Who's ready to handle the heat? Leap into the fire on WoW Classic 20th Anniversary Edition Realms when you face off against the Firelord, Ragnaros, in Molten Core and Onyxia in her lair.
I hope those folks have a blast! #MoltenCoreSwimTeam
I keep forgetting this form of classic is a thing xD
tbc era pls
Onyxia’s lair
Who is the real monster here, I ask you
(Also this is straight up the first time I realize there are classic anniversary servers tbh)
Already did it when it mattered.
Leave the past in the past.
Other people exist. Shocking, I know. Some of them weren’t even born yet “when it mattered.”
Let people enjoy things.
A random forum post isn’t stopping anybody from enjoying things.
You gota level ? If you do count me out
So, the post said, “enjoy enhanced adventures with quality-of-life updates from Classic Era realms.”
Does this mean we finally have LFG (5-man Dungeon Finder) in this? Because that would be so amazing, without LFG, no deal in me playing. Finding groups for dungeons was so much harder than for raids.
To be clear, I am not talking about LFR (for Raids).
Probably coulda waited till Jan to drop raids and shoulda dropped PVP earlier instead tbh.
Not complaining though, I am enjoying the levelling process with the homies, never really enjoyed raiding in classic tbh because it’s pretty boring for a healer, but the 50+ dungeons are peak dungeon design and I love them.
Mayhaps you can now turn on hyperspawns in some areas? ( mostly the 40+ zones or for named mobs only? )
Yes and at the moment there’s so many people that it’s hard to get mobs (doing STV).

Does this mean we finally have LFG (5-man Dungeon Finder) in this?
It’s the basic LFG, not the one that auto queues you and teleports you into the dungeon. It’s like looking for m+ groups or looking for individual people to add to your group. You still have to run to the dungeon and form the group manually.
If the leader doesnt role check too you have no idea what they are even looking for. Priests, shaman, druid are set to dps by default, but if one is healing the tool wont show them as healer unless the leader does the role check. I gave up trying to message the lfg groups because generally one of those dps are healing and it felt like a waste of time.
Kinda pointless addition if you already know about the “lookingforgroup” chat channel tbh. If it helps the anniv realms are so packed that you arent really waiting long for most dungeons right now. There seems to be a healthy amt of people in every level bracket. SM is a bit weird with all the mage cleave groups but there are also a good amt of normal groups running it back to back.

Does this mean we finally have LFG (5-man Dungeon Finder) in this?
Yea it doesn’t teleport you though just helps you find ppl
OK, so it is the BC version.
As much as a welcome addition to the game as that was, it wasn’t enough.
OK, thank you for telling me.
If it had had the full LFG, I would have been all over that.
Thank you for informing me.