not new but first time trying to find a group for Aotc maybe mythic raiding.
looking for chill friendly environment, am still learning things on warlock
EST timezone w/f preferred.
could be interested in chartering a new guild with some cool people I have some high ilvl friends who are also interested in aotc.
Hello all!
Rough Around the Edges (RATE) is a Heroic guild currently 10/10N and 2/10H on Dalaran aimed at being a two-night AOTC raiding guild. While we can be considered casual based on number of physical raid nights, we will be taking our progression seriously. we will be using our time on raid night to push and progress. If the group is good, we will consider Mythic content. And we have multiple Mythic + teams that anyone is welcome to join.
Raid time is every Friday and Saturday 9:30-12:20 EST
Current needs:
Healer and DPS
We have experienced raiders in our group, but we do not require an abundance of past experience in order to be considered for a raid spot. What we do require is that you show effort to learn the game, your class, show up on time, and play outside of raid time to keep your character progressing, updated, and ready.
We want people who want to build a nice community so no bad apples are allowed. While progression is our main priority, this is not the place for entitlement and toxicity.
If you are interested in talking a bit more about having a raid spot, you can add me on Discord: Warmarine#1852 , Battle net: Obeone222#1450
Hi Veriaan,
Dusk to Dawn [Blackrock] is looking for more dps/healers and tanks to round out our raid group
-7/10H currently and going for AOTC
-Raid Times W/TH 8:30pm-10:30pm/ Sat 10pm-1am EST
Let me know if you have interest in learning more about us!
Hello there Veriaan.
Extended Maintenance is a long established guild on US Silvermoon (connected realms: Drak’thul, Skywall, Mok’Nathal, Borean Tundra, Shadowsong, Hydraxis and Terenas), formed well over 11 years ago now! We are currently looking to do AotC and Mythic+ content going forward in the expansion with a player focused mentality.
Bellow is our current needs and requirements for raiding, however we are always looking for new, friendly and active players to join our community.
If we feel like a we might be a good fit for you, please shoot me a message via or discord.
Scruffles#11132 (Battle Net)
scrufflesthewonderkin#0756 (Discord)
Hey! My guild, Parsed My Pants is a small, casual group of friends on Zul’jin aiming for AOTC each tier. We just got 7/10 this week and are going to be progging on Sludgefist next. Our raid days aren’t perfect - Tue/Wed 9PM-12 EST instead of Wed/Fri - but if you’re interested regardless, we’d love to have you come try us out. My discord is Bulma#5184 ![:slight_smile: :slight_smile:](
Hey there, if our time sounds okay to you, I’d love to chat.
Mourning Shadows is a Horde guild on Thrall looking for raiders and members. We are AOTC focused and fairly laid back. We have some folks that also pvp heavily, so BGs and Arena teams should be available. Raids Sunday night 9-12 Est (6-9 pm Pacific) We are currently looking for a couple DPS, we are especially interested in a Rogue, DK, Mage and SPriest. We also wouldn’t say no to a dps with a tank OS for M+ and filling in when our tanks are late/missing, an additional healer wouldn’t be turned away either.
Pretty basic raid expectations, learn the fights (we even post short videos in discord for easy access), have food, enchants, flask and pots. DBM or similar and Discord required, GTFO and personal loot helper are recommended.
Please note, this is a small guild, and we intend to stay small, so there aren’t always a ton of folks on. We are LBGTQ friendly. We are also accepting casual members, who want to be bench for raid, are there mostly for M+ or just to have folks to chat with on occasion.
For more information contact BellanyZimz#0791 on discord or Bellany#1567 on Bnet. We hope to hear from you!
Hey man we are an aotc focused guild looking to prog into mythic after we get a solid group of people in. We raid 7-10 central. Check out throw an app and put Frank referred you
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If you are looking for a new guild to kill some bosses and have fun, come talk to us in Fragment! Our current progression sits at 10/10H and 2/10M. We currently are in the stages of rebuilding, so if getting CE quickly is a goal for you we may not be the right fit.
All are always recruiting players with the right skill sets & headspace.
Current recruitment needs:
Hunter: Medium
Mage: Medium
Paladin: Ret: Low, Tank: IMMEDIATE OPENING, Holy: High
Warlock: Medium
Priest: Disc: Low, Holy: Low, Shadow: Medium
Druid: Tank: Low, Boomkin: High, Resto: Low, Feral: Medium
DH: Tank: Low, Dps: High
DK: Tank: Low, Dps: Medium
Shaman: Resto:High, Ele: Medium, Enhance: Medium
Monk: Tank:Low, Dps: Low, MW: Low
Rogue: Medium
Warrior: Tank: Low, Dps: High
Progression Raiding Schedule 8:00-12:00 EST (Inv starting at 7:30)
Tuesday(Prog) - Wednesday (Prog)- Thursday(Clean up/alts runs)
We take a few days off after Progression.
Decisions in this guild are always made with the goal of achieving the right atmosphere and pushing to get CE.
-If this sounds appealing to you please feel free to contact us.
-You can also fill out an application at: h ttps://
Discord: (Guildlead)Tracy#7543
Bnet: Tray#1125
Hi there! So seem like I’m a little late to the party but if you’re still looking thought I’d give this a try. Not sure if our raid times work for you but I thought I’d drop my guild’s info so you can decide. My guild is an AOTC focused guild with possible mythic if we find the right group of people. We’re currently 5-10H. We raid Fridays and Saturdays 8-11pm EST and are on H Mal’Ganis. We’re looking for range dps. My discord is arex#0920. If not, I hope you find the right guild for you!
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Bloodfang Coven - [US] Tichondrius Horde
Who Are We?
Bloodfang Coven is a 10/10N, 8/10H Castle Nathria (4/12M Ny’alotha) casual raiding guild. We are active every day of the week (especially after 5PM PST) offering a wide variety of activities from raiding, mythic+, arenas, and more. We are a tight-knit group of gamers who are committed to raid progress, while remaining fairly casual players. Having fun while being committed to making progress is what we do best!
Who Are We Looking For?
We accept any player of any level, class or playstyle into our guild. Our goal is to build a community of cool and fun people to level and do end-game content with. Nearly anyone is permitted to join. For raiding, Core members are expected to attend regularly and on time, while Alternate members are not required to attend. Core members are always given priority with guild resources and raid group spots.
Raid Days: Tues/Weds 7PM-10PM PST
- Any players interested in M+
- Core Raiders:
- Ranged DPS preferred
- 2 Affliction Warlocks
- Balance Druid (Resto offspec a plus)
- Venthyr Arms Warrior
- Unholy Death Knight
Why#6455 on Discord (Toborxlw in-game), Sandwich#1126 on Discord (Kegslain in-game)
Expectations for Core raiders:
- Be relaxed and fun but when we are ready to pull, focus up.
- Be knowledgeable of your class (know your rotation, do the simple things)
- Attendance! BE ON TIME PLEASE (if not PLEASE let the raid/RL know)
- Keeping a competitive edge throughout raid tier
- Good, respectable attitude and not toxic (we are here to have fun and push content!)
Hey! Check out our recruitment post and if you think we may be a fit for you hit me up on bnet! [H]<Safehouse> Area 52 Late Night Guild 2 Night
Hello highly coveted warlock,
We are Munchma Quchi (6/10H), and we are looking for some solid DPS to fill the holes in our raid team. We are in desperate need of a warlock and demon hunter, and are open to all kinds of DPS (ranged preferred). I don’t think there’s anyone in our raid group under the age of 25, so clearly an adult atmosphere.
We raid Fri/Sat nights at 8:30-11:30 CST. Enchants, consumables and repairs are provided by us for our raiders. We ask that you bring a positive attitude, a good sense of humour, and the willingness to learn.
We run keys daily, we like to PVP, and some of us play other games outside of WoW (le gasp, I know).
Hit me up in-game (Annora#1484) or on discord (Annora#3401) for an invite.
‹Munchma Quchi› @ Daggerspine (US) - Guild Profile (
Hey there! If you’re down for a server transfer I hope you’ll consider joining us ![:slight_smile: :slight_smile:](
Phasers On Stun - H - Illidan 9/10h, 1/10m
Raid times:
Weekend group: 12pm-4pm central time on Saturday Sunday (weekend afternoons). 10/12m.
Weeknight group: 5-8pm central time, Wednesday and Thursday. New for SL.
Friday night heroic (very optional) 5-8pm central time.
Rules & Information:
Age limit - We do not want players under 18, most of the guild is in their mid 20s to mid 30s.
Loot - RCLootCouncil. You keep BoP upgrades for your mainspec. BoEs go to the guild bank always.
Attendance - needs to be above 80% within any rolling 3 month average. Absences need to be posted in discord in advance. Not the place for you if your work schedule is crazy, or you often need to AFK.
Roster size - we run a roster of around 25. 5 people sit for every fight. It rotates on a per boss basis in an attempt to get everyone the loot they need. Know that you will sit sometimes. Probably for at least 1-2 bosses a weekend.
Guild bank - takes all BoEs & provides food, flasks, prepots, repairs, etc.
Civility - We won’t tolerate racism, homophobia, or just generally being a horrible person. First offense gets you removed for any of this.
The ultimate goal of this guild is to build a mythic team capable of getting CE. I don’t have any interest in being top 100, top 500, or anything like that; however I would like to get there eventually. We’re definitely not going to sacrifice being decent human beings or having fun to get there though.
Discord: brandy#0001 brandy#1599
I am from WDBM a horde guild on Illidan and we are recruiting for are second heroic AOTC team that will proceed into some mythic. They currently raid 7-10EST Tuesday/Thursday and are 9/10H.
Feel free to follow the instructions to apply on discord using this code if interested: h5yZVMx
Lok’tar, Veriaan!
Cinder and Ash, Mal’ganis Horde’s Ashen Souls team raids Wednesday/Monday 7-10 CST. We’re currently 1/10H 10/10N with a goal of AOTC by the end of the tier.
My BTAG is Ember#1670 and my Discord is Ember#2528
Hey Veriaan!
Quiche of the Day here from US-Thrall
Raid Days:
Mon/Thur 8-11 EST
Current Prog: 4/10 H (Late Start to Shadowlands)
Our goals are AOTC with a push for CE given we have the right amount of people!
Would love to chat if you’re interested we are super laid back, but love to slam content while listening to music during raids and chatting!
Here’s my discord if you’re interested
We’re on Mal Ganis and lookin for a solid warlock - check our post out and lmk
Hey Veri!
Guild & Server: Predictive Gaming [H] Thrall US
Who are we?
Predictive Gaming is an organization based out of League of Legends and venturing into a competitive WoW Org. We are a mix of newer players and OG vets former top 100 US. Predictive Gaming was first formed to be a place where people could come together and have an inclusive environment to game and meet new friends. We Strive to maintain that inclusive, laid-back vibe, but at the same time focused on our ultimate goal; Pushing for CE content on a laid back schedule.
Main Raid days: [9/10H 2/10M]
Tuesday 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. EST
Friday 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. EST
2nd Raid team: [10/10N 1/10H]
Saturday 9 p.m. - 12 a.m. EST
Sunday 9 p.m. - 12 a.m. EST
Recruitment: [Main Team]
1 Unholy DK
1 Warlock
1 Resto Shaman
1 Hunter
Recruitment: [2nd Team]
Open recruitment currently accepting all exceptional players.
Contact: Swagner#7414 on disc, Swaggoner IG or you can email us at
How’s it going Veriaan?
We have a few teams that meet your needs. I’ll drop some links below so you can check us out if interested. Alternatively or additionally, please feel free to contact me on discord: Saph#7860.
Bnet Post:
Thank you and good luck my friend!
[H] [House of Zug] Area52
We are currently 8/10 Heroic and we are looking for more DPS to join our AOTC focused group. We raid Tuesdays and Thursdays 8:30-12:00 EST. We plan on doing some Mythic for those that are interested in getting into that content. We are a group that enjoys fun and efficient progression as we are mainly a guild of professionals, students and parents with exceptional skills and limited gaming availability. We also do PVP and Mythic+ consistently.
If interested please contact us on bnet Ixxon#1964/discord Ixxon#4013 or bnet Atian#1526/Direglaive#2356 in discord.
Thank you and I hope you find what you’re looking for!