205 WW monk LF Heroic wed fri sat sun. 5/10m alt

Hello. I’m looking for a group of people to join to kill some dragons. Im available wed fri sat sun usually in the evenings but not past 12AM est.

Its not likely I’ll be orange and pink parsing like my main right away but I just want a nice environment to hang out and attack things. Thanks

Btag: Protecc#11548
Discord: Izaliith#6500


Ex Inferno’s Team Pink raids on Wednesday and Friday and can always use a strong DPS. More details here: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/hex-inferno-910-heroic-cn-wedfri-team-pink-lf-dps-dk-lock-rogue-for-heroicmythic-castle-nathria/758929/21

Contact me on Discord if you have any questions.


Bump! Would love to raid tonight