in the past 24 hours and as such trying to find what actually changed. Assumed it would be posted but nothing. This is a huge thing for those of us trying to gear alts and making educated choices on such if it can be passed along. I made a post in general discussion on this as well. Thank you


Thanks for posting this. But honestly, I think this new system is also just as bad as the Heart of Azeroth Artifact system alone with the Azerite Gear.

All it is doing is making us continue to grind. And is pushing our alts away even further.


I don’t mind grinding these in theory, it’s nice to have a goal to work towards to powering up your character.

But as always, please consider adding an achievement for Rated PvP to “unlock” traits while in rated play so that you don’t have to grind every single alt you own just to be competitive.

I main a warrior, my two friends main a rogue/mage. One of us will have to reroll to stay competitive in the PvP scene and that person will always be behind on both chars, even tho the /playtime is exactly the same.


Remember when this used to not be the case? It was a good time to be alive.


You realize that if anyone looks at the user interface to find how to get an essence, it usually only gives you a ‘earn by completing X’. Then to find out how to do X you have to go to google.


August 27th, my friend.


Consider doing some kind of catch up mechanic for alts once you’ve earned the essence on one character.


If you have to explain the joke, it’s not a very good joke. Like the HoA. The bad joke.


Are rank 3s of any essence currently achievable? Granted the ones specifically behind S3 content wouldn’t be, but for anything tied to current available content, are rank 3 items dropping in-game or are they too artificially time-gated until you decide you want players to access them?

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Eh, my plan is to just use the default one and never seek out any others. It just seems like busywork.


Yeah, I’m all grinded out with the way its been these last couple xpacs. I don’t even care if I get the upgrades anymore with the never ending grinds we’ve been fed.


It seems pretty basic to me. There’s nothing wrong with posting this for newer players who may not have been here for Legion or when glyphs were a thing. For those of us that remember those systems, this is just a much simpler version of them.

No one:
Jim: Whats a rundown?

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Ahh, I see Blizzard has figured out some way to add pointless and annoying complexity to the upgrade for 8.2 Rise of Azshara. Somehow it is clear that Blizzard found some new “talent” (folks who always successfully got full government benefits between stints working at challenging positions at MickeyD’s, TSA, and assorted big-city public school systems in the USA) and the much more enjoyable experience of spending their unemployment and welfare checks as well as the settlements they got when they sued their previous employer for firing them some some very un-PC reason.

These folks obviously did exactly what was expected of them: rather than remove all the needless new game progression gimmicks that have been added since BC, they avoided doing any real work and just added their own new set of arcane and obfuscated rules [NAH, NO WAY].

I just cannot go on describing what has been done in 8.2 is to gaming as what the “then I woke up” ending did to a lot of novels that needed several more chapters (due to contractual obligation) but had no rational or even barely plausible way of getting around the time travel and the "…nobody ever suspected that Alice had survived the tsunami, the following earthquake, and then the massive radiation leak from the nuclear power plant just a mile or two up the road from her home (which was destroyed in the mudslide or wildfire that occurred between the more newsworthy catastrophic events that undoubtedly explained why nobody searched for her body as her former husband was touring safer parts of the world explaining how her death was due to Glob^H^H^H^HClimate Change. [The End]

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Ever thought of making a quest that updates with the next step depending on what you have equipped? Just a thought since it seems more people are concerned with rep then anything to do with the essence system.

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