Maybe looking for a new Raid team to join. Preferably Friday/Saturday Nights. 204 Horde SPriest as a main and lvling a Prot Pally to tank later on.
Willing to change servers if the right fit comes along.
Have completed raid on normal and looking for a heroic team to eventual mythic team. Also run a lot of Mythic+ and want to continue with that.
About Us
We are Imminent Failure, a horde guild on Area 52. We are currently 10/10N, 7/10H and currently progressing. We are intent on clearing into Mythic and are looking for like minded dedicated players to finish filling out raid spots. We do not bench any raider, if recruited you raid each week. We are a core of very experienced players that have been together for upwards of 8-10 years. We recently transferred to Area 52 from Stormrage alliance.
Outside of raid we have an active group of players that enjoy pushing M+ keys to increase gear or IO. We also have many that enjoy other games in addition to WoW and generally a very active and inclusive discord community.
Raid Times
Friday: 10PM - 1AM EST
Saturday: 10PM - 1AM EST
A third day is possible in mythic content, and would be discussed and voted on by the guild.
Knowledge of your class and each spec it provides
Communication in raid as needed (working mic)
A humble and good attitude
Character is enchanted/gemmed appropriately for raid
Maintain 90% raid attendance, emergencies happen and we completely understand this
Recruitment Needs
Do not hesitate to apply even if your class/spec is not listed below. There is no substitution for great players regardless of class and spec.
Any off spec for M+ that can dps during Raid
Shadow Priest
Fire Mage
Unholy DK
Outlaw Rogue
WW Monk
MM Hunter
Disc/Holy Priest
Holy Paladin
Btag - Optykal#1104
Disc - Mekk#4763
Btag - Waffuru#11750
Disc - Waffuru#3943
Hi there! I thought I’d drop my guild’s info so you can decide. My guild is an AOTC focused guild with possible mythic if we find the right group of people. We’re currently 5-10H. We raid Fridays and Saturdays 8-11pm EST and are on H Mal’Ganis. You don’t need to switch servers to raid with us and get a feel for it. We’re looking for range dps. My discord is arex#0920. If not, I hope you find the right guild for you!
Hey Shadow
I know you mentioned Friday or Saturdays, but would Sundays from 6-9pm CST work for you? I’ll drop some links below so you can check us out if interested. Alternatively or additionally, please feel free to contact me on discord: Saph#7860.
Bnet Post:
Thank you and good luck my friend!
Unfortunately I can’t do Sundays or during the week after 8pm Est… (work reasons)
Hey Shadow,
We’d love to chat
Fri/Sat 10PM-1AM
Kovas#11562 (Bnet)
Koviey#2257 (Discord)
Hey Shadow,
I run Forgone Conclusion on Thrall. We raid Friday/Saturday from 9:30pm est till 12 and are currently 3/10h. Would be happy to have a chat with you about joining us to see how you fit!
Huw#1749 (Bnet)
CeiHuw#7933 (Discord)
Hello there Shadow.
Extended Maintenance is a long established guild on US Silvermoon (connected realms: Drak’thul, Skywall, Mok’Nathal, Borean Tundra, Shadowsong, Hydraxis and Terenas), formed well over 11 years ago now! We are currently looking to do AotC and Mythic+ content going forward in the expansion with a player focused mentality.
Bellow is our current needs and requirements for raiding, however we are always looking for new, friendly and active players to join our community.
If we feel like a we might be a good fit for you, please shoot me a message via or discord.
Scruffles#11132 (Battle Net)
scrufflesthewonderkin#0756 (Discord)
Hello adorable shadow fox,
We are Munchma Quchi (6/10H), and we are looking for some solid DPS to fill the holes in our raid team. We are in desperate need of a warlock and demon hunter, but are open to all kinds of DPS (ranged preferred, which you fit into!). I don’t think there’s anyone in our raid group under the age of 25, so clearly an adult atmosphere.
We raid Fri/Sat nights at 8:30-11:30 CST. Enchants, consumables and repairs are provided by us for our raiders. We ask that you bring a positive attitude, a good sense of humour, and the willingness to learn. We have dabbled in mythic, and have achieved AOTC in every tier since we began in Legion.
We run keys daily, we like to PVP, and some of us play other games outside of WoW (le gasp, I know).
If this sounds like the kind of environment for you, hit me up in-game (Annora#1484) or on discord (Annora#3401) for an invite.
‹Munchma Quchi› @ Daggerspine (US) - Guild Profile (
Hey there. We are a newly re-formed guild that will focus on mythic raiding and pushing CE as soon as we can fill out our roster and get everyone geared up. In the mean time, we are organizing Heroic PUGs during our normal raiding hours of Thursday & Monday 8-11pm Eastern. Try us out for a night. My contact information can be found here:é-disco-is-newly-reformed-thursmon-8-11pm-est/825023
Hi there!
Our raid nights are Tuesday and Saturday, but most prog happens on Saturdays! If you can handle one weekday raid night, we may be a good fit for you. We’re 7/10H CN right now and looking to get through the last few bosses in the next weeks. We do an absolute TON of M+ in our downtown and have a very social community!
If you’re interested, hit me up on discord (LadyPeebles#0310) and we can chat more about your fit!
Hi Shadow – I think we’d be a great fit (assuming raid times are a bit flexible for you). Take a look at our post and let us know what you think. Happy to chat more!
Hey Shadow,
[Arise] We are located on Tichondrius. Our core has been formed through longtime friendships which has always been the foundation of our guild. Our goal is set on mythic progression with intention of pushing CE. We’re an extremely close group of people that are always willing to help out with whatever you need to be successful in the guild. We also like to occasionally spam M+ outside of raid times for gearing fellow guild members. Our core is made up of positive individuals who strive to push the guild in a path towards CE.
Current Recruitment Needs:
<Range: Hunter, Mage, Warlock
<Healer: Shaman, Resto Druid
(Even if your class isn’t specifically listed above, we encourage you to apply or contact the recruiter anyways. We are a progression guild after all and we will always consider exceptional players)
Raid Schedule :
Wednesday: 8:00pm - 11:00pm PST
Friday: 8:00pm - 11:00pm PST
Castle Nathria
10/10 N
10/10 H
2/10 M
General requirements include:
Mature players (Preferably 21+)
-Positive attitude towards every situation.
-Ability to adapt and overcome.
-Desire and passion to get better each and every night with the intention of achieving personal goals/guild goals.
-Ability to use Discord and have a working mic.
-Ability to frequently check up on our discord for updates on raid strategies and other general guild information.
We understand real life takes priority so a simple heads up to the GM or an officer will suffice. If you cannot keep a raid attendance of 90%, then this guild might not be the right fit for you.
Feel free to contact us with any questions:
Kostadine- Kostadine#1413
Kostadine - Kosta#8757
Cake Plantation is a newly reformed guild on Illidan and looking to get back into the mythic scene. We’re a guild of raid veterans looking to enjoy pushing content, having fun, and fostering an environment for life long friends. We consider ourselves as a cas-core guild looking to progress at a great pace while also having a good life/game balance. If you’re into fun times, funny people, and bad transmogs, we’re probably the guild for you.
Raid Schedule:
Sunday/Monday 9pm-12am EST(6pm-9pm PST)
Atoxsis- Bnet: Seff#1651 Discord:Atoxsis#52344
Hey Shadow! Seeing your preferred raid times I think our guild might be a great fit for you!
is a semi-hardcore alliance guild on the Stormrage server. Currently 10/10N looking to fill out our raid roster as we push into heroic. We plan to achieve AOTC and do some minor mythic raiding should time permit.
We are currently accepting any applications for healers and DPS.
Raid days: Fri-Sat 7:00-9:00pmCST
We are a laid back and very social group that runs M+ constantly whenever we’re on and not raiding. We love kicking in Discord and playing other games from time to time. If you want friends or a good group to run mid level M+ and raids we’re your guild!
If you are interested in joining comment below or message any of the following:
Slimjim2417 #1979 (recruitment officer)
Azunyan#1165 (GM)