As the title says, I’m looking for a mythic raiding guild to be pushing in. I have previous mythic experience but fell off from raiding last expansion. I’ve had a good time in Castle so far and I’m wanting to get back into mythic raiding. Willing to play horde or alliance for the right fit!
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<Style> Sargeras 4/10M LF Warlock, DH, RDPS and Healers apps in the forum post love to chat if not goodluck in your guild search!
Hey! I’m from Post Apocalypse (Hyjal). We are currently 9/10 Heroic and just looking for one or two more players to fill our roster and push into Mythic. We raid Mon/Wed 6-9 pst.
The guild was reformed after a brief hiatus in BFA, and we have quite a few of the players that made the guild special in the first place. We aim to clear mythic content efficiently in minimal raid hours while having fun.
You can grab me at
Dis: 9kun#0729
BTAG: Matanza#1987
[H] Divine - Tichondrius 7/10H
Wednesday (Optional) Friday/Saturday 8:00-11:00pm PST
Long time guild of 4 years, mainly adult 17-40. looking for players interested in push mythic progression for shadowlands. Message me for more details.
Btag: Tyrue#1545 Discord: Tyrue#1556
Good warning mate! If swapping to emerald Dream-alliance is a possibility, our guild junction would love to add another mage to our raid team! There’s plenty to do in our guild, whether it’s pvp, mythic +, raids, transmog runs, or just socialize! I’ll post the guild info below and feel free to message me!
What you can expect from us as a guild:
- A sense of community and direction!
- Communication!
- Strong & passionate leadership!
- Overall friendly environment suited for all skill levels!
The raid team is currently 7/10H Castle Nathria. However, we are looking for more members that would like to venture into mythic raiding. More specifically, we’re looking for the following;
- 1 potential tank for raid (current spots full atm but always need tanks for mythic plus/pvp)
- any Mythic minded DPS
While we’re happy to accept anyone, these are the roles we need specifically for our raid team at the moment. Current raid times are Tuesday/Thursday 7:30p-10:30p CST (server time)
We also do the following:
- PvP (BGs and Arenas)
- Mythic+ Pushing (+10’s and higher)
- Achievement Runs
- Old Raid Transmog Runs
- Alt Levelling
How to apply:
If you would like to apply and have any further inquiries/questions, please reach out to me via BattleTag: Professoroak#1732 or Discord: Elitefourlance#5703
We appreciate your time and interest. Hope to hear from you soon
Hey arcshift our guild Bunch of Padders on area 52 HORDE is recruiting and would love to have you
We are a semi-hardcore CE mythic raiding focused guild looking for more good talent to fill our roster. Our intention is push as far as we can in the 8 hours, we raid every week. In our off time we hang out in discord run keys and group up for arenas. If your looking for a raiding guild on Area-52 and our raid times and culture fit, please feel free to reach out.
Raid Times
Tuesday and Wednesday: 9PM-1AM server time/EST
Recruitment Officer:
BNET:agentbuu#1442 or DISC :agentvibes#7871
About Us. 
This guild came to fruition after a couple of friends wanted a fun raiding experience while also being competitive. We are currently building a mythic roster for CN with just a few spots left. We are located on Bleeding Hollow /horde
Raid Times
Wednesday & Thursday
10:00pm - 2:00am EST
10/10 Normal
10/10 Heroic
2/10 M
What We Want From Our Raiders
-Great Attendance
-Friendly Attitude
-Knowledge of Encounters
-Raid Awareness
Trial period lasts 4-6 raid nights. Afterwards, Officers will assess overall performance. Trial periods may be extended in certain cases.
We are currently in need of :
Tank: Prot Pally
Healers: Holy Pally
Ranged and Melee: Open to outstanding applicants.
We are currently looking for members to perfect our mythic roster.
Required Add-ons:
DBM or BigWigs
If interested message Asuna#9953 On discord
Hello! If you are looking for a new home and your goal is to get Cutting Edge in Shadowlands we may be the guild for you! -Eternal Rise- is a newer guild on Area-52 lead by long term CE players, we are looking for select classes to complete our roster at this time.
Castle Nathria 10/10H 2/10M
Raid Times: Mon/Tues/Thurs 8pm-11pm est
Recruiting (High):
Death Knight (Unholy)
Mage (Fire)
Warlock (Aff/Demo)
Shaman (Ele)
Contact Info:
Bnet Grace#1550
Discord Grace#9631
Hey Arc!!
Guild & Server: Predictive Gaming [H] Thrall
Who Are We?
We are currently looking for core raiders for our Mythic raid team and people interested in rated battlegrounds! We are a mix of newer players and OG Vets. Predictive Gaming was first formed to be a place where people could come together and have an inclusive environment to game and meet friends. We strive to maintain that inclusive, laid-back vibe, but at the same time focused on our ultimate goal; winning and developing as players and people.
Raid Times: Tuesday / Friday 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. EST
Current Progression: 10/10N 9/10H
Our Goals and Requirements
Our Goal is to push for CE on a relaxed raiding scheduling.
Needs: Any exceptional players!
High Needs: Holy Paladin , 1 Tank , ranged dps (pref lock)
Contact: Swagner#7414 on disc, Swaggoner IG or you can email us at PredictiveGaming@outlook.com
ALL ABOARD!!! “ Choo Choo Train Brigade ” is a Semi-Hardcore weekend raid team on Thrall that is 9/10H Castle Nathria we are looking for a few more excellent raiders to start our push into mythic.
We are made up of dedicated, hard working, consistent players that have played together for a few years and like to have a good time. 18+ is preferred due to adult language and humor. We are looking for players that are very aware of their surroundings, have a good knowledge of their class and role to round out our team, and move towards a greater goal. We have many raiders with experience ranging from 12/12H to 12/12M Ny’alotha. We are looking for team players with a positive attitude that are able to take criticism and improve off of it. Many of our members enjoy running M+ keys, gearing up alts and running alt runs during non raid times. We also take friends and family of raiders and casuals.
Fri: 12AM - 3AM EST
Sat: 12AM - 3AM EST
We are currently recruiting players for mythic raiding. All spots on the team will be competitive (earn your spot). Previous raid experience is not necessary but is an asset.
To apply contact:
Bnet: Djinnx#11332
Discord: Djinxx#3895
Application: forms.gle/DvSPUfxsocM83zGa8
Hey how’s it going. We are looking for a few solid dps to round out our roster as we head into Mythic. Shoot me a message on discord DaBeez#3343 if we spark your interest!
Hey we are a new formed guild looking to get like minded players to push CE with.
Reign of Shadows is a Newly Formed Guild started by a group of friends lead by 10/10 H Castle Nathria Leaders. Our goal is to provide a competitive Raid, Mythic + and PvP environment with a fun atmosphere. We are a small guild with a lot of potential looking to bolster our roster as we raise our goals each tier moving into shadowlands.
Mission statement: This guild will not operate as a hardcore Cutting Edge guild, but we will operate as a Mythic Raid guild to achieve Cutting Edge, High Mythic + keys and Top Tier PvP. Please internalize this statement. Our goal is to foster a community of players who enjoy playing with each other. We will not treat people the way that hardcore Cutting Edge guilds tend to treat people. That said, we will establish clear expectations from our Mythic Raid team. We will recruit players to fill Mythic Raid team needs, and expect people to accept that their position may be challenged. We will make difficult decisions that we believe are in the best interest of the Mythic Raid team, with the understanding that those decisions do not undermine the strength of the guild as a whole but promote it.*
Currently Recruiting:
All classes
- TUE 8-11 PM CST
- WED 8-11 PM CST
- THUR 8-11 PM CST Progression
First raid for the guild will be 01/12/2021 to clear heroic
- Knowledge of their spec/class.
- Come prepared
- High raid attendance
- Communication with the team via Discord.
- Ability to improve their performance. (Warcraft logs)
Guild Contacts:
Uwéa’s discord = Uwea#1211 Bnet = Uwea#11452
Fodisa’s discord/Bnet= Exarthious#1115
Hey Arcshift!
Newly formed guild on Horde, Kel’Thuzad. We are a chill group of guys who left our guild to push the highest content we can push. Led by a group of forming mythic raiders, we are opening recruitment to progress into mythic CN. Currently 8/10H, looking specifically for strong healers and good RDPS, but open to all exceptional players. Raids are Tuesday and Wednesday from 9:30-12:30 est. We would love to talk to you, feel free to message me or one of our other officers!
Discord - dankforge#5306 or Reehc#1538
Bnet - Mills2#11341 or kyle#1347
Corrosive [H] is a newly formed 10/10H guild of friends from over the years looking for players to round out our Mythic roster as we move to seriously progress to Cutting Edge for Castle Nathria.
On average, our players are a minimum 800 io and running keystones most every day, several of our players are high arena rating on one or more characters, and most of us hold previous Cutting Edge achievements, or all-but-one mythic progression.
We raid on Tues/Wed from 8:00PM-11:00PM EST (server time), with potential for an hour extension, or an extra raid night if a boss is close to dying. To be decided.
Recruitment Priority
Tanks (Some classes are higher priority, but all players will be considered)
High priority Monk or DH
Healers (Some classes are higher priority, but all players will be considered)
High Priority Resto Shaman
High Priority Discipline Priest
DPS (Some classes are higher priority, but all players will be considered)
High Priority Unholy DK (2)
High Priority Arms Warrior (1)
High Priority Fire Mage (1)
High Priority Boomkin (1)
Ele Shaman
For more specific information, any questions, or prospectively joining the guild, please reach out to me on Discord!
Umphriez (GM) - Ump#2515
[A][US][Proudmoore] Hierarchy is recruiting ranged DPS to help us round out the Mythic roster. We are a newly formed guild who’s goal is to be CE level. Our core is strong and we are looking to expand as we finish our Heroic progress and begin Mythic.
We raid Weds & Fri from 7:15p-11p EST. If you are looking to continue to raid at a high level but on a shorter 2 day schedule please contact me
Discord: Deevil#8988
Btag: Deevil#11420
Hey there- give us a look:
TILTED-Area 52, is a newly formed guild at the end of BFA of mostly multiple CE raiders and leadership. We are still working on putting together a roster to push top 150 US ranks by the end of the expac.
What we are looking for:
-Drama free
-Prepared for raid (consumables, fight research, etc) and understands the importance of M+
-Team player in an inclusive raid environment
-Trolls, racist language, bigotry are not welcome here
-Strong performance (this doesn’t mean orange parses)- we want people who can show strong output, but also take on tasks in raid and not complain about how it impacts their DPS
Current Progress: 10/10N, 10/10H, 2/10M
Raid times: Tues/Wed/Thurs 9pm PST to 12 am PST (11p CST to 2am CST, 12am EST to 3am EST)
Invites go out 15 minutes prior to our start and you are expected to be online and ready to go then!
We raid on Monday’s for the first 3 weeks of a new tier
What we provide
- A stable raid environment
- We provide some consumables (enchants, flasks/cauldrons, gems, food and some pots)
- Active guild that always has people looking for M+
Recruitment status:
Roster: Currently at 24 people (consistently 22). We are not looking to over recruit and have a massive bench- our spots are competitive.
Tanks: None for the raid team- m+ tanks in guild would be great.
Ranged DPS: Anything but boomkins
Melee DPS: Death Knight
Healers: Resto shaman/Priest
[Application:] https : // apply. wowaudit. com/us/area-52/tilted/main
-remove the spaces in the address above.
Even if your class isn’t listed here but feel you meet or exceed the items listed above, please contact me in game after applying!
Hello, We’re looking for a skilled mage to add to our team. If the info below looks like we might be a good fit then hope to talk more soon!
(A) < Proper Villains >[Proudmoore] AotC & 2/10M CN w/ many past CE’s is recruiting!
We aim to clear progression raiding, while having fun all in 9 hours a week.
Current Recruiting Needs: All exceptional applicants considered!
- Tanks: Exceptional applicants only!
- Melee: Any that can off tank
- Ranged: Mage > Boomkin
- Healers: Any that can DPS XD
Raid Times: T/Th/Su 8-11 PST
Optional Alt Raid on Fridays 8-11 PST
What We Expect From Applicants:
- Good skill level with chosen spec (demonstrated in logs).
- Some prior raiding experience in Mythic.
- Ability to attend at least 90% of raids.
- A willingness and desire to spend some time outside of raid achieving reasonable character progression.
- The ability to research current and upcoming raid encounters and to keep up-to-date with any changes to the game.
- Friendly, humble personality (team player).
- Ability to communicate on Discord.
If you have questions, please get in touch with our recruitment officers:
Stareana (Discord: Star#0833, BNet: Solidflash#1444)
Icewing (Discord: Icewing#1761, Bnet: NSalling#1212)
Blast (Discord:Blast#4486)
If you’re interested, please check out more info or apply here:proper-villains.enjin.com/recruitment
For your consideration!
We are organizing heroic pugs during our normal raiding hours until we build up a proper mythic roster. I understand this may not be what you’re looking for in the immediate term, but you’re welcome to tag along and see how you like our raiding atmosphere nevertheless. No strings attached! 