210 Horde MM Hunter looking for a Raid group, this is an alt that i want to progress on as much as possible. Main guild does not facilitate much in the terms of gearing up alts. looking for heroic tier any days other then Wednesday and Thursday
We are looking for good ranged dps!
Hiya! My guild is currently looking for a few dps. If you have any interest, we’re a Sat/Sun AOTC focused guild but are looking to do some light mythic prog each tier (3-4/10M is what we’d like to do this tier, but we’re happy with anything past AOTC.)
We’re currently 10/10H and have been running heroic reclears and organized m+ during raid slot until we can get a full mythic team. Raid times are 2-5 PM EST Sat/Sun, we’re on Horde Bleeding Hollow.
Guild fits the semi-casual/semi-hardcore bill pretty well. There’s a lot of goofing around but everyone also knows when to be serious and focus on progression. Great group of people, can’t say enough good things about them.
We’d be happy to give you a shot, if you’d like to talk more I’m best reached on discord or battlenet (will respond to messages if offline.)
Discord - GrefGreag#1358
Bnet - GrefGreag#1613
Hi there! I am recruiting for a hunter for my F/S group that raids 8-11 pm EST. We have really good performing players and are looking for a hunter. We cleared 2/10 M on our first night and started working on Hungering with good progress. If you’re interested in trialing with us, add me on discord and I can tell you more about the group. My discord is arex#0920. Hope you find the right group for you otherwise