207 Ilvl Brew Monk LF Pushing Guild

Hello, i’m looking for a guild that wants to push into mythic this tier. Any day/time are fine, and i’m willing to xfer myself to your server.

Currently have 8/10 H XP this tier, with previous tiers Mythic experience.

Hey there, we are looking to be aotc, then CE by tiers end. We are in need of 1 healer and 4 dps. Most of us are previous top 100 players with a laid back, non-toxic, non drama community. We raid Tues, Wed, Thurs @ 9pm EST. Please reach out if you want to join up! Thanks

BNET: Br4wn#1859

DISCORD: Brobot#8506

Hey Spyborg,

If you are looking to go into Shadowlands and slam some bosses to the ground, come talk to us in Fragment! Our current progression sits at 10/10H and 2/10M.

We are a collection of ppl who have been raiding in the top 20-100US for multiple tiers with all of the players coming from different spots (Pie Chart, Did it for Whitney, Prometheon, Aversion [EU]), We have known each other for years and finally decided to finally form a guild in the last couple weeks before Shadowlands going 5/12M on alts.

All raid spots are competitive and we are always recruiting players with the right skill sets & headspace.

Current recruitment needs:
Hunter: Medium
Mage: Medium
Paladin: Ret: Low, Tank:Medium, Holy: Medium
Warlock: Medium
Priest: Disc: Low, Holy: Low, Shadow: Medium
Druid: Tank: Medium, Boomkin: High, Resto: Medium, Feral: Low
DH: Tank: Low, Dps: High
DK: Tank: Medium, Dps: Low
Shaman: Resto: Low, Ele: Low, Enhance: Medium
Monk: Tank: Medium, Dps: Low, MW: Medium
Rogue: Low
Warrior: Tank: High, Dps: High

Progression Raiding Schedule 7:30-12:00 EST
Sunday-Monday(If needed) - Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday

Farm Raiding Schedule 7:30 - 11:00 EST
Tuesday - Wednesday

We take a few days off after Progression.
Decisions in this guild are always made with the goal of achieving the highest possible rank in mind. We are currently planning to push hard in Shadowlands

-Raiding regarding the first mythic day will start early. It might extend late into the evening.

-If this sounds appealing to you please feel free to contact us.

Discord: Demonslayerl#4843
Bnet: Tommy#1664

Hey there!

Sounds like you might be a good fit for our guild. We’re Civil Disobedience (Alliance - US - Whisperwind) and we are actively recruiting high performing healers and DPS for Shadowlands!

We are currently raiding Castle Nathria and are 10/10 Normal, 5/10 Heroic. We finished last tier with 10/12 M Ny’alotha, 12/12 H, 12/12 N.

We run m+ other fun content every night except for Tuesday and Friday, which are our raid nights (8p CST - 11p CST). Our Mythic Keys night is Wednesdays, our alt raid night is Sundays, and our Gathering Night is Mondays!

We place a strong focus on learning and teaching. This means that if you are interested in moving toward raiding but have strayed away due to feeling it’s high pressure and high stress, not feeling like you’ve given the time and space to learn the fights, or feeling like PUGs are generally awful, then we would love to have you join us. We are more than willing to teach you the fights and to be patient with you, as long as you give us your very best!

If you are someone who wants to push keys and work on raid content in an environment that won’t penalize you for failing and instead encourages you to learn, who wants a group of like-minded friends ready to support whatever your in game goal might be, who likes shooting the breeze with a bunch of (mostly) adults, who is ready to take your playing to the next level without being condescended to, and who is willing to put in the time and work to learn and leave your ego at the door, this is the right place for you.

We are willing to pay for server transfers in some cases. Our guild bank is super stocked, and we pay for repairs (all the time, not just during raids!). We are also a women-run guild with a zero tolerance policy toward racism, homophobia, sexism etc – ALL are welcome here!!

Please let me know if you are interested and I’ll shoot your our application! Hope to hear from you!

In game: Hypotenuse (mage) on Whisperwind

Battlenet: Hypotenuse#11810 (Hypotenuse)

Discord: Hypotenuse#2915 (GM - Hypotenuse) OR Kelacia#5055 (Officer - Kelacia)

Hello there!


still looking? hit me up on net abe1224#1820

Still looking for a guild.

Would like to continue as a Brewmaster Monk.

Are you willing to dps OS tank? We have two tanks but still need an OS and also need tanks for pushing M+

Blarg Squad is 10/10N 8/10H CN. We are looking to enjoy mythic progression, with players who come prepared to execute and have a good time. Mechanics MATTER. Guild Leadership has raid experience from Vanilla through current, including past server firsts, with the goal to achieve CE in a timely manner.

Recruiting: DH, SP, Boomkin, DPS

Raid Times: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 7-10 CST (8-11 EST)
Contacts: Prizmå (Btag: Mint#3740 // prizma#11192)
Fattblarg (Btag: Fatman#1884 // Discord: Fatman#8817)
Bon ga: (Btag: bon ga#11421// Discord: bon ga#0728) [remove space]

If you have mythic experience, that’s a plus, but it is not required - a strong heroic performance and ready for the next level player can be very successful in mythic. In addition: Play the class you enjoy and the spec you enjoy. We expect you will put in the time to complete content, mythic plus, and weekly requirements for your SL Covenant. For raid, put in the effort to know the fights and mechanics and own up to your errors and work on them. It’s progression for a reason after all. Understand as well, our RL will put the best in for progression, period.

The guild provides cauldrons and feasts at raids, however, we expect you to bring health and mana pots, dps pots, oils, and armor kits.

Our group has been raiding together for a long time, some members as far back as BC. Others came along later and a few we met in classic. We have never had a clique atmosphere. Simply come hang out. We enjoy chatting, mythic plus, good humor, and during WOW downtimes, we play other games as a group. If you want a place to chill, we’re good for that too.

R.IO: https://raider.io/guilds/us/illidan/Blarg%20Squad
LOGS: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/guild/us/illidan/blarg%20Squad
Wowprogress https://www.wowprogress.com/guild/us/illidan/Blarg+Squad

Interested in a morning raid team?

Last Pull - (group 3) of Seraph is recruiting heals and dps for our morning raid team! Raid times are 8:30-11:30 a.m. CST on Wednesday and Thursday. Current progression is 3/10 heroic. Our raid team is part of a larger guild community, where there is always something to do or people to run other content with. We have some great core members that mesh well, just need to fill out so we can finish for CE and head into mythic!

-Good attendance, since we only raid two days a week maintaining adequate attendance is a must.
-Great attitude, able to take direction and constructive criticism well.
-No set item level requirement, but it should look like you put some effort into gearing yourself to be raid ready.

Come raid with us :)!
seraphguild. com/recruitment

Contact: CatieisaGOD#1266 on Battle Net, CatieCatt#1201 on Discord.

Time zone conversions:
9:30-12:30 EST
8:30-11:30 CST
7:30-10:30 MST
6:30-9:30 PST

Hey Spy,

[Arise] We are located on Tichondrius. Our core has been formed through longtime friendships which has always been the foundation of our guild. Our goal is set on mythic progression with intention of pushing CE. We’re an extremely close group of people that are always willing to help out with whatever you need to be successful in the guild. We also like to occasionally spam M+ outside of raid times for gearing fellow guild members. Our core is made up of positive individuals who strive to push the guild in a path towards CE.

Current Recruitment Needs:

<Range: Full

<Melee: Warrior

<Tank: DK, Warrior, Pally

<Healer: Full

(Even if your class isn’t specifically listed above, we encourage you to apply or contact the recruiter anyways. We are a progression guild after all and we will always consider exceptional players)

Raid Schedule :
Wednesday: 8:00pm - 11:00pm PST
Friday: 8:00pm - 11:00pm PST

Castle Nathria
10/10 N
5/10 H

General requirements include:

Mature players (Preferably 21+)
-Positive attitude towards every situation.
-Ability to adapt and overcome.
-Desire and passion to get better each and every night with the intention of achieving personal goals/guild goals.
-Ability to use Discord and have a working mic.
-Ability to frequently check up on our discord for updates on raid strategies and other general guild information.

We understand real life takes priority so a simple heads up to the GM or an officer will suffice. If you cannot keep a raid attendance of 90%, then this guild might not be the right fit for you.

Feel free to contact us with any questions:
Kostadine- Kostadine#1413
Enkazil- Enkazil#1407

Kostadine - Kosta#8757
Enkazil - Enkazil#7836

Lizard Wizards is a newly formed guild with the aim of creating a Mythic raid team composed of intelligent players. Our raid leader has achieved Cutting Edge multiple times and has had prior experience as a raid leader. We are currently only 7/10H due to lack of time and raiders. Raid times are Wed/Thurs with Friday’s being optional from 7-10pm EST. Our main goal is to create a versatile community with events where people can pvp, raid, and just hang out. Anyone is welcome to join!

If you’re interested in joining feel free to add our RL (Dethlaf#3558) on discord.