Availability: Monday - Friday 7pm-11pm EST (Eastern Standard Time)
Looking for a new group to play with. Currently Alliance, would transfer to horde for the right group. Server transfer is no issue.
I have been raiding since Vanilla, and raid leading since WOTLK. I’m not looking for anything hardcore anymore, i just want to have fun, push content and enjoy playing with the people I play with.
I’m looking for a good group of adults to hangout with, push content and bang out content. Do you Raid, perfect, do you pvp awesome do you run keys, cool. Do you guys hangout and joke around.
Drop your Btag or Bnet and we can chat.
Professions Alchemy / Herbalism - SL cooking at max. (i bring my own consumables.)
Addons used:
Exorsus Raid Tools
RC Loot Council
Weak Auras
BigWigs Boss Mods
Elv-ui (because no one likes an ugly ui)
Astral Keys
Mythic Dungeon Tools
Capped consistently at 75FPS on ultra settings. No lag issues, Gigabit internet. ( 1gig down 30mbps up)
Hey there!
If Horde is an option and Tues/Wed/Mon could work for you I’d love to chat! We are currently looking for more ranged dps to join our raiding team! We are currently 2/10M.
We are also a multi gaming community so we do all things WoW (Raid, M+, PVP) as well as other games on off nights. We are an adult guild and like to have fun.
Please add Nox#1368 (bnet) or Nox#3461 (discord) for a quick chat!
Best of luck with your search!
1 Like
Hello onichanlol,
Lemme refer you to Mementô
We’re raiding Heroic (7/10) right now, intent on moving to Mythic quickly. We raid Friday & Saturday 7:30-10pm Eastern Standard Time – but we’ve also got a strong lot pushing keys and looking for more who want to join us in the dungeons.
Our guild is comprised of like-minded players interested in a mythic raiding environment. We also welcome anyone to join and watch our content as a means of improving themselves or simply to have a group of people they can rely on to down content or keys.
The guild is that right mix of chill and understanding people who are serious about improvement, and advancing content - all while maintaining a kind, laid back demeanor. We’re also intent on building a team that endures. This is a “home” for quality people. If that sounds about right to you, I hope you’ll reach out.
Inquire about a link to our website which will provide quick links to our discord server, and application process. You can also check out our current roster to date with an in-depth easy to maneuver spreadsheet coded by Bruk-Limit that gives you a great idea of our member’s experience and current gear-set!
If you have any interest, I can answer questions you might have, by contacting me at the following links:
Discord - siddyy#4918
Battletag - pixel#12533
Hi Onichan
< Soup or Guild > is a new Horde Guild on Area-52 recruiting for CE. We have just started mythic progression this week and are 2/10. We have a goal of pushing as far as we can, and hopefully obtaining CE.
Several of the guild leadership achieved CE in Legion and BFA.
We are currently 2/10 Mythic and have AOTC.
Looking for
Everyone! Except tanks!
Raid Times are Tuesday and Thursday 9-12 est.
This guild was created recently by a group of active players with mythic and cutting edge experience who enjoy all types of content. We already have almost a full 20 player roster for mythic, and are just looking to fill in a few more spots!
Ranged dps, and Warriors are highly preferred. However any skilled players would still be considered, and are welcome to come trial with us.
Anyone else is welcome to join for regular pvp and m+ content that will be run with the guild as well.
Become part of something great and grow with us!
Liger#11271 on Bnet
Liger#5309 on Discord
oxreborn#1287 on Bnet
oxreborn#5533 on Discord
or respond here for more info
Hello! [A][US][Proudmoore] Hierarchy AOTC & 2/10M is seeking a few exceptional DPS to fill out our current raid team as we progress into Mythic. We raid 2 days a week, Wednesday and Friday, from 7:15pm EST until 11pm EST.
Our core is comprised of players with an immense amount of high level experience, including US 7th Heroic Ragnaros at our height in Cata. Having recently returned to the game coming to this expansion we are looking to return to a high level raiding guild on a smaller 2 day schedule.
If a 2 day raid schedule sounds good to you or if you have any questions or would like to chat please add me on Bnet: Deevil#11420. You can also hit up any of our officers on discord: tezzrah#0154 brute #5778 sheevil#3677 deevil#8988
Your attitude sounds like a great fit for our guild!
We’re mostly older raiders and close friends that want to push content without a heavy raid schedule. We spend a lot of time hanging out in Discord outside of raid times, pushing keys, playing other games, etc.
We’re a newer guild (started in December) and are 9/10H atm, looking to get Sire down tonight 
We raid:
T/W 6:30-9:30 CST (7:30-10:30EST)
Sun 4-7 CST Optional/Alt Raid
Drop me a message if you want to chat - Surion#11369
Hey Onichanlol!
One Breath From Death is a smaller guild looking to grow a bit on the casual / AOTC side of things. Most of us been together for quite some time and just looking to grow a few friendships.
We raid Tues / Thurs 7:30-10:00pm EST and few people are online during the week as well for other stuff. Definitely looking to grow the mythic + scene of the guild as well as we can. We are currently 10/10H Castle Nathria (finished 7/12M Ny’Alotha)
Feel free to reach out to one of our contacts: Btags below
Recruitment Officer Bettywhite#11673
GM - Dominitus#1741
Hope to hear from you,
[H][Thrall] Battle Tendency, AOTC & 1/10 M, is looking for skilled players to round out our mythic roster.
Raid Schedule: Tues/Thurs 8-11 PM EST
We are also looking for experienced M+ players (+15 keys)
Check us out on Warcraft Logs!
BNET: Naddy#11821
Discord: Atomz#9840
Hey there, I’m with Dogecoin on Bleeding Hollow. We’re a pretty friendly group looking to fill another DPS spot with a dedicated raider. We’re currently 2/10 M. Our raid times are Tuesday and Thursday 8-11pm est. If you’re interested, you can message me at:
Battletag - Adam#14502
Discord - Adam#7838
Hey there. We are a newly re-formed guild that will focus on mythic raiding and pushing CE as soon as we can fill out our roster and get everyone geared up. We recently got enough players in our roster to start pushing Mythic and are currently 1/10M – I’m expecting to get Huntsman down this week! Our times are Thursday & Monday 8-11pm Eastern.
Try us out for a night. I think you’ll have fun with us! My contact information can be found here:
Hi Oni,
If you’re still looking for a guild, based off what you’re looking for we sound like a great fit. 3/10M 10/10H 8p-11p EST Tue & Thu. Check us out and add me if interested. Thanks and GL in your hunting for a new home! I hope to speak with you soon.
Jaystir#1204 - Discord(preferred)
Jaystir#1960 - Bnet
Vengeful is in need of more Heroic Raid minded ladies and gentlemen to join our Shadowlands Raid team. Stormrage - Alliance.
We are currently looking for all Ranged/Melee Classes
About Us:
We are a Social, active laid back casual guild While currently working through Heroic content, we have plans to dabble in mythic raiding if we have enough people. We also do Mythic + and PvP on off nights from raiding.
The pertinent information:
We are 10/10 N, 5/10 H. We raid Thursday/Friday/Saturday: Pulling at 7:00 p.m. Est and going until (the latest) 10 p.m. EST. Additional We use Discord. If you need to leave early due to Real Life than that is fine or if you cannot make it to raid please let one of the Officers/GM know. Also raid is not mandatory.
What we offer:
Enchants, gems, food, flasks and pots can be created by our Master Craftsmen, often for just the materials. We provide Flasks and Feasts, we will expect you to have enchants, gems, pots, seals and augment runes before we begin the raid. We are helpful and constructive - if you need something we can get it or help you get it. We love innovation, we love pushing the limits, we love working together as a team. We are fun and quirky, sometimes we have to be serious but we are always working to improve and most importantly we are here to have fun.
What we want from you:
Being able to raid 3 days a week for 3 hours a day but not mandatory, preferably Thurs/Fri/Sat 7pm - 10:00pm Server (ET). Your best, fully optimized, best stats DPS set cannot be below 200 gear score (ilevel). Be on time, be prepared, have current knowledge of your class and of the boss encounters. Understand directions and be able to carry out assignments. Have previous raid or mythic + dungeon experience and/or you can play at a competent and competitive level. Be able to take constructive and friendly criticism to improve and play better. Be able to maintain a mature demeanor during raids while having a sense of humor during stressful situations ex, Wipes, loot distribution, disconnects.
We all have full lives outside of the game and looking for more of the same minded folks to join our Team.
You can reach me in Discord at Night#5956
You can also add me on Battlenet: NightKnight#1159389
Thanks for reading and your time,
Good morning! Our times sound like a perfect fit for you!
Dark Intentions is a semi-hardcore mature mythic raiding guild on Moon Guard. We are currently 10/10H 3/10M on our main mythic core team and 8/10H on our heroic weekend team. We are a chill laid back no drama or toxicity guild that is looking for similar minded players to join us!
Core Mythic Team: Wed-Thurs 8:30pm est til 11pm est
Heroic Weekend Team: Fri & Mon 8:30pm est til 11pm
3 Exceptional RDPS to fill out our Core team. However willing to consider other exceptional players.
All roles for the Heroic Weekend team
Casuals who want a chill guild to relax and have fun in.
We provide
-An active discord
-Consumables during raid time
-A guild that helps with growth of players
Yajinni-Guild and Raid Leader-Yajinni#1786
Moon-Co-Gm- Moon#15106
Quenthulu-Recruitment officer-Quenthulu#1542
For those who are looking to join the core mythic raid team please get ahold one of us have logs on hand! You can also fill out our application https://apply.wowaudit.com/us/moon-guard/dark-intentions/mythic-team?preview
For those who are interested in the guild and the heroic raid team please contact us through bnet!
Times a little off but going to post anyway…
Far Beyond Insanity on Stormrage is currently recruiting all range DPS for our core roster. We raid Tues/Wed/Thur 9-Midnight. All 3 days are not used for progression however all 3 are required. The guild have been around since 2008 however stopped raiding during Legion and recently came back. The rebuild have been going very well and came together quickly. Great people, fun friendly family environment. We are not a hardcore guild aiming for cutting edge however we will tackle mythic content one boss at a time and hopes to achieve it. Current progression after 4 weeks is 9/10 heroic.
Btag: Krazy#1922 or Discord: Krazy#6618
Good Afternoon, if you could push a little later we currently have a core spot available for a mage in our raid group. My Btag is Totemics#1624 and i look forward to talking as I believe you would be a great fit for our team. Ill leave our guild and raid info below. Hope to talk to you soon!
Hey there, we’re currently actively recruiting ranged dps for mythic prog, you seem like you may be a good fit, check us out!
Hey! Would love to talk to you about joining our guild and mythic raid prog. as we are in need of a Mage.
We raid wed/thurs/sat(optional) 9-12 EST
Horde - Bleeding Hollow
Very strong core of players - lots of experience and talent. Multiple Ksm’s, many keys away. As well as 2k+ rating pushing.
Add me on discord to talk more. Br33ze420#9584