Hey, currently working on gearing my mage to raid with. I have a 217 Boomkin that I’m looking to swap off from that had 7/10H progression and I have gotten the remainder of the kills on my mage.
Ideal raid time would end no later than 11pm EST.
Raid days aren’t as important, but I would prefer a 2 day schedule for raid.
I can provide logs for either character if requested, but the mage logs are still a WIP.
Feel free to add me to talk further. Thanks!
Bnet - Ben#17891
Discord - Ben#6315
Casually Dysfunctional of Seraph is recruiting like minded, exceptional raiders for our team who will be a good fit for our progression and help others strive to be better as well. Our current level of progression is 10/10N and 9/10H for Castle Nathria.
We raid Wednesday and Sunday from 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. CST. We are a newer raid team in Seraph and are currently composed of a group of friends and co-workers with a more relaxed and casual attitude in raid. Our aim is to have fun while improving our skills and progressing through the raid more specifically at a Heroic setting. Our Goal is to achieve AOTC achievement throughout all content. If time permits and our raid team is ready to take on the challenge, we will aim for mythic raiding sometime down the road. If you have any questions, feel free to message XmandevilX#1815.
Our recruitment information can be found at www.seraphguild. com/recruitment
Hey there! We’re a 10/10H guild who’s looking to add people to round out our roster, and we could really use a mage! Our times are Fridays 9pm-12am/Sunday 4-7pm EST, so Fridays are a little out of your desired window but if it’s something you could fit in I’d love to have a chat with you about the guild.
I’ve put the usual guild ad below, and if it interests you please add me and we can talk about it more. If not, thanks for reading I wish you luck with the guild search 
Everyone has a preferred way to play, and for us at Metric, it’s simple: kill bosses and have fun. We’re a 10/10H semi-casual guild with a focus on AOTC (while leaving the door open for mythic raiding), and we want to expand our roster with players who want to help us hit that goal every tier. We value players who are here for a chill and relaxed atmosphere, but when it comes to downing bosses and doing progression that they are bringing their best self and always looking to get better. We’re here to have fun, after all, and for us, fun is killing bosses and doing our part while joking around with each other.
Raid Information:
- Friday 9pm-12am EST (6-9pm PST)
- Sunday 4-7pm EST (1-4pm PST)
Normal Alt/Learning (Optional)
- Saturday 8-11pm EST (5-8pm PST)
You may be a good fit if:
- You want focus and progression, but are not looking to make this into a full-time job
- You always work to improve yourself in and out of raid
- You want an atmosphere that’s chill but knows that when it’s time to kill a boss, you gotta buckle down
- You enjoy a guild that has people online outside of raid nights
- Battle.net: SyWizard#1594
- Discord: cloe.nd#2073
Hi Nuggies
< Soup or Guild > is a new Horde Guild on Area-52 recruiting for CE. We have just started mythic progression this week and are 2/10. We have a goal of pushing as far as we can, and hopefully obtaining CE.
Several of the guild leadership achieved CE in Legion and BFA.
We are currently 2/10 mythic we have completed AOTC.
Looking for
Any and all specs/classes except tanks at this time. We have a strong 18 man roster and are looking to help round our the last 2-3 spots of raid with folks who can commit to our times.
If you are not geared don’t worry we are happy to help gear you as long as you can do mechanics.
Raid Times are Tuesday and Thursday 9-12 est.
This guild was created recently by a group of active players with mythic and cutting edge experience who enjoy all types of content. We already have almost a full 20 player roster for mythic, and are just looking to fill in a few more spots!
Ranged dps, and Warriors are highly preferred. However any skilled players would still be considered, and are welcome to come trial with us.
Anyone else is welcome to join for regular pvp and m+ content that will be run with the guild as well.
Become part of something great and grow with us!
Liger#11271 on Bnet
Liger#5309 on Discord
oxreborn#1287 on Bnet
oxreborn#5533 on Discord
or respond here for more info
Hey! Union’s only is a heroic raiding guild centered on Zul’Jin! We raid Wednesday nights from 7-10 and are often doing mythic+, old content, and timewalking other times during the week. We are a group of raiders who have been together on an off since Wrath and are looking for fun, no-drama people wanting to progress through raids or just have fun hanging out in the game.
Hit me up at Luctus#1761 if you want to talk!
Creeping Doom US-HORDE | MAL’GANIS | 10/10H 2/10 M
Who we are:
Creeping Doom is a community of veteran raiders who, due to family and work commitments, have embraced a casual raiding schedule. Many of our members come from Top 50 US guilds and although our schedule is now casual, we still take on the hardest challenges the game has to offer with a hardcore mindset. If you are a talented player who would prefer to raid once a week, consider joining us.
Guild Focus:
- Achieve Cutting Edge while raiding 2 days a week.
- Build a competitive Mythic+ (1k+ IO), PvP (multi-hero lead RBGs), and social community.
- Facilitate optional Heroic raids for friends and alts.
Current Guild needs:
- Mythic Raid: Exceptional Tank, MDPS, RDPS, or healer
- Mythic+: All applicants that are focused on maintaining a mythic+ team.
- Other: Any members that would like to join our community.
- RBGs: Any applicants who want to push rating competitively.
Raid Schedule:
Mythic raid schedule:
- Thursday 8:00 pm - 12:00 am EST
- Sunday 8:00 pm - 12:00 am EST
Optional Heroic Raid Times:*
- Tuesday evening 8:00 pm EST
Contact Info: For applicants and/or any former members
- Discord URL: Discord.gg/YdjxfWU
- BNet: EZGoregutz#1890, Bigtree#11854, or Wufflegupp#1451
Expectation would be that you show up for heroic alt runs and gear up quick on your own efforts but we have a full time spot for a mage.
< Revoke Sanity > - We have been clearing content together for over 7 years (Started in Siege of Orgrimmar). Looking for people for our raid team; however, accepting all people to run keys or casually hang with us! Offers:
Active community
M+ KSM groups
Optional alt/heroic nite Tuesday’s
Our raiding philosophy: Enjoy playing the game with cool people and kill bosses. We consider ourselves a semi-hardcore guild without the elitist attitudes that seems come with Mythic Raiding.
Our expectations are simple. Pull your weight, do what you need to be successful to raid mythic. This includes participating in discord discussion for strata and staying on top of your class changes for fights.
Looking to finish filling our team with some dedicated raiders to come progress with us and enjoy what Shadowlands has to offer.
Last Tier we progressed: 12/12 H & 8/12 M
Current Progression: 10/10H & 2/10M, Hungering (50%)
Raid Times: Wednesday & Thursday 10 PM - 1 AM EST.
Current needs
LF any talented healers especially resto shammy, disc priest, holy paladin
Application so we can get to better know you
Contact Grarami at Grarami#1396 or Bobandii at Tibbets#1405
Hi there BBQ,
My guild is in need of a mage to start mythic prog. I sent a friend request hope to hear from you! Below is our info
Inverse Logic (10/10H) is currently recruiting to start pushing into mythic prog.
We are focused on AOTC each tier and then pushing Mythic. Raids are Tues/Thurs 8-11p Eastern. Guild RBGs Saturday, Optional Weekend Raid Sundays, M+ as a guild on Mondays.
I would love to chat!
Btag - Doctersauce#1397
Discord - Doctersauce#4910
Hello there
DeathsCouncil is a a guild formed in Warlords of Draenor that is currently being rebuilt as a AOTC focused group of players. Our main focus is to build our roster with the notion to build towards clearing AOTC each tier. We will be a laid back guild looking for fun and active members to build its ranks for our future raid team. We have heroic experience as a group. We are on Illidan Horde
Raid Times:
Tuesday and Thursday 7:30pm - 9:30pm (Eastern Time)
Currently Recruiting Priorities:
Currently recruiting for a 10 man raid team.
Melee DPS: Any class
Otherwise we will accept any other classes and specializations for mythic+ runs. If you’re interested please reach out to one of the Officers below.
Vengeful is in need of more Heroic Raid minded ladies and gentlemen to join our Shadowlands Raid team. Stormrage - Alliance.
We are currently looking for all Ranged/Tank Classes.
About Us:
We are a Social, active laid back casual guild While currently working through Heroic content, we have plans to dabble in mythic raiding if we have enough people. We also do Mythic + and PvP on off nights from raiding.
The pertinent information:
We are 10/10 N, 5/10 H. We raid Thursday/Friday/Saturday: Pulling at 7:00 p.m. Est and going until (the latest) 10 p.m. EST. Additional We use Discord. If you need to leave early due to Real Life than that is fine or if you cannot make it to raid please let one of the Officers/GM know. Also raid is not mandatory.
What we offer:
Enchants, gems, food, flasks and pots can be created by our Master Craftsmen, often for just the materials. We provide Flasks and Feasts, we will expect you to have enchants, gems, pots, seals and augment runes before we begin the raid. We are helpful and constructive - if you need something we can get it or help you get it. We love innovation, we love pushing the limits, we love working together as a team. We are fun and quirky, sometimes we have to be serious but we are always working to improve and most importantly we are here to have fun.
What we want from you:
Being able to raid 3 days a week for 3 hours a day but not mandatory, preferably Thurs/Fri/Sat 7pm - 10:00pm Server (ET). Your best, fully optimized, best stats DPS set cannot be below 200 gear score (ilevel). Be on time, be prepared, have current knowledge of your class and of the boss encounters. Understand directions and be able to carry out assignments. Have previous raid or mythic + dungeon experience and/or you can play at a competent and competitive level. Be able to take constructive and friendly criticism to improve and play better. Be able to maintain a mature demeanor during raids while having a sense of humor during stressful situations ex, Wipes, loot distribution, disconnects.
We all have full lives outside of the game and looking for more of the same minded folks to join our Team.
You can reach me in Discord at Night#5956
You can also add me on Battlenet: NightKnight#1159389
Thanks for reading and your time,
Hey Bbqnuggies,
We are very interested in having you in our raid Outside of raid we do a lot of keys. I’m posting our spam below, and feel free to reach out if we seem like a good fit.
Our goal in Shadowlands is to be one of the best guilds on our realm.
Raid Schedule
Tues/Thurs 9-11 EST Sat 9-???
Castle Nathria- 10/10N, 9/10H
Our Expectaions
We expect our raiders to be on point with keeping up with their class and specs to be able to play at a high level.
We expect our raiders to be prepared by at least knowing how the boss fights works either by reading or watching a video on the boss to have some understanding
Be able to do mechanics when asked to
Push yourself to be your best
Keep up with current content
If you are interested in applying
Please have logs or sims available!
If you have any other questions please contact and of our officers!
Hanna💜#7405 (My Discord)
Caihanna#1448 (My Battle tag)
Toorisky#5517 (GM Discord)
Toorisky#1810 (GM Battletag)
grums#2784 (RL Discord)
Relentless, Lead by Reclin, is a new guild on mal’ganis with pvp and pve synchronized gameplay and about 50 members on at all times. Pvp and pve events are set up weekly on the calendar and Discord is used regularly by members.
Looking for
*Group 1:
Friday & Saturday
8pm-12am realm time (MST)
On Heroic Sire
-In need of
(preferred but not limited to) DK, Boomy
(preferred but not limited to) Druid, Monk
*Group 2:
Tuesday & Wednesday
7:30-10:30 Server (mst)
Starting Heroic
-In need of dps but not limited to just dps
Do you like pushing M+?
Looking for players for M+ groups
in need of tanks
In need of tanks and heals for
Yolo rbgs
Battleground farming events
World PVP events
Please add and whisper Angel#11564 if interested in joining
If you would be open to a faction change, we are looking for a fire mage for our main progression team.
We are a group of longtime WoW friends who enjoy endgame content without the drama. We are pretty laid back and would like to chat with you about the possibilities.
Guild & Sever: Army of Heroes: Bloodscalp, Boulderfist, Dunemaul, Maiev, Stonemaul, Sen’jin, Quel’dorei
Raid Times/Days: Tuesday/Thursday 8-10:30 pm CST
Current Progression: 10/10 N 5/10 H
Recruitment Contact: Kal#7417 (Discord) Btag (Kal#12198) or AMcCall#3147 (Discord)
Requirements: Consistent attendance and a good attitude. Guild members are active throughout the week, and we regularly run M+ guild groups, so we will happily help gear you up! We are a group of people interested in progression, but who also believe that having fun is the most important part of any raid night.
Needs: Need all DPS roles.
Hey there . We are 7/10H fresh formed currently looking for more people to join the team! Check out Our Post
Spire is a raiding focused guild based on Mal’Ganis.
- Mon/Wed 8-11CST
- Heroic Focused (If we have the progression and numbers we will transition to Mythic after Heroic is cleared)
- Currently 10/10N 9/10H
Priority Needs
- Monk DPS/ Warlock/Boomie for Progression Raid Roster
- Healers and Tanks for M+ (Can’t make a raid schedule? Come 5 man it up!)
About Us
Spire was formed in 2016 by real life friends to play Star Wars: The Old Republic. We contain members who have played WoW since Vanilla and have raided in top US 150 guilds all the way to players getting their first taste of raiding. We believe in coaching and encouragement can guide a player into better raid performance. We are all working adults who like to down pixel bad dudes in our spare time. Spire has a zero drama policy and it is enforced strictly. Our guild chat and Discord is adult oriented, also a sense of humor is required. We play many other games in our downtime.
ntwkman#1957, Beetus#11493, Prizefighter#1911
Hey there!
If Tues/Wed/Mon 8:30pm to 11pm EST could work for you I’d love to chat! We are currently looking for some more ranged dps to join our raiding team. We are currently 2/10M.
Please reach out if interested and we could get you in xserver trial Tuesday for a few heroic bosses (we use the skip for Sire).
Please add me Nox#1368 (bnet) or Nox#3461 (discord) for a quick chat!
Best of luck with your search!
Hello, Nice to meet you. I am Kittler.
I am with (H) [Mourning Shadows]-US Thrall.
We are currently 7/10H fast approaching AOTC.
We are a Casual Guild currently looking for a few healers and dps to fill our rosters. We raid one night a week for 3 hours. That is Sunday from 9pm-12am Eastern Standard Time.
Majority of us are older (25+) and work evenings/nights. So we are not on much during the week. But active during the weekend.
If this sounds like a fit for your schedule and play style. Feel free to reach out to me on discord at Phae#9684 Or on Battle Net at Phae#11613.
Hey there, hoping we’re a fit for you!
< Unions Only >
Zul’Jin - Horde
Time: Wednesday 7-10 EST
Current progression: 10/10N, 6/10H
We’re looking for some DPS! We’re 6/10H Castle Nathria and run Mythic+. Raid is Wednesday 7-10 EST (one day). M+ throughout the week. Very active and laid back group. We like to down bosses and have fun doing it.
Our goal is to eventually progress through Heroic but we won’t be bashing our heads into it. We will never step foot into Mythic Raid.
Add my btag: ishkurr#1649 if you’d like to chat some more