Twitch Drop: Get the Coward’s Azure Target Transmog — Now Live!

Twitch Drop: Get the Coward’s Azure Target Transmog — Now Live!

There’s plunder to be had when the Plunderstorm makes landfall and you can claim your piece of it by watching any World of Warcraft stream on from January 14 at 10:00 am PST through February 4 at 10:00 am PST.

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Did… did anyone use the first one?

The recolor is better but its…well it


No but i have no sets it fits with atm.


Won’t say no to another 3D back piece, even though I can’t really imagine what I’d use it for. looks at the Zekvir back piece which I have no idea what mog it would go with either.


Ive used that one… but my mogs trend towards dark red and black.

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Oh yea, Ill be sure to watch as much as I can for this

Great reward

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I like the subtle jab at people who ran away to do their quests last year lol

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I’d like to see a swift spectral tiger for a twitch drop or the Wendigo Woolies.


Can’t wait to do the first quest and then run into the storm again for a few hundred times…


Glad they decided to stop flinging out tcg for free. :dracthyr_yay_animated:

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I likely won’t be bothered to participate in Plunderstorm, much less watch (or make it look like I’m watching) someone else play it.

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You’re never happy.


They’re really not, but on this I’d probably agree with them. :sweat_smile:


Free recolor twitch drop. Back in my days,.you got nothing and be happy about it!

Seriousness though, I don’t use twitch so this is pointless. But like most things in the game, it is neat and good for those who want it

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Professionals have standards

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I need to see what mounts & pets are available before I commit to run Plundersuicide again

These Twitch drops are the only use my browser ever gets of the “mute tab” icon lol. But hey, if it means something to some bean-counter that my laptop quietly “watched” this for me, happy to help your bottom line.

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Whats the name?

Time to set a muted, dimmed, low res settings and turned around tablet in a corner in a room I will not be in for a few hours…

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