20th Anniversary Tmog - W3 Illidan Outfit

The developers said they took inspiration from lore for classes that weren’t available during the t2 sets era. So…

The tmog we got is not that different from everything else we have.

Please give us W3 illidan outfit. That long hairstyle for head and tatoos for body.


And some newer high res warglaives of azzynoth bb!!


I’ve been wanting this badly, like every class could get a new HD weapon and that’s what I want for DH :grinning:

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God, this would be soo good.

They should in general give DH more cool transmog options that reflect the aesthetic of WC3 Illidan and the way Illidari look in story cinematics. Simple and minimalistic, but badass. We need some transmog options that reflect that iconic look, instead of basically the same style of gear that we keep getting over and over.


Yes!! This right here! Even to the point we could change the color. Red Warglaives of Azzinoth would be nice.

I forgot to mention also allowing a new set to distribute weapon illusion chants better too.

I just want baggy pants like Illidan.

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