I am currently playing UN or Frost playing the best spec ATM. 206 iLevel, and am looking for a raiding guild. I have a long history with WoW Since WOTLK, was used to be pretty hardcore mythic raiding since CATA,MIST,WOD, and Legion and recently came back during last patch of Ny’alotha, i was quickly able to get 477ilvl 12/12H and 4/12M prog. i love doing M+ Was able to push my self to 2.6k io before prepatch.
10/10N castle nathia
3/10 H
Hi Chief. Would love to talk to you more about what you’re looking for.
Add me in game: Scuttles#1976
Add me in Discord: Scuttles#3311
20:30-00:00 EST Monday/Wednesday with optional Fridays (we’re pushing extra for the first few weeks)
The following are must haves but we’re recruiting all exceptional candidates:
- Restoration Shaman
- Retribution Paladin
- Arms Warrior
- Shadow Priest
- Marksmanship Hunter/Balance Druid/Unholy Death Knights
We’ve made big changes to our roster over the last week or so cutting weak players and bringing in stronger players and we are going into Heroic Sire Tonight.
We’re a semi-hardcore but social guild, people are in discord all day running keys/mythic +/the maw and we’ve made great friendships together and have even made great friends with people we met this expansion.
If you think you would be a good fit or you want to talk to me more please message me on discord Noah#5402.
Hey Chieftmelster! My team might be the right fit for you.
CA Progression: 6/10H 1/10M
Our Vision:
CA began with a clear goal in mind; building a tight knit group of competitive raiders who want to achieve Cutting Edge all while maintaining a light raiding schedule. We recognize that the success of a raiding guild depends on making intelligent and informed decisions, communicating effectively and maturely, and being as prepared as possible for every challenge. Our leadership is experienced and understands the commitment required to maintain an effective raiding roster throughout each tier. We are committed to clearing all mythic content each tier with the goal of achieving the highest possible ranking and to constantly improve ourselves and our team.
We raid 6 hours per week on the following schedule:
- Tuesday - 8PM - 11PM CST
- Wednesday - 8PM - 11PM CST
Our commitment to you:
We pride ourselves on being efficient on a light schedule while still having a professional, driven, and respectful atmosphere. We promote an atmosphere that encourages team-oriented attitudes, minimized drama and toxicity, and rewards preparation. Our roster is made up mostly of working-class adults who desire hardcore progression on a less hardcore schedule.
Joining us you can expect:
- Experienced, passionate, and driven leadership that doesn’t give up.
- A performance orientated environment. On progression we will bring the best 20 regardless of seniority, creating a competitive environment where raiders will continue pushing themselves to improve in order to maintain their position.
- Trials who are recruited and put into progression scenarios quickly. We want you to prove your merits and what you can bring to our roster on non-trivial content.
- Constant recruitment to improve the roster and create internal competition to constantly improve.
- A healthy roster of 25+ raiders all held to the same standards and expectations.
- Fair play time - during farm we rotate players fight to fight based on loot needs. We aim to keep all players on our roster engaged and active with raiding and progression time.
- No split groups and thus do not require an alt. We do require proficient off-spec(s). We run a lean roster so versatility is a must.
Our Expectations:
As 2 day/week guild, we need to make every hour we play count. As such we’re looking for players who will come into raids as prepared as can be, and eager to make every pull a meaningful one. Qualities we’re looking for in applicants:
Progression experience - We’re looking for players who have been a part of end-tier progression pushes in past or present content. Ideally we’re looking for people who have knowledge of what it takes to succeed in a progression guild over a prolonged period of time.
Team oriented, mature, and professional attitude - We take raiding seriously and value the community we raid in. Therefore we are looking for maturity, respect, and integrity when considering applicants. We have a no tolerance approach to bullying, toxic personalities. We are looking for team players who value the success of the guild and the benefit of the raid over personal gain or glory.
Constant improvement - We keep our roster spots competitive and reward those who constantly push themselves to get better. You should understand that no matter how good you are, you can always improve. We want players who are constantly analyzing and researching how they can improve, and coming to raid each and every night with the goal to be better than the last.
How to Join:
If you’re interested in joining, go to the following link and fill out an application:
Application Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScOTmDlUR9R_3PfMLOMShDu-1PT-lQiQGKlfGa5Brzt7–s1Q/viewform
You also can chat with us if you have any questions about the guild or how we operate before applying.
Please contact one of the officers below if you have any questions:
(Discord: Xeddy#1221, Btag: Xeddy#1427)
(Discord: Gudds#3932, Btag: Gudds#1416)
Hey Chef. Add me on discord and let’s chat. We’re looking for a solid UH Dk for our roster. Caleb#7902
8/10H is looking for a few more DPS to pound out Mythic. I, personally, run a lot of mythic+ high keys. Let me know if you are interested.
If you are tight on time but still want to raid add me on discord and we can talk
Current Prog: 10/10N | 7/10H (some of us are 1/10M now)
Raid Times: Wednesday/Friday/Monday 8-11PM CST
Meta is a semi-hardcore guild on US-Illidan, looking to recruit active members for Castle Nathria progression. Our primary end goal is to progress through Mythic at a reasonable pace.
We are looking for people who are socially active, enjoy mythic+, and bring a good attitude with them. We expect our raiders to have good situational awareness, knowledge of class( es ) played, and a willingness to improve.
Maturity/professionalism in conduct towards others
- Knowledge of class( es ) played
- Online/ready for invites 15min. prior to raid
- Can handle constructive criticism
- Ability to realize we may need to sub on progression
- We provide cauldrons/food: Please have personals too
- Keep chit-chat to a minimum during pulls for callouts: PTT ON
- This shouldn’t need to be said, but toxic behavior may result in removal
We are a small guild that does not typically recruit for the bench, but there may be circumstances where we need to sit a player or two due to raid composition, or class related abilities that may make progression goals easier to achieve (those who sit will be brought back in the following week).
GM BNET: Tellie#11987
GM Discord: *Tellie#2200
Hey there! We are looking for an Unholy DK to fill one of our DPS slots! Give us a look.
Wed-Thurs 9pm-12am EST with an Optional Monday Raid.
Friendly players that enjoy M+.
CE and Mythic Focused group.
6/10 H Currently.
Hey There!
My guild is looking to add a few solid players to the team and I spotted your thread here. I’m not going to waste your time with a ton of guild spam, instead I’ll just give you the important information. I hope you’ll add me and give me the opportunity to tell you all about us. I’m always happy to talk about Guild and Raid!
Guild: STARVD-Bleeding Hollow (Horde)
Progression: 9/10H
Raid Schedule:
Tuesday 6:30-9:30PM(CST)
Thursday 6:30-9:30PM(CST)
Sunday 6:30-9:30PM(CST)
and most important, me 
Battle.net: Mutumba#11705
Discord: https://discord.gg/rm3qgEF
Hi Chiefmeister!
We are a CE focused guild on Mal’Ganis looking to boost the roster with a solid Unholy DK. We are currently up to 8/10H and are pushing into mythic this week. Guild spam below, please feel free to reach out with any questions!
US-Mal’Ganis | Horde
8:30-11:30 PM EST | M/T/Th
Who we are
A group of friends with years of CE experience in both raiding and officer roles. We are looking to build a strong team to push CE this tier and continue refining as we work to build up our roster and standing. Our officer core is committed to putting in the work to form a strong core roster while keeping it fun for all.
What we’re looking for
Players who want to push themselves to clear all raid content while relevant. We are looking for individuals who want to put in the work and learn along with the team. Anyone is welcome to reach out no matter your previous experience.
Covens - Btag: Lena#11669 | Discord: Lena#7524
Siighrene - Btag: SaintLuna#11342
Hey Chiefmeister, if you’re still looking for a guild reach out to me on discord : Dèlren#8012
Straight Slappin is our guild name, and we are currently finishing up heroic and starting to progress through mythic. We raid Tues/Wed at 8:00pm est to 11:00pm est. Let me know if this interests you.
moving into mythic this week
sun/mon 8-11est
Awetosis#6997 on discord
Hey there Chiefmeister,
We are currently looking for a DK for our raid team roster. I’ll hit you with our spam!
If you’d like to chat more, please add us on btag! We hope to hear from you soon.
< Death and Purples > is recruiting! We are a mythic progression guild on Area-52, Horde. We strive to provide a friendly yet competitive environment, aimed at high end progression. Our goal is to successfully achieve Cutting Edge content every tier, without compromising our community and the enjoyment of the game. Our raid spots are competitive. Our memes are on fire. Guild Management is experienced and professional.
Raid details below:
- Progress: N: 10/10, H: 6/10
- Raid Schedule: Monday/- Wednesday/Friday, 9:00PM-11:30PM (EST)
- Loot Distribution: Loot Council
Recruitment needs:
- Off Healer: DPS that can flex into a healer spot if needed
- DPS: Mage, Shadow Priest, Unholy DK, Balance Druid
All exceptional players will be considered!
Aside from raiding, we have a large gaming community in WoW, and we play other games together too.
Super active Discord sever. We do social events every week, Mythic +, PvP, and more.
Please add us on Battletag for more information.
- talex490#11500
- AvaBell#1981
- SlySylo#1391
- Lilythia#1898
Or, apply at www.deathandpurples .com
Thank you for reading!
We look forward to slaying dragons and sharing memes with you.
DAP Guild Management
New raiding guild 9/10N 1/10H Aiming get AOTC then move into mythic. Currently recruiting 1 holy pally and melee/ranged dps. High need for DK, lock. Also accepting spriest,hunter,monk,dh. Raid times are Tues/Wed 8-11PM EST. Morpheus#1478 hit me on bnet