Twitch Drop: Get the Coward’s Azure Target Transmog — Now Live!

It’s Zekvir’s Raptorial Spine. For the most part the 3D pieces are awesome, I always put only them as my favs in the cape section. But I wish there was a cool recolor of the pirate set instead as a drop.

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There’s one of those coming with Plunderstorm itself, at least

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Reminds me of Demoman’s shield from TF2 with the damage + arrows etc. Nice.

At least they you don’t have to renowned levels for pets and mounts this time…

I have a magic rooster and don’t care if it ends up on there
others shouldn’t either tbh

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The plunder will be mine! Mwuahahaha… oh I mean Arrghhh!

See, that’s the thing

The game already has like 1200 mounts that are pointless and worthless and don’t matter

It’s okay if there’s a few cool and rare ones

Pass on the Twitch mog.


I know it is a basically a free thing. I will be watching content anyway, so I will end up with it. As it is a free gift, I get it isn’t going to be super fancy or ultra cool, but I guess I would like something… better? Just my opinion

I really don’t like the backpacks or back pieces in this game most of the time.

Launcher says “GET YOUR DROP NOW!”

…Still not interested. Not even a little bit.

11% done and game isn’t even up yet.

I don’t like it at all, it’s just as ugly as the one we got from the TP.

But it’s free and all I have to do is leave a tab open muted on one of three monitors so I’ll get it.

When we getting more TCG Mounts? :smiley:

Eh. This one isn’t worth watching a streamer


Alright, I have a stream going on each monitor and I am not getting any progress whatsoever.

Guess I won’t be getting this ugly thing after all.

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Nothing of value would be lost, honestly. :stuck_out_tongue:


Not happening. I didn’t like the one I got for completing the trading post for the month. I’m definitely not going to go out of my way for this.

Perhaps a certain Rooster? That would be nice. +1 vote for this

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I’m confused on the directions to claim this drop. I’m already connected to the Twitch account. I have claimed the drop, but it still keeps asking me to “connect” my account. Is anyone else having this issue? I’m too scared to disconnect and try and reconnect because to the 7day cooling down period. Any ideas how to get the drop if you are ALREADY CONNECTED?

Now why on earth would I want to watch someone else play WoW of all things? Phooey, I dislike the Twitch events. :dracthyr_cry: