20th Anniversary Celebration Update Notes

Was excited then I saw the gating, currency drip and time investment and now I am not excited. Should be a celebration, not a sweat shop.


Sure do love getting nerfed on what’s supposed to be a joyous event I guess I’ll celebrate my nerfed spec


  • Metamorphosis now heals you for 40% of your maximum health instead of modifying your health directly.

That’s a huge nerf for me here…

You need to rework the currency. This event is going to bomb and only pushes the time played metric even more. Reward more tokens if you keep these ridiculous prices.

Seems like developers don’t play this game and just cicle CD’s to see if the change gonna fix something. This is a huge nerf for Sanlayn. We’ll not see this hero talent shine in PVE

Please @Blizzard, hire better developers that play the game to feel some pain as some classes are feeling, not dumbass developers like we have right now!

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no, this was player suggested, i suggested it even, going into burst and having to hit a defensive CD and then DRW felt clunky and off. but it was also pointed out that ALL pvp blood dks take the pvp talent ‘Last Dance’ which reduces the CD on DRW by 50%.

it’s only when you combine this with the disease and coil nerfs they gave to unholy which only affect sanlayn that you start scratching your head. sanlayn is not meta or even competitive in PVE or PVP for blood or unholy and yet blizzard keeps nerfing it.

Lightsmith’s talent choice should be between the new Authoritative Rebuke, and Fear No Evil. The new Tempered in Battle is not worth taking, and the 50% fear reduction from Fear No Evil is incredibly useful.
Also, Fist of Justice should just be changed to a 1 point talent that reduces cooldown by 1.5 sec per Holy Power spent: Not changed to a 15 second cooldown reduction. And make Hammer of Justice’s base cooldown 50 sec instead of 45.

Where are the meaningful priest changes? Where is the communication for our class?



Would LOVE to celebrate with a restored guild bank. Now THAT would be cause for celebration and make me feel like doing that grind.

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I think they should nerf Pally’s even harder. Take them back to the days when they had to use a trinket to pull anything from a distance or just go body pull it.

Standing around in their fancy Arathi armor looking all blessed…

Narrator: The Shaman-Paladin War continued for some. Both within and without.

  • Blood
    • San’layn
      • Gift of the San’layn has been updated – While Dancing Rune Weapon is active you gain Gift of the San’layn (was Vampiric Blood).

this line of text needs to be removed, last week’s buffs to San’layn are actually feeling super good in high keys, and I’m often doing more overall dps than the more defensive and easier to play Deathbringer spec, all this does is reduce uptime for Gift of the San’layn from my average 47% uptime for Vamp blood to my average 31% DRW, and I have these almost always on CD.

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After the buffs last week I think if you are geared correctly San’layn could even be better than current Deathbringer, but these changes are just smacking it back down into nothingness. You could tell these Anniversary changes were locked in weeks ago, before they did all of the changes to San’layn, not even counting the thematic ??? of swapping the vampire based hero class off of Vamp blood lol.

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I see you changed nothing since the last blue post. Really listening to feedback here.

What? No Monks for Drakthyr?

The Prophet said that everybody would be Kung-Fu Fighting, Blizzard.



They nerfed something for enhance and they “highlighted” something that already was known.

Big updates lol.


Where is the Hardcore stuff at? We finally getting server merge? Burning Crusade? Paladin going to have tank or ret? bug fixes?
You have lots of people in November getting ready to grind and we are still unsure what is happening, so we can prepare.

Celebrating with more Warrior nerfs… Great.
Enhacement Shaman destroys everything with tempest, but hey! lets nerf warrior AOE even more.

That’s not what I meant, I’m talking about the TWW patch that wiped out many people’s guild banks, rep, and other things. See: Guild Bank Missing Items Update

They waited a month to say anything, then they did an “incomplete restoration of some guilds” a.k.a. the majority of people got nothing.

Pixels are pixels, the real issue is you can’t trust this game anymore. Either they don’t back their data up (less likely) - or they refuse to use their own backups because it’s more work for them (more likely).

So why collect this stuff when they’ll just delete it in a server hiccup and refuse to help you out? Unfortunately, Blizzard just isn’t what it used to be.


Character looks options please!!

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There should be an option to show Visage form on the character select instead of dracthyr form. Please.