About Me:
Hello! I’m in my mid 30s and returned for Shadowlands after skipping BFA entirely. I’ve done off and on raiding from Vanilla to Legion, mostly as a healer but I’ve been playing boomkin the last several weeks. I work rotating shifts at work so my raid attendance won’t be 100 percent, but I make the vast majority of them and will know ahead of time when I will miss a raid.
I’m looking for a casual but focused guild going after AOTC that also has people that run keys together. I’d prefer to play with people that know what’s expected of them when it’s time to raid, not people that ask for repairs after the first pull. Also looking for a mature group of people to play with, too old for drama and attitudes.
Best raid time for me is anything after 800 est, days vary. Willing to transfer or even faction change if the situation is right. Hoping to find some friends and some reasons to keep playing this game! Thanks for looking.
The [Shanghai Zen Masters] are a guild of tight-knit players who have been playing the game together since WotLK and Cata with plenty of Mythic+, Raid and PvP experience. We are looking to do progression raiding mainly throughout Shadowlands, but we frequently do Mythic+ dungeon runs, and rated PvP together. That being said, we’re definitely more laid back than the average guild, as long as you have a good attitude and can make the raid times, we have a spot for you!
Our guild is in the middle of a recruiting drive. We have full cleared normal and pushing into Heroic already. We are in need of every role for the raid and mythic+. Tanks and healers are always in demand! Night time raiding schedule Mon + Wed 8pm-11pm Est (invites out 7:45pm) (Currently only raiding Mondays until we build a larger roster)
Progression raiding focus Normal>Heroic> and eventually Mythic
Alliance on the server Stormrage
GM discord: D-Matt#8870
My discord: Smøøthßrain#9409
Apply Here: discord.gg/JTj5ZWc Write your toons name, class and role, and a brief summary about you
Thank you for taking the time to look at this. Undercover Elitists is a guild that has mythic progression as a mind set. We raid Tues/ Thurs / (sometimes mandatory saturday) 8pm-11pm CST. The idea is to easily push and farm herioc as we push into mythic content in each tier. A mature have fun no BS guild that wants to down bosses and have a good time. Raiders recruited are expected to adapt on the fly and be able to handle mechanics thrown at them, take responsibilities for mistakes and can handle constructive criticism well. If you are someone that loves to banter in chat have a good time and loot give us a look! We are currently forming under a broken guild and are looking to fill our roster, we will begin farming normal right away to help gear any potential candidates that are not high ilvl, and continue to develop teamwork.
Currently Recruiting. 185+
Healers: 4
Pref: Resto shaman x2 , holy priest
(Flex Open)
RDPS:4 (off spec heals Flex)
2 MM Hunters
1 Balance druid
(Flex open)
1 Arms warrior
1-2 Unholy DK
1 WW monk
(Flex Open) ( off spec tank)
If there is a flex spot and you think the guild is for you please feel free to apply.
All exceptional applicants considered. Please contact myself at
Discord: Dragen#4167
Bnet: DragenEireTV#1423
Discord is the best place to reach me.
Hey Poohma!
In the Shadowlands, Anthem is looking to expand our progression raid roster and push into Mythic raiding. With new leadership and new members, we’ve managed to form a small progression core with a passion for completing hardcore raid content. Now, we want to expand that group to push through Heroic Castle Nathria and move into Mythic progression as soon as possible. With a fresh officer group and a raid team excited to grow and push forward, we’re hoping to find excellent raiders to join the community and press on with us!
Anthem has existed on Turalyon for many years. Built by IRL friends and joined by those made in-game, most of us have a long history together. Anthem has historically been a very casual raiding guild, and we want to continue to embody the supportive, friendly, fun atmosphere we’ve always had. While we are building our new progression raiding team, we also welcome casual members looking for a social atmosphere and casual content as well.
Raid Schedule:
Saturday 8:00PM - 11:30PM
Monday 8:00PM - 11:30PM
We expect 80%-90% attendance for progression raiders, but understand that life happens. We are looking for matches in attitude and aptitude, and value a desire to improve, a willingness to give and receive feedback, and an understanding of what to expect in progression raiding. We are currently building our roster and want applicants to understand that means a small team and some growing pains as we go, but an opportunity to get an early foothold in a group we expect to be tight-knit and very successful.
If we feel your application is a good fit, we will reach out to schedule an interview and trial if the interview goes well.
We are currently recruiting all roles and classes!
To apply:
Complete our application here: https://forms.gle/6JSsdUYTAWDVxhtx5
Officer contacts:
Synchrony-Turalyon [Synchrony#1108]
Luramar-Turalyon [DawnMarie#1432]
Hey Hey
< Soup or Guild > is a new guild recruiting for aotc/heroic while we round out the roster to start mythic progression as soon as possible. We have goals of pushing as far as we can, and going for CE.
We had our 1st heroic raid last night and finished 7/10 with plans to raid again tonight.
Raid Times are Tuesday and Thursday 9-12 est.
This guild was created recently by a group of active players with mythic and cutting edge experience who enjoy all types of content. We already have almost a full 20 player roster for mythic, and are just looking to fill in a few more spots! Ranged dps would be highly preferred.
Full on tanks for raid and currently have a lot of melee. Any skilled players would still be considered, and are still welcome to come trial with us.
Anyone else is welcome to join for regular pvp and m+ content that will be run with the guild as well.
Become part of something great and grow with us!
contact oxreborn#1287 in game, oxreborn#5533 in discord, or respond here for more info
Posted a recruitment thread today and a Balance/Resto Druid is on our want list. You can reah me on Discord @Khell#4727 if interested. Thanks 
Hey! We at Forgone Conclusion might be a good fit! We are AOTC focused with the possibility of pushing into mythics when we get there. Our core is a group of old raiders that just want to play the game and have fun while still being successful. Currently 3/10 Heroic and would be pleased to add to our group! We raid Fri/Sat 9:30pm - 12 EST. Reach out on bnet if you would like to chat more! Huw#1749
Hey there!
If you’re still looking for a home, check us out!
Rats-Hyjal Horde
9/10 H
Wed-Thurs 9pm-12am EST with an optional/alt run on Monday!
We are a semi-hardcore CE focused guild. We mostly just want to help players improve and get better at the game!
Hey! We’re in big need of a boomkin, we’re AOTC and casual mythic and we do a lot of keys. Check us out and shoot me a message if we might fit what you’re looking for 
Hey there… Seems like a good fit. We’re always doing stuff as a guild. We will be AOTC with some mythic progression. We also need a boom-chicken. I really hope to hear from you!
Bryanthrax#5108 on discord 
<Severéd> is recruiting! We are a very friendly group of players that are raid focused but equally as important we have a lively and inviting community. We have two raid groups!
We are 4/10H CN after 2 resets. We plan to continue pushing this with success and continue to be competitive. Our guild is ranked 12th in the connected realms below and are accepting applicants from the following servers.
Connected Realms we can bring into guild:
Trollbane (base)
Grizzly Hills
Heroic Tues/Thurs 8-11 EST
Normal Fri/Sat 8-11 EST
We are actively recruiting the following for our HEROIC core:
Exceptional MDPS/RDPS!
Fire Mage+++++
Shadow Priest+++
Enhance Shaman +++
Rogue +
All other classes we will consider! These are highest needs.
Currently good on tanks/healers as MS. We highly value players with offspec viability.
To be considered “core”, you must be able to perform at a high enough level individually. You earn priority invites!
We are not an Elitist guild, if that is your expectation please do not apply. We take raiding seriously, but are here to play the game and have a good time. Our expectation is minimum AOTC, with some mythic progression. This was achieved last expansion and will continue.
Hope to hear from you!
Hey there Poohma,
All gas No Brakes Area 52 Horde
casual raiding guild progressing through heroic
we raid Tues/thurs 8:30-11:30 EST
you can reach me on discord or bnet at please let me know if you have any questions
Catto#11941 bnet
Catto#2729 dcord
Hey - we’re looking for a solid boomkin for our roster, check our post and let us know if you’re interested
[h] shady acres - 1/10m - lfm dps | hps | tank - Mal’Ganis - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)
Guild & Server: Vengeful US-Stormrage
Raid Times/Days: Thursday - Saturday (7:00 PM - 10:00 PM EST)
Current Progression: 7/10 N Castle Nathria
Recruitment Contacts: BNet: NightKnight#1159389 // Discord: Night#5956
Application: Message me on discord or in-game
Goals: AOTC every tier
Benefits: Assistance with gearing up, Enchants, Gems, Food and Flasks. Mythic Plus nights daily as well as arena activities and pvp events.
Requirements: Commitment to our raid times. Real life comes first but remember 20+ others want to kill bosses with you so when we move to Mythic please let us know ASAP if something comes up. Please know how to play your chosen spec and role, know what enchants you need and what your BIS pieces are and where to get them. Prior Heroic or Mythic Raid experience.
Needs: Many openings available for DPS. 1 or 2 with Tank OS needed, 1-3 with a healing OS needed, Ranged and Melee pure dps needed as well.
Hello Poohma, I’m King, the GM of NOSTALGÍA in Tichondrius. Currently 1/10 M. We are looking for a Boomie right now. Raid times are Sat/Sun 6-9pm server time/ 9pm-12am Eastern time. If you are interested in giving us a look I’d love to chat with you, message me sometime.
Hey Poohma,
Adding to the list of interested guilds! You’d fit right in with us – 25-35 avg, working adults, very social throughout the week. You’d be welcome in Boom or Resto for our Fri/Sat 9-11EST AOTC raid!
The High Society – [H] Mal’Ganis
Feel free to reach out if you want to check us out and see if we’re a good fit for you!
Blizz: thengeance#1753
Disc: thengeance#4815
Founded in 2014, Sweet Love Under Tyranny is the ideal guild for the player who wants to experience the raid content at an above average level without committing to a heavy raiding schedule.
- Ahead of the Curve is our goal (No Mythic)
- Personal Loot (No Loot Council/DKP)
- 1 Raid Night a week (Thurs 8pm-12am EST)
- Glory of the Raider achievement / High M+ Keys / 1st Boss of Mythic after AOTC