If it was a Worgen horse and carriage I’d pay a grand for it.
I would pay $90 for a horse and carriage.
I would pay $9 for a large muffin.
Jesus Gentarn, I do not need a existential crisis this late in the day. That’s depressingly poetic.
Stares into the middle distance
I’ve forgotten more people I’ve worked with than I remember. How many players, guildmates, server personalities have I forgotten? How many have forgotten me? I’m like five faces removed to who I used to be.
If you paid for tokens to buy this mount at BfA exchange rate, it would have been like, what, $500 dollary doos? $90 is pretty cheap if you bought tokens for it or buy tokens for black market AH one.
My friend said they’ll narc on me to my partner if I bought the mount. Jokes on me, I just paid my property tax and credit card bill and can’t afford groceries for the rest of the month heheheheheheh
Also to clarify no, I would not buy this lmao. My friend should narc on me if I did.
People joke about how much Warhammer costs, but I’m just going to say - $90 can buy me a character and a squad and I’d have a lot more fun with it then a obnoxiously gigantic ground mount.
They should make a hedonism bot mount, you get carried around by guys while you lay in a bed getting fed grapes. It doesn’t come with anything else but cost $500 real world money
I’d pay $90 if they allowed us to customize the Grizzly Hills Packmaster the same way we do the Dragons and whatnot.
Maybe today I want a Polar Bear with blue accessories.
Maybe tomorrow, I want a black bear with red.
I’m just going to put this out in the universe.
I think the majority of the 20th Anniversary stuff is lame and I’m incredibly disappointed.
Oh God, was I one of them? I would give people a hard time about it… Tauren lore and all at the time. I was vocal about Warlock trainers being in Thunderbluff at all, but to have them at a sacred site. Anyway, I’ve calm down some in my old age.
Ecstatic squealing and cheering
I don’t care that its a whale mount, GIMME GIMME GIMME!!!
This mount has a postmaster, so if you have the old one you still need this if you PvE IMO, the amount of times we need the AH and a mailbox is unreal.
I spent like $150 on the stupid expansion because I got sucked into all the hype that ended up being a nothingburger, may as well spend another to get this damn thing, right?
I really shouldn’t, given I barely use the Auction House and the only appeal to me is the utility of maybe one day needing it.
Activision sure is determined to throw as much anniversary FOMO shop items they can at us in an embarrassing exploit to boost their eternal reputation grind with their shareholders before the quarter ends.
I’m convincing myself that this brutosaur is an elaborate joke by the Bronze Dragonflight, just to watch the player base fracture a little bit more.
It did. I was trying to grasp on to how and why, and I think it was the simplified mechanics yet INSANELY LARGE health pool, making the fight last forever. TWW encounters usually don’t leave me thirsting for mana (Holy in raid, Disc in 5-mans), but BRD was a change.
No joke, my first instinct was to run out and let my mp5 regen some of it back. The imagery, music, memories, and overall vibe of BRD still runs deep.
Unless you were on Cenarion Circle, I doubt it.
TBF, a lot of my characters are ‘banned’ from capital cities, now that I think about it.
Felluck for accidentally having her Succubi out.
Krenk had a ‘toss him off the cliffs’ order attached after sleeping with somebody’s wife (Neither IC or OOC aware the character was married to another player at the time …) and was the reason Krenk has Olaf’s All-Purpose Shield in his inventory at all times …
Krenk also had a ‘throw slimes at him’ order attached for the Undercity after accidentally crushing an apothecary’s beloved pet cockroach when he sat down …
Siniath got banned from Silvermoon City after punching a Guard Guild officer in the face after being told he had to ‘do his duty’ and help the race repopulate rather than pursue his ‘aberrant’ relationship with another man, and while I doubt there’s any consequences to that anymore since said Guild ate itself alive from the behind up at the end of Mists of Pandaria, I roll with it still as a IC thing.
Sanvhar the Demon Hunter got kicked out of Stormwind after getting into a fight with a bunch of Kaldorei RPers who told him he should have done more for ‘his people’ than give in to Illidan’s power-fantasies and, after giving up the arcane for 10,000 years, being ostracised for being a mage in the past by the Kaldorei, and being shunned by the highborne for giving up magic, giving up everything to stop the Legion and then having indisputable proof that Illidan was right all along, and got into a /duel with their mouthiest individual and screaming “My people? I HAVE NO PEOPLE!” after beating said Druid within an inch of his life … and then a Guard Guild rolled up and ‘escorted’ him out of the city and to the docks and gave him one of those legal documents you could loot from the safes in old Blackrock Depths stating he wasn’t permitted to re-enter the city without an escort after ‘assaulting’ a refugee.
Pigglestein was barred from Teldrassil for getting a ‘sample’ from a tree and not realising it was an Ancient until after it loudly complained about a squirrel up in its, err, knothole. She got carried out of the city by giggle-snorting Sentinels with the ‘heartwood’ she needed for her alchemy experiments … and a deep and abiding loathing for trees that has haunted her ever since.
Believe me, my character understands. He had to stare at some idiot from Stromgarde attempt to explain how a Bloodline of genocidal maniacs called Trollbane are good people.
So…um yeah. Probably wasn’t me. Probably… possiblity.
One of the bosses our raid wiped except our paladin tank and he solo’d the last 1% and we all screamed when he got the kill.
I don’t normally engage in microtransactions and I’m definitely not getting a MACROtransaction.
Damn wow you’ve gotten like…3 grand from me over 18 years. Chill.
If it was not a Brutosaur, I probably would also be going , but god dammit, long-necked dinosaurs were my jam as a kid and I will forever be a salty boy over missing out on getting my Brutosaur mount at the end of the Battle for Azeroth.
That said, that’s two months worth of treats from the household budget, so looks like I’m reduced to bowls of cheap jelly for my weekly treats.
Courtesy of Nightstalker